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Belief, Service, and Consistent Improvement With Joe Templin

"Kaizen is about embracing the better truth and making micro improvements over and over again."



Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

In this conversation, Joe Templin, a human Kaizen expert, discusses the concept of Kaizen and its application to sales.

Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement, which Joe explains was adopted by Japanese companies after World War II to rebuild their industries.

Joe emphasizes the importance of making small, incremental improvements in sales processes and oneself to achieve long-term success. He also shares his approach to outreach, including personalized reach-outs and follow-up calls.

He acknowledges the challenges of cold calling but believes in turning weaknesses into strengths.

We address advice for sales managers and small business owners on motivating their teams to make outbound calls.

We get into gamification, building trust, creating a sales process, and the importance of giving and helping others.

Joe emphasizes the need for sales managers to apply science and understand what works and what doesn't. He also discusses the importance of accountability and creating a culture of teamwork.

We wrap it up with a discussion on staying motivated and taking action to achieve personal and professional growth.

  • Make small changes to constantly improve.
  • Small hinges swing big doors.
  • Apply kaizen to human performance.
  • The tiny growth each day compounds.
  • Selling is the transference of belief.

Get Better In The Inner Circle


  • Put the locus of control on the inside.
  • What can I do today to become a better version of myself?
  • Put more irons in the fire to hit your numbers.

As you sow, you shall reap.”

  • Last week, Joe made 1,500 reachouts.
  • The week before, Joe made 1,500 reachouts.
  • He's stubborn and not afraid to work.
  • Gamify the outbound efforts.
  • Stay in the game as a sales leader.
  • Train your people.
  • Hold your people accountable.
  • You need to believe that you can help your customers.
  • Get introduced via text.
  • Get seen.
  • Go hang out with the people you want to meet.
Earn your Saturday nights."


Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast