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How Tribal Training Can Grow Your Sales: Justin Welsh of PatientPop

Hire for cultural fit and groom your people for success. 

Click here to download the episode. 



Community-Building Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Grown staff from 50 to 400 in 2.5 years
  • From $5 million in recurring revenue to $50 million per year
  • PatientPop: It's like HubSpot for doctors
  • Once you have a consistent sales process you know you're onto something
  • Listen to your customers. Review the NPS responses.
  • Understand how your prospects and clients learn
  • Be stern in your recommendations
  • They educate their marketplace
  • Leverage channel partners
  • You need to warm up the market with good educational content
  • Aware and educate on the solution once they raise their hands
  • Get in the weeds to show the prospect how it works
  • Know how your clients buy.
  • 8.6 day sales cycle but they do detailed demos.
  • 105 in sales so about 25% of the company
    • Sales development reps
    • Inside sales
    • Partner sales
    • Field sales
  • Follows the leader like Mark Roberge in how he finds top sales talent
  • Also looks at "action over academia"
  • Move fast. Be accountable.
  • Likes to find talent that is happy where they are and killing it
  • He's a big fan of having good recruiters

  • Inside is "tribal training" with a fast start in the first two weeks then ongoing with metrics at 30, 60, 90 days
  • "Top performers should rob from bottom" so he's commission-heavy
  • PPC is still effective for reaching physicians
  • Always experiment with your marketing processes
  • Grow your team into their roles (Stepwise growth)
  • He hires smart, young people right out of school and bring them up with a gradual progression
  • Confidence comes with experience, not just age
  • Sales enablement person is Sandler trained but they focus on "company training" first
  • Sell your people on your company and your customers
  • His AEs sell as well as coach and mentor with a pod system

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