Use a process to overcome human nature
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- Use a process to overcome human nature
- Learned coding HTML in the ’90s
- Served as project manager and director of operations for many years for various digital agencies
- Manages growth for
those who have growing pains
- Most hire for the short term issues but that creates long-term issues
- New rope vs wet twine. Great employees vs the drama queens
- Recruited his boss to become his first client by showing how she’d benefit
- Went from 50-60 hours per week as an employee to just 10 hours as a he had to fill his schedule and his bank account
- Almost got paralyzed with web design
- Realized he only needed two pages: The home page and the Blog
- Averages 6 posts/month for 4 years
- Answers questions for clients
- Agencies struggle for three reasons:
- Not using processes to overcome human nature.
- You can plan for processes
- People will leave
- Objections will arise
- Make yourself needed but not necessary
- Not focusing on WIIFM
- Not thinking long term
- There’s an underlying reason for the recurring bad things that are happening
- Closed a client on software training while in high school
- He was charging $35 per hour for one-off clients
- Asked to come in and review their needs
- Was comfortable with what they needed
- Charged $75/hr...and they asked "When can you start?"
- If you're closing 90-100% of your business...raise your prices!
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Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.