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Make Rapid Changes With This Mind Fix, Discovered By Erin Pheil

Eliminate mental roadblocks to stop suffering and finally grow

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Eliminate Mental Roadblock Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Started as a twinge in her left ankle and she thought it was just a mountain biking injury
  • The pain migrated to her shoulder
  • Then her lower back
  • The pain lasted 2.5 years
  • Tension pain migrated throughout her body
  • In one session she had an epiphany
  • Shift how you see things
  • Shift what you believe to be true

Eat This To Sell More

  • What's creating this lens
  • Get rid of the belief that you have to be right and that you have to convince everyone that you're right
Rapid change is possible. The first thing you need to do is understand your pattern."
  • She had a deep need to be right so she'd bulldoze relationships and conversations
  • Now she knows how to live with people with different beliefs
  • This creates a lot of freedom
  • We all have a little big of imposter syndrome
  • How to completely remove your big nagging issues that are holding you back...
  • Most of us know the pattern that is holding us back...
  • Work backwards
  • We don't have problems for no reason
  • We struggle because of what we believe to be true
  • "What would I have to believe to be true to keep experiencing this?"
  • "I'm a fake, a fraud, a phony, I'm not competent, I'm not good at sales..."
  • "I'm stuck and it's not random. It's not for no reason. It's because of my belief."
  • You can change thoughts, feelings, actions...
  • Are you more afraid of success than failure?
  • You fear what comes along with success:
    • The extra responsibilities
    • The things 
  • The actions we take are based on the thoughts we have and the emotions we feel
  • We can force people to do things and create a lot of stress in the process and they'll push through a lot of resistance and anxiety
  • We have free will
  • "Facts don't change our minds when we have a strong belief."
  • Like salespeople who think discussing money is dirty or impolite
  • Clear out that negative belief
  • Some part of them believes they saw that proof
  • Unhook that connection to neutralize that belief
  • Beliefs are usually these big assumptions so now you're left with possibilities and choice
  • We all believe "I'm not good enough" to some degree about something
  • Success story in sales
    • Formally trained but struggling to implement
    • Knew what to do but wasn't following through
    • In a few weeks they found a lot of self-esteem issues and beliefs like sales is sleazy, people don't want to hear from me, and about money
    • They cleared out those negative beliefs
    • All of the training he had learned was uncorked and popped so he doubled his revenue in three months and a year later he was earning each month what he had learned the previous year
    • You don't need more. You need to clear out the blocks.

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast


Wes Schaeffer: Erin Pheil, founder of the mind. Fix group, all the way from Frisco, Colorado. Welcome to the sales podcast. How the heck are you
Erin Pheil: How the heck am I, I am fine. I'm doing great today. Thank you.
Wes Schaeffer: Merely just fine.
Wes Schaeffer: Talking to the post coven one and only sales whisper, and you're just fine.
Erin Pheil: I'm doing great, thank you.
Wes Schaeffer: You're gonna have to lay down the couch. We're gonna have to prop your feet up.
Erin Pheil: We gotta
Wes Schaeffer: Dig deep into this
Erin Pheil: Indie that
Wes Schaeffer: So I was reading about you.
Wes Schaeffer: careful when you put about us stuff up there, somebody might read it.
Wes Schaeffer: Then they might ask you about it.
Wes Schaeffer: It was interesting because you know you're just some marketing puke like me, and like what I could just talk to myself, why don't even another marketing puke. And I realized
Wes Schaeffer: More than just the marketing puke. Aren't you
Erin Pheil: I don't really think I'm not good at marketing. So I hope I'm more than a marketing puke I again I, fingers crossed here.
Wes Schaeffer: So pressing. So, I mean, I was reading the story, and it was, it was amazing. You mean you were doing well, you're still doing well. But you had this nagging feeling of inadequacy. Right. And would you say that that that manifest itself as
Wes Schaeffer: Physically because you said for two and a half years. You were in just complete pain, right.
Wes Schaeffer: I mean, like, like a whole-body ache. I mean, like, you're back. What, like is it
Erin Pheil: Depression. It started as a twinge of my left.
Erin Pheil: Ankle and
Erin Pheil: Thought it was no big deal. You know, like just a little mountain biking injury. No big deal.
Erin Pheil: And it didn't go away. And so I kept getting more and more tests and more and more tests and suddenly like a week of just rest became a month than two or three months.
Erin Pheil: And then the pain started to migrate was like suddenly I was doing push-ups. One day I was like, oh my gut. Now my shoulder is really like. It's hurt. It gets hurt just from
Erin Pheil: Some and then suddenly in my low back started it just kind of migrated and moved up in spread across
Erin Pheil: My body and would come and go. There was no rhyme or reason there's a few key areas you know like suddenly
Erin Pheil: My hamstring is feeling like it's pulled and it was like my body was starting to shut down and these tension patterns were just spreading across it, and I couldn't understand what was happening and none of the doctors could either
Wes Schaeffer: Wow, the experts couldn't figure it out. Is that what you're telling me?
Wes Schaeffer: More and more, I have less than less faith in the experts.
Wes Schaeffer: But you were meeting with a therapist, she said something that kind of would you say knock the cobwebs loose.
Erin Pheil: Yeah, yeah. She was the one that pointed out this concept of, like, it's not actually what's going on in your life. It's really how you're looking at it your mental lens, the glasses that you're wearing and
Erin Pheil: Like all of the beliefs that you're carrying around, that's impacting how you're experiencing the world. It's not the world you're living. It's not your life.
Erin Pheil: If you can change what's going on, like how you see the world, a lot of your suffering can actually go away, and nobody had ever said that to me before everything I'd ever done and
Erin Pheil: Tried to work on it was like, Okay, if you just meditate, a little bit longer.
Erin Pheil: If you just repeat these affirmations to yourself a little bit more if you just keep tracking a journal. Every time you make a mountain out of a molehill. Or you're
Erin Pheil: Painting things, you know, with like a testament pessimistic attitude, then that's the way you're that you're going to see success. And this was the first time it was like if you can just shift how you're seeing things.
Erin Pheil: You know your life can change. And if you can change what you believe to be true. That's where it really started to get interesting is when she started to
Erin Pheil: Pinpoint that it's not just the mental ends, not your mental end is dirty, and that was interesting, but when she said
Erin Pheil: What's creating this lens and determining how your experience in your life is really what you believe to be true.
Erin Pheil: That's, that's what fascinated me, and kind of had the light bulb gone over my head of maybe there is something that I can actually start to work on changing that will have a major impact on my life.
Wes Schaeffer: Few people
Wes Schaeffer: I guess without you, without your program. Few people are going to have these breakthroughs been my experience unless they hit rock bottom.
Wes Schaeffer: I've had hundreds of guests. I've had many of them hit rock bottom. And the nice thing is when you do hit rock bottom. You usually can't go any lower. I mean, you know, you can be really stubborn, and maybe I'll get a jackhammer but usually, people
Wes Schaeffer: bounce back from rock bottom, but I've always asked, like can we help people not hit rock bottom.
Wes Schaeffer: To have this epiphany and turn things around. I mean,
Wes Schaeffer: Because I see it. I just told my wife last night.
Wes Schaeffer: I see it with the whole political debates and the race issues. And you know, I went to a unique school right Air Force Academy. It's out near you.
Wes Schaeffer: I'd like to think we're semi well educated coming out of that place and a classmate of mine that I know rather well he happens to be black.
Wes Schaeffer: He shared a story yesterday. I'd never heard of about World War Two. And I went and looked it up and found multiple resources.
Wes Schaeffer: The first three resources, including Wikipedia that contradicted his post, contradicted the dates contradicted the number of people contradicted the reason the scuffle happened. And I'm like,
Wes Schaeffer: And I asked him, I'm like dude, I'm not finding the same info. He just says that people are hiding the truth that people just don't know it.
Wes Schaeffer: So I'm just, and it saddens me right. I'm like, I can't have a conversation with this person that I've known for 32 years
Wes Schaeffer: Because he has different facts than
Wes Schaeffer: And so that's just a very recent thing.
Wes Schaeffer: I mean, how
Wes Schaeffer: Should I even try to have a conversation with them or do I just let him have his own facts and just
Wes Schaeffer: chalk it up to, you know, it's not a last relationship, but it's not going to be as deep of a relationship because I know he fosters this ill will, between white and black based on a story that I can't verify is true at all.
Erin Pheil: Hmm, you know, that's, I mean. So the question is, what should I do about this situation right
Wes Schaeffer: Today is truth right so I'm talking
Wes Schaeffer: You know, it's not me. It's him. But, but maybe someone is struggling with something
Wes Schaeffer: That isn't jiving is causing them to. I'm sure this causes him stress and anger because he posted it right. He's like, can you believe this, you believe this happened, our own military our own troops fought one another. So he's upset about this.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, but it's not true, but it's like I can't help him right that there, you had to come to your own awakening like oh crap. Okay, it's within my power to fix me
Wes Schaeffer: Nobody else could tell you
Wes Schaeffer: That right, so i mean
Wes Schaeffer: I can't tell him that can I
Erin Pheil: You can. I don't know how effective it's
Erin Pheil: Right here. Welcome to
Erin Pheil: You know, one of the beliefs.
Erin Pheil: That I had to end up getting rid of to create a lot of space and possibility in my life is this belief that I have to be right.
Erin Pheil: And that if I know what's right, I have to convince other people of what's right that there there is this need for me to be right and it came from having to argue a lot when I was younger and my family and how I would see my dad when
Erin Pheil: Because he could argue his way and he would argue, you know, this, this, this, this, and then he'd get his way. And he was the CEO of a company. He said this, this, this and this, and he was always right. And people would do it, he said.
Erin Pheil: And as a child. As I watched that, I came to the conclusion that when you're right, you win when you're right, things happen when you're right, you have control, and you have power.
Erin Pheil: And that's actually a belief that I had to clear out and get rid of for myself because I had such a deep need subconscious, of course, didn't realize it.
Erin Pheil: To be right that I would bulldoze conversations and relationships. So now, I have a friend who has the most opposite political views of mine that you could not put us on more polar ends of the spectrum.
Erin Pheil: And yet, and she'll sit there. She'll tell me about what she believes I disagree. We just don't talk about that, but I don't feel the need to try and convince her of
Erin Pheil: You should believe what I believe I'm now able to exist and have this relationship with someone who I love and care about and allow that.
Erin Pheil: Disagreement to be there without feeling the need that. I need to be right. I need to change her. I need to convince her. I can still love her appreciate her spend time with her without us having to agree on everything. And that's actually created a lot of freedom in my relationships is
Erin Pheil: Not having to have be an agreement and in alignment with every single thing with all of my friends and colleagues partners.
Wes Schaeffer: How do I convince my prospects, though, that I'm the best and I'm worth every dime. Come on, give me the magic I 'ma turn the video off.
Wes Schaeffer: I just want to sell this info later. So go ahead.
Erin Pheil: I think that's your job to tell me how to do that. I think we've got you've got mixed up. I think
Erin Pheil: You are the selection that tells people
Erin Pheil: How to explain
Erin Pheil: I don't you open just like you open. I'm not that good.
Wes Schaeffer: Okay, I just trying to find myself through my guests. Okay, you're supposed to enlighten me
Erin Pheil: Okay.
Erin Pheil: Ready for some enlightenment. Enlightenment. Hmm.
Wes Schaeffer: All right. We'll come back to that.
Erin Pheil: Okay, gotcha.
Wes Schaeffer: But, but how does. I mean, people are listening to this.
Wes Schaeffer: We all have some degree of that.
Wes Schaeffer: The fraud syndrome or what a
Erin Pheil: Pastor senior
Wes Schaeffer: Pastor syndrome. Thank you.
Wes Schaeffer: And and we hold ourselves back I mean is
Wes Schaeffer: Is there something that we can do a mass people listen to this.
Wes Schaeffer: Is there something they could
Wes Schaeffer: How do they shock themselves out of this.
Wes Schaeffer: Where do they begin
Erin Pheil: Great question, and I have a really
Erin Pheil: Fun answer. So the first step to understanding how you can get completely rid of things like imposter syndrome and not feeling good enough.
Erin Pheil: difficulty making cold calls, nervousness talking about budget on sales calls, all these things that people deal with
Erin Pheil: I've seen them completely 100% eliminated. Steve, I'm literally I'm working for the man right now who is not made he couldn't make a sales calls cold call 35 years
Erin Pheil: And he's had panic attacks and phobias it. Can't do it. Can't do it. And he's worked with us made for last week, no fear.
Erin Pheil: So what I, the first thing is I want people to know that rapid change is possible with whatever patterns are experiencing imposter syndrome difficulty talking about money boundaries, whatever it is.
Erin Pheil: And the very first thing that you need to do, obviously, is understand what is your pattern. Where are you holding yourself back
Erin Pheil: Where are you experiencing resistance and struggle in your life. So most people will go off. I'm a perfectionist. Oh I procrastinate. I've got imposter syndrome. Most people will know what pattern.
Erin Pheil: Is holding them back. So what we can do after you know what's going on and what you'd like to change in your life as we work backwards so as human beings we don't have these problems for no reason. They don't just show up out of the blue.
Erin Pheil: We have these patterns and the struggles because of what we believe to be true.
Erin Pheil: So if a woman has a pattern of seeing cats and then screaming and running away and she's like Aaron, I need help with this. I don't want to do this, we can go. Okay.
Erin Pheil: What would you have to believe to be true to be experiencing this pattern, we could probably find a belief that cats are dangerous.
Erin Pheil: That would lead her to act that way and have fear around cats and have thoughts of I'm in danger. Every time she says test. The same goes for patterns related to sales.
Erin Pheil: So if you have a belief or if you have a pattern of imposter syndrome or you get on the phone, you're like, I'm not good enough. I probably shouldn't be doing this right. And that's your pattern that someone else could be doing better. I can't. I really can't be doing this for them.
Erin Pheil: This magic million-dollar question that people can ask themselves to uncover why they're acting this way is, is this what would I have to believe to be true in order to keep experiencing this
Erin Pheil: So if you're getting on the phone and you feel like you're an imposter. And you're feeling nervousness, it's very likely that some part of you believes. I'M A FAKE. I'm a fraud.
Erin Pheil: I'm a phony. I'm not good enough. I'm not competent. I'm not good at sales. I'm not good at what I do.
Erin Pheil: So it makes sense that if you had some combination of those beliefs, some part of you believe those things to be true.
Erin Pheil: That you're going to show up with imposter syndrome, right, like a to b. Makes sense, somebody who believes those things is going to show up with imposter syndrome.
Erin Pheil: So the very that what we do. And the way to get rid of your patterns is to clear out those beliefs, like the same way you can get rid of the belief in Santa Claus in a five-minute conversation you can get rid of these beliefs that we've been carrying around our whole lives.
Wes Schaeffer: What about Santa Claus.
Erin Pheil: Stop it. Don't you do that.
Erin Pheil: Don't you pretend. Stop it.
Erin Pheil: There's always someone
Wes Schaeffer: I'm just gonna go on mute you keep going. I'm
Erin Pheil: Heartbroken I broken
Erin Pheil: So,
Wes Schaeffer: The very first step.
Erin Pheil: One of the most amazing things people can do
Erin Pheil: Is go, you know what? I'm stuck. And I'm holding myself back, and it's not random. It's not for no reason. It's because of what I believe.
Erin Pheil: The beliefs are what's causing my problems. So uncovering those beliefs allows you to really quickly zoom into the root problem of why you're stuck.
Erin Pheil: You can't do try to change your thoughts, and you know do affirmations, try to calm yourself down, and change your emotions that that's pushing against these beliefs that are creating those thoughts and emotions.
Erin Pheil: When we can work with the root stuff, you can change thoughts and emotions and actions easily effortlessly, you're not pushing against all of these
Erin Pheil: frustrating aspects of your existence because the beliefs are holding them all into place. Change the beliefs, everything changes down the line.
Wes Schaeffer: So let me ask you something because I asked this a while ago of a guest.
Wes Schaeffer: I forget who
Wes Schaeffer: Might have been like Michael Hyatt, it was, it was somebody well known very successful and he kind of disagree with me, I, I've always believed. I think that people are more afraid of success and failure.
Wes Schaeffer: And I remember him. Oh, no, no, like,
Wes Schaeffer: I've worked with a lot of people
Erin Pheil: Hmm.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, I hadn't gone through the trauma you went through, but I feel like I'm pretty good with people reading them.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, empathizing
Wes Schaeffer: And
Wes Schaeffer: I don't know, I just, I think we all have that imposter syndrome, to a greater or lesser degree, I think it holds a lot of people back more
Wes Schaeffer: Than they even know or would admit and that they, you know, it's like I'm hanging with my crew. We're all good and all of a sudden, you know, my, my crew, you know, maybe drives a new minivan. But it's still a minivan. And if I show up in a brand new Cadillac Escalades
Wes Schaeffer: I might get some grief. My. Who do you think you are a fat cat one you do so well, why don't you buy the round of drinks. This time and it is that credit bucket of crabs in the bucket. Right. And they get pulled down. So am I. Am I onto something. Am I, am I off base. What do you think
Erin Pheil: In terms of your theory that people fear success more than they feel fear failure.
Erin Pheil: I disagree with you, only a touch. I wouldn't say I mean I've worked with a lot of people you've worked with a lot of people
Erin Pheil: And I wouldn't say that people fear success, more than failure. I, I honestly see like an even amount. I see a lot of fear of success. You're exactly right. I just don't think that I see it like out of balance a disproportionate or a lot more than fear of failure.
Erin Pheil: I see them both. Yeah, um,
Wes Schaeffer: So it's definitely a problem.
Erin Pheil: So,
Erin Pheil: Yes, there. Yeah, but people. It's interesting because the wording is odd people go, fear of success. Your success. And that's true, but they fear.
Erin Pheil: Is what they think will come along with success they fear the ridicule. They fear additional work they fear not being able to spend time with their family. They fear.
Erin Pheil: The stuff that comes along with success. So when people go, I don't fear success.
Erin Pheil: Right. The word success may not mean anything to them, but it's all the stuff that they're assuming they're gonna have to deal with. If they reach new levels of success. That's what's terrifying to a lot of people
Wes Schaeffer: You know what? I agree with your disagreement.
Erin Pheil: Cool. How cool is that
Like that.
Wes Schaeffer: So have you heard of Jocko willing
Erin Pheil: Is he the Navy SEAL.
Wes Schaeffer: So he's just, he's so. Matter of fact, right. People will they'll hit him up on Twitter like because he's big on he wakes up at 4:30 am right
Wes Schaeffer: takes a picture of his watch, and I get effort. People are like, taco. I really struggle with waking up early. What do I do, he says, wake up early.
Wes Schaeffer: choco, I really have problems exercising in the morning. What do I do
Wes Schaeffer: Exercise in the morning. It's just, every time. Right, that's the answer and
Wes Schaeffer: And I've gone back and forth. I'm like, yeah. Amen. I'm like, Nah, man, it's deeper than that. I'm like, yeah, I think he's right. Let me, so you're
Wes Schaeffer: Getting hints of that from you and
Wes Schaeffer: Am I picking up the right hints
Erin Pheil: That, that, that's how I think that just tell people what to do and you should do it.
Wes Schaeffer: Well, not necessarily that route or direct. But, I mean, it seems like you had that epiphany, like, hey, this is on me. I don't. There's no secret. There's no kumbaya I don't have some, some, I have told in batwing powder and incantation I just gotta suck it up and fix myself.
Erin Pheil: I totally take a different angle.
Erin Pheil: With Jocko right, it's this very masculine driven. Just do it; take the action right.
Erin Pheil: But like I said, actions, the actions we take
Erin Pheil: The actions we take are determined by the thoughts we have and the emotions that we feel, so let's go back to our woman who's scared of cats example, we could be like toughen up woman walk past that cat right just do it now gun to her head. She can do it.
Erin Pheil: Million dollars, she could do it. She can absolutely can she do it. Yes, right, if she does it. She's going to push past, there will be resistance, there will be stress hormones, there will be fear, there will be anxiety.
Erin Pheil: She's like her body may be tense and put it go into muscular tension patterns. Right. But she can do it.
Erin Pheil: Someone's like just do it. She can do it, but she's pushing a lot of resistance. The reason is we have free will, and we can act against our beliefs if she has a belief that cats are dangerous, walking past that cat is really hard.
Erin Pheil: Now, imagine we came along with a little magic wand bopped her over the head and got rid of the belief that cats are dangerous and then we said, Now walk past the cats.
Erin Pheil: Different story she can do it with ease. Without stress, without worrying, without the thoughts that she's in danger. She can do it without the resistance.
Erin Pheil: So what Jocko is saying is, do it and people can do it, but they're pushing resistance. They're pushing through stress, they're pushing through fear and anxiety, and it's a lot of work.
Erin Pheil: When you can change the belief, that's making it hard for you to take the action. You can do it with ease and effortlessness, right. The perfectionist to was like, I can't send an email unless I spell check it four times.
Erin Pheil: Jocko would be like, just send an email, can somebody do that? Yes, they can hit send, but it's going to create stress and frustration and resistance if we get rid of the belief that clients won't like me unless I'm 100% perfect we get rid of that belief.
Erin Pheil: Suddenly, it's easy for them to send an email without having a spell check it four times.
Erin Pheil: So the difference is, can you do it. Yes. How hard is it going to be? And do you want to push through the resistance?
Wes Schaeffer: So let me ask you something. Because I see both sides of this and
Wes Schaeffer: That perfectionist. Let's say you know the belief behind the spell checking for time, just because he thinks he'll
Wes Schaeffer: Be ridiculed, or someone will call them a dummy or say, hey did you cheat your way through school clear history to give your degree back. Nope, you get a refund because you're a big dummy because you misspelled this word, or they think they'll lose a client, but after they hit send.
Wes Schaeffer: And somebody immediately replies. So I love that story. Thank you for sending that email somebody immediately replies. So I just put the link on your calendar. Thanks for sending that email.
Erin Pheil: I know you love it.
Wes Schaeffer: Two or three or 37 positive things. They'll be like, Oh, hell, I'll just send an email, right, because
Wes Schaeffer: I can you're helping them change the beliefs, so they can take the action Jocko saying, I will just do the action, you'll realize the thing you fear is 99.9% not as bad as what you thought. And that'll change your beliefs because you'll experience something different than what you believe.
Erin Pheil: facts don't change our minds. Most of the time, especially with our deepest beliefs and patterns.
Erin Pheil: Impacts that
Erin Pheil: That's why you can get into these. That's why they call it political debates.
Erin Pheil: You can ask someone who loves Trump right or loves Obama, and you can come up with 100 facts of why that president was not good or all these horrible things, and they'll be like, Nope. Those don't count.
Erin Pheil: Right, you can have Harvard professors who think that they are stupid, you can have Olympic athletes who beat themselves up for not being good enough in other better than almost everybody else on the planet.
Erin Pheil: You can have beautiful models women who are drop-dead gorgeous or anorexic. Right. And who think they're ugly and fat.
Erin Pheil: And it doesn't matter how much they step on the scale and see that there are hundred under 100 pounds or you put them next to obese people and go, look, this is that this is you
Erin Pheil: facts don't change our minds when we have a firm, strong belief about something part of us is holding on to the belief in facts don't change it. So that's why you can have the woman who's scared of cats, and she might walk past three cats.
Erin Pheil: Doesn't make her fear go away. It doesn't make her fear go away. Like if you take somebody who has a belief that airplanes are dangerous.
Erin Pheil: You put them on my mom's had like hate has hated flying since she was a little girl. She's got she goes on flights every year, just because she makes it safe and sound and she reads
Erin Pheil: Articles that say that flying a safer than driving, none of those facts have changed her mind. She's still terrified to go on a plane.
Erin Pheil: If it was that easy, and it just took a little bit of repetition for us to, oh yes, this is the new truth, then we'd have our lives will be a lot easier.
Wes Schaeffer: So we have to address the belief
Wes Schaeffer: Before we do the action.
Erin Pheil: It's, it's, it's kind of the easiest way we can push through and take actions. But if the belief is there. Oftentimes, we find that the resistance and the stress is just too much for us to keep
Erin Pheil: Keep moving forward. You know, we work with entrepreneurs, or we work with salespeople who have these beliefs, it's wrong to talk about money or sales a sleazy and then they go, and they do all these trainings and that they
Erin Pheil: Take all these courses.
Erin Pheil: And it's like, no matter how hard they work, they can pick up the phone, they have all the strategies and tactics, and they're told what they're supposed to be saying
Erin Pheil: And then they come back a month later. No, I couldn't make any phone calls, or I got to the budget step, and I couldn't bring myself to ask. I knew what I was supposed to do my
Erin Pheil: Sales coach told me how I'm supposed to talk about money, and I couldn't do it. It's just like, it's just like pulling teeth.
Erin Pheil: So when you get stuck, like that, when you start getting in your own way, and you go, I have this pattern. And it's really holding me back that's usually when it's time to look at a belief.
Erin Pheil: Because your hard work is is it's not working. And you're just getting stuck in loops. Sometimes it's a light belief, or there's no belief at all. And you can push through something like
Erin Pheil: Oh, it's just an assumption, and you're great when you're stuck when you can't push past something that's usually when it's time to go. Okay, what belief is causing me to experience this over and over
Wes Schaeffer: Can this change the belief that you know, try to tell my wife that rubbing my shoulder for an hour every night would bring her great joy and relaxation and fulfillment and in the world can I
Wes Schaeffer: And I sent her to some of your training.
Erin Pheil: So to plant new beliefs. I think you need some master hypnotherapist
Erin Pheil: You need some hypnosis.
Erin Pheil: To convince her of that.
Erin Pheil: We do.
Erin Pheil: I am not.
Wes Schaeffer: I am not a trained hypnotherapist we
Erin Pheil: We eliminate the beliefs that you're going to need a hypnotherapist in plant and get somebody to believe something else.
Wes Schaeffer: I know Google
Erin Pheil: I'll work on that. I'll get to work on that.
Wes Schaeffer: That is one of your
Erin Pheil: Components. All right, got it, got it. Next.
Wes Schaeffer: On in about uncovering needs and filling them. Okay.
Erin Pheil: Thank you.
Wes Schaeffer: So, alright, these salespeople who think discussing money is dirty or impolite. And that's a great one. And I've used that for many years because people we grow up.
Wes Schaeffer: You know it's impolite to discuss money, you know, hey, Dad, how much money do you make, don't worry about that. So, I'm sorry. Oh.
Erin Pheil: Yeah yeah
Wes Schaeffer: How much was dinner? You don't know your business stuff I don't. I got better, don't worry about, oh,
Erin Pheil: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, and now they're in sales, and it's in there Johnny come lately. There's suave and debonair, and they're quick-witted, and they know all about the wattage and battery own Xin Baba, blah, and then you ask how much.
Wes Schaeffer: Well,
Wes Schaeffer: One minute got something you know and like they totally change.
Wes Schaeffer: So because you know deep down they're uncomfortable discussing money.
Erin Pheil: Because what do you think they might have to be believed, what, what do you think they might have to believe to be true to be uncomfortable discussing money.
Wes Schaeffer: That it's impolite to discuss money it's it's
Erin Pheil: Or it's flat out wrong.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, sure. Because Mom and Dad said it's not you don't, you don't discuss money in mixed company or, you know, polite. People don't discuss it, or only vagabonds or shallow people discuss money, whatever. So yeah, that's like sunk into their psyche
Erin Pheil: Exactly.
Wes Schaeffer: And you're saying you can change that.
Erin Pheil: Oh, absolutely. If that's something into their psyche and part of them believes that to be true. Right, that's going to impact the thoughts that they have when someone asked it.
Erin Pheil: It's gonna impact the emotions they feel they feel anxiety and nervousness, it's going to impact their actions. You know, it's going to impact them clamming up
Erin Pheil: So what we would do. Someone stuck like that if they have a belief that it's impolite to talk about money and we'd go in, and we clear out the belief
Erin Pheil: We get rid of that belief, some part of them believes that they saw it. They saw evidence they saw proof in the world that that was true. So we go in and unhook that part.
Erin Pheil: From their mind so that it can let go of that belief because it's not going to be done with facts.
Erin Pheil: But it can be done in a conversation that gets the mind to realize that you never actually saw that in the world. And that's this again the same
Erin Pheil: Method that you get a child to realize that Santa Claus is not real, you get them to realize
Erin Pheil: Oh my god, I've never seen Santa Claus those boots were dad's that Santa at the mall. He did have a fake beard. The Santa at school was Johnny's dad. I've never, I've never seen him. And when that realization happens. I've never, I never saw it.
Erin Pheil: It's like the belief goes away, and it never comes back.
Erin Pheil: And that's the same kind of process that can be done on other beliefs.
Wes Schaeffer: Can that open up
Wes Schaeffer: Some negative issues like oh my gosh, mom, and dad lied to me. I asked him straight up last year, and they said, Oh, no, San is definitely real
Wes Schaeffer: And now I'm like what else her mom and dad lying to me about. I mean,
Wes Schaeffer: That's an extreme example, but
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, you know, like, well, yeah, now you know that I'm older. Yeah, I'm 50. I CAN'T BELIEVE, I BELIEVE THIS ABOUT MONEY AND
Wes Schaeffer: You know, come to think, I like my parents. They don't do very well. I mean, they're, they're not enjoying their golden years and so clearly didn't know anything about money. That's why they didn't talk about money because they weren't good at make it, you know.
Wes Schaeffer: Disease. Does it open up a lot of negative
Erin Pheil: Is a good question.
Erin Pheil: From my experience, the answer is no. What happens is beliefs are usually these really big.
Erin Pheil: Assumptions about how the world works or how things work. And when you get rid of a belief. All that happens is you're left with possibility and choice. So let's go back to the perfectionist example let's say
Erin Pheil: Somebody has the belief that what makes me successful is being perfect all the time. Okay.
Erin Pheil: And they are obsessed with being perfect and everything that they do, and they can't stop being perfect because they believe that's the way to be successful.
Erin Pheil: If you get rid of that belief, they still have the option of being successful is still have a choice to be successful.
Erin Pheil: They can still choose to be successful whenever they want. But it's not tied.
Erin Pheil: To or excuse me, they still have the choice to be perfect. They still have the option to be perfect, but it's not tied to them being successful.
Erin Pheil: They know that they can let go, and they don't have to be perfect all the time. So being perfect is still on the table, but so is not being perfect. So is being
Erin Pheil: Just okay, so it actually just creates more possibilities, instead of having people being locked into this is the only way to do something. The only way to see something
Erin Pheil: Kind of creates more options where they didn't exist previously. So someone who has the general most common belief that's ever
Erin Pheil: Been on the public everybody I've ever worked with has this belief is general belief. I'm not good enough.
Erin Pheil: When you get rid of that. It doesn't mean you're never gonna make the judgment if you know what, I'm not quite good enough of a chef to have people you know 30 people over for a gourmet dinner quite yet. I'm going to practice a little bit more
Erin Pheil: Like, you still have the option to determine at different times. I'm not quite good enough for x.
Erin Pheil: But this general overarching sense of I am never good enough at what I do. That's what goes away and crumbles, leaving you with options and possibilities to judge yourself accordingly in different situations.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, so guys just totally being himself up like
Wes Schaeffer: You're great salesman, great CEO. But yeah, you may not be an award winning chef, but doesn't mean your life lacks meaning, and you should drive off a bridge.
Wes Schaeffer: Classes, you know,
Wes Schaeffer: You're better than your kids. You're the best. Cul-de-sac. So, you know what, have a cul-de-sac cook-off and, you know, feel better about yourself.
Wes Schaeffer: Very interesting.
Wes Schaeffer: Huh.
Wes Schaeffer: Might be out of questions. You know, I want to leave a little something. So our visitors go
Wes Schaeffer: To the mind fix group.com right
Wes Schaeffer: Or actually, not the. I'm sorry. It's just mind fix group com you've got some free training there you've got results there.
Wes Schaeffer: In the top. You've got case studies I've been watching some of the videos.
Wes Schaeffer: And I said, I read your story. It was quite amazing.
Wes Schaeffer: So,
Wes Schaeffer: What should I have asked and
Erin Pheil: Really, that's a wonderful question. Um,
Erin Pheil: Why don't you ask me about, say, a recent story. Like, why don't you asked me about what's possible when people change their beliefs.
Wes Schaeffer: You know something just came to me.
Erin Pheil: Hmm.
What's possible
Wes Schaeffer: When people change their beliefs.
Erin Pheil: Oh my god, I love a question.
Erin Pheil: Such an incredible question.
Erin Pheil: I'll share with you a success story of a Salesperson that we worked with
Erin Pheil: One of my more favorite clients absolute phenomenal human and he came to us and just was
Erin Pheil: He was trained by one of the formal training systems out there and just was really struggling to implement it. He'd get on calls and need freeze, he knew what he was supposed to be doing, but he was having a hard time implementing it.
Erin Pheil: He was struggling to make cold calls and he just found himself kind of knowing what to do and then getting on calls and kind of going broke, and he had no idea why because he was really putting in the time and effort and it put it, a lot of money into sales training.
Erin Pheil: So we worked with him for a handful of weeks. And we found all sorts of beliefs that were related to self-esteem.
Erin Pheil: Things like, I'm not good enough things like, no one wants to hear what I have to say he had old beliefs around Sales. Sales is sleazy, and I'm bothering people by talking to them.
Erin Pheil: He had beliefs around money like is inappropriate to bring up or discuss money with people. And if they say no, I need to do what they say.
Erin Pheil: It's wrong to question people so just these cluster of beliefs from growing up in this very kind of conservative household
Erin Pheil: That he didn't realize that he had had, but once we started digging it was, it became obvious they were all right there at the surface. So we cleared them out.
Erin Pheil: And suddenly he was able, all this training that he had paid for all he had gone to this consultant and all of the stuff that he had worked so hard and his coach. I told him to do suddenly
Erin Pheil: He was able to implement it all, and he was going on the sales within a few weeks time, and it was doing exactly what his coaches said he, he doubled his revenue within three months.
Erin Pheil: And by the end of the year, last thing is last year he was making in a month what he had made in a year. Previously, because
Erin Pheil: All of the stuff that he had learned he was actually able to implement it became a rock star. He became as coaches favorite person.
Erin Pheil: Because it's coach was like you're actually doing everything I'm saying if everybody was like you
Erin Pheil: I'd be, you know, multi multi multi-millionaire because everybody would be like throwing money at me because they're like, you're so incredible. So it really came down to him being able to implement
Erin Pheil: And he had it in him. And that's what I want everybody listening to this, to know is you have it in you.
Erin Pheil: You don't need more. What you need is to clear out the blocks and the beliefs that are standing in between you and being able to do what you want to do.
Erin Pheil: There's something holding you back. It's not you, it's just your beliefs, old, outdated programming. When you can clear that out, that resistance goes away, and success actually becomes really easy. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Nice.
Erin Pheil: Yeah, thanks for asking.
Wes Schaeffer: That salesman ever break it to the trainer that maybe that trainer wasn't
Wes Schaeffer: The total secret to his success.
Erin Pheil: Strategies and tactics that he had learned were actually invaluable, and when he
Erin Pheil: Implemented his training.
Erin Pheil: Right. It was great. But he did let them know that you know I needed a little bit of mindset clear it out in order for this to actually be able to take off and for me to be on fire right
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, I get into a lot of
Wes Schaeffer: Clearing out head trash with people.
Wes Schaeffer: Because I tell them all the time. It's like I'm not, I'm not here to make little sales whispers.
Wes Schaeffer: You know,
Wes Schaeffer: You're not going to get certified in my method, you know, ultimately, my goal is to give you the confidence in the ability to just be present in the moment.
Wes Schaeffer: And if that happens, good things are going to happen.
Wes Schaeffer: Right. The prospects going to feel heard, yep. Understood. When you hear them and understand them, you'll ask the right questions right I'm assuming you're competent in your field and, you know,
Wes Schaeffer: You can bring solutions to bear. And so just be present pride and but yet we have all this head trash. Oh, we're worried, oh, I can't believe I flew out here. Oh my gosh. I hope you know this isn't a waste and hope they don't cut the meeting shorts in the
Wes Schaeffer: They're not present right, so they're missing little subtle cues and clues. So they go on with their PowerPoint presentation like
Wes Schaeffer: Dude, she doesn't need a PowerPoint. She just told you how she wants to buy. Right. You know, but they don't pick it up and so
Wes Schaeffer: I think we're kindred spirits.
Erin Pheil: I think so, too, like that giving people that confidence is so what's needed so many people just focus on the strategies and tactics here if you just go do this, and they don't realize that the head trash gets in the way of people being able to actually implement on that.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, I need a haircut. So I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go purple in honor of you on this next haircut.
Erin Pheil: Love it. It'll look, it'll match your eyes look great.
Wes Schaeffer: We're gonna be kindred spirits.
Wes Schaeffer: I'ma wear my glasses more often.
Erin Pheil: Okay. Sounds good. Do
Wes Schaeffer: You bring out the best in me.
Erin Pheil: Happy to do so.
Wes Schaeffer: Alright, so it's mind fix group.com, and if y'all are jogging or biking or listening, you know, and you can't write it down. Just remember that. And then, and the top. You know, I've been through your navigation, so there's
Wes Schaeffer: Like I said, the training. There's results. So just, you know, click through there. But just remember mind fixed group com.
Wes Schaeffer: And get you some get your mind right
Wes Schaeffer: Am I right.
Erin Pheil: Yes, you're right.
Wes Schaeffer: All right. Very cool. All right. Well, Aaron. It was great catching up. I look forward, we get to Colorado, you know, about once a year. So look forward to meeting you as well.
Wes Schaeffer: Awesome. Have a great day.
Erin Pheil: Thanks for having me.