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Jeffrey Gitomer On How To Make First Calls Not Cold Calls

Humanize and be yourself to maximize your promotions

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 




Sales Tips you'll learn in The Sales Podcast...

  • Some salespeople may be dead 
  • Stockbrokers have changed
  • The MLS hasn't changed but it will...Google is coming after them
  • The car industry is being disrupted by Tesla
  • Automation is taking over
  • AI will help salespeople in call centers
  • Jeb Blount is a good guy

Jeb Blount -the-sales-podcast-wes-schaeffer-1

  • Salespeople need to keep up with how buyers are buying
  • Buyers are more sophisticated
    • They are Googling you before you walk in
  • You're not an employee...you're a person
    • Don't watch a show
    • Register your name
    • Have a one-page website that says...
    • Post on LinkedIn
    • Tweet your thoughts
  • Test their sense of humor
  • Make friends with the tech people and break the ice
  • Start with rapport
  • "How much is it?"
  • How to look at cold calling...
  • Gift something that is personal and not over the top
  • It's a "first-time call not a cold call" with a little research
  • Train every day to truly get better

Join The Private Sales Group

  • Become a success...not just successful at sales
  • Go apply what you learn immediately to see if it works
  • Repetition is the mother of mastery
  • Earn the sale vs. close the sale
  • Will they do business with me again and will they refer someone else to me?


Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

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