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Kristin Molenaar: How To Do Podcast Marketing To Grow Your Sales

Grow your sales simply with this podcast marketing pro

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Podcast Marketing Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Super-niched
  • Born out of seeing the results
  • Likes to be in control of her client's results
  • "Entrepreneurial failure" the first 14 months
  • She had the self-discipline but needed to develop the proper mindset and systems
  • Couldn't just "create a course and be a success
  • Wanted time freedom
  • Became a virtual assistant at $15/hr, which was a huge blow to her career


  • Her first client asked her to write a blog post because she said yes to everything
  • She outsourced it to a mid-west employee at minimum wage
  • Became a true business owner
You have to get out there to build momentum."
  • Was over-complicating things
  • Stopped treating her business as a side hustle
  • Find good people
  • Found the routine things that could be done and outsource those
  • Began raising her prices quickly
  • This model capped her earnings
  • Needed to run this like an agency
  • Raised prices again
  • Brought on account managers and added a hierarchy
  • She focused on sales and marketing
  • Has kept it simple
  • No Instagram or Facebook
  • New to LinkedIn
  • Connect with people and be strategic
  • Entrepreneurs try to meet one person and sell them
  • She prefers to meet spheres of influence
  • It's easy in the service business
  • Focusing on the other stuff is causing you to be stressed out
  • Social media is making us crazy
  • Avoid the push towards the vanity metrics
  • It's a trap trying to be seen in all the places
  • Focus on connection
  • Do market research to find your ideal buyer persona and those who are connected to your ideal buyer personas
  • Learn who they are before you sell to them
  • Know who your podcast audience is then simply some from a place of serving and curiosity
  • Find where you can add value
  • Two-prong approach
    • Email outreach
    • Make intros like a traditional PR approach
  • She focuses on relationships
  • Put all your cards on the table
  • Be an open book
  • How to know you're ready to be on podcasts as a guest
  • Do you need a detailed funnel to leverage your interviews?
  • Most of her sales just happen after people listen
    • "Do you know what you sell?"
    • "Do you have a method?"
    • "Can people contact you?"
  • You have to get out there to build momentum

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast


Wes Schaeffer: KristinMolenaar all the way from Scottsdale, Arizona, founder of Yes Boss VA welcomes the sales podcast. How the heck are you
Kristin Molenaar: Thank you so much for having me. I'm doing really well, things are going well.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh, I love your email you cold emailed me and there's not very many that have gotten through
Wes Schaeffer: On the first try with a cold email.
Wes Schaeffer: But a lot of you talked about in here. And in particular, there are too many entrepreneurs working too hard, not making enough money. And like you said here, where is it
Wes Schaeffer: You were so hit six figures and
Wes Schaeffer: While working an average of just five hours per week.
Wes Schaeffer: And just three hours after you started working online as a $15 an hour VA. Okay, so tell us these hacks. Come on now.
Wes Schaeffer: But for our listeners. I mean, you, you, now is your specific do you only help people get on the podcast or do you do other types of VA services or have you narrowed it down that precisely
Kristin Molenaar: We are super, super niche. We only now help clients get featured as a guest on podcasts, we were doing all the things since I started pretty much pretty much
Kristin Molenaar: And we have found that we like to be in the driver's seat of getting our clients results. And so when we were picking a niche. We're like, what is the way that we get our clients results.
Kristin Molenaar: And really it's it was born out of seeing the results for me also. And me being able to personally experienced that. So we only do podcast outreach for our clients and we do it as a way of generating leads creating visibility revenue. Yep.
Wes Schaeffer: So, but you didn't start out that way.
Wes Schaeffer: Right, you were just do anything for as a VA just helping people as an assistant right
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah, that's right, yeah. Um, so I was an entrepreneurial failure for the first 14 months of my, you know, the beginning of what I call my entrepreneurial journey.
Kristin Molenaar: That wasn't I quit my last job in late 2014 and struggled for the first you know 14 months doing try to do all the things thought that
Kristin Molenaar: You know, honestly, and I know this is going to offend some people but I bought into the belief that I could just create a course on anything and just show up and like be a wild success. Like, I thought it was going to be easy and
Kristin Molenaar: I was focused in order for you.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh golly, I thought you were like some smart experts or I'll go ahead. I'll delete it later.
Wes Schaeffer: You'll never even though
Kristin Molenaar: I thought I could just create a course and people were just going to buy my genius and that's all I had to do was create this course and
Kristin Molenaar: It was incredibly frustrating. I was living with my in-laws and their guest bedroom. My husband and I are two big dogs and just like trying to fight to make a name for myself online.
Kristin Molenaar: By not really getting out there, but doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes. And, you know, because I needed to make money. I decided you know what, I'm not going to go back to the nine to five grind. I still want to have like time freedom.
Kristin Molenaar: But maybe I could just be a virtual assistant. I had heard about virtual assistants, so I got my first gig as a virtual assistant making just $15 an hour, which was a huge blow to my ego. I'll tell you that.
Kristin Molenaar: I had been successful in my corporate career and thought that I was going to be an amazing entrepreneur. And in my mind I was at the bottom of the, you know, the business chain being a virtual assistant
Kristin Molenaar: And not to knock being a virtual assistant, because if you think about it in the right way. It can be a very lucrative business.
Kristin Molenaar: But what I did is I was not able to take off some of that entrepreneurial thinking and I
Kristin Molenaar: turned it into a business so that very first client asked me to write a blog post for him. I thought that that would be fine. So I said, yes, because I was saying yes to everything.
Kristin Molenaar: sat down to write a blog post hated it.
Kristin Molenaar: And then it dawned on me. Okay, I can hire somebody who lives in the Midwest minimum wage, which was like seven or $8 an hour at the time to write this blog post for me, and then I could make seven or $8 an hour literally doing nothing.
Kristin Molenaar: And that's when I realized like, oh, this, this is actually going to be kind of easy. I just need to go out and get these jobs and find people to fulfill the services.
Kristin Molenaar: And so I was able to grow my business pretty quickly doing that and we officially became a virtual assistant agency and I was able to be a business owner and
Kristin Molenaar: I think the reason though that I was able to run and build the business so efficiently as I said in my email working just five hours per week is because
Kristin Molenaar: I was, I always thought that this was like the side hustle that just financed my life. And then I always had these other like
Kristin Molenaar: Quote unquote purpose-driven businesses that I needed to spend my time on so well. Yes Boss only ever really took a
Kristin Molenaar: Very small fraction of my time, I was pursuing these other businesses that never went anywhere because I was doing all the things and I was over complicating it and I was buying into the belief that I needed to be on all the platforms and
Kristin Molenaar: So I feel like my treating this business as a side hustle and just kind of treating it like
Kristin Molenaar: I didn't care about it as much. I'll even say enabled me to hit on a strategy and the foundations that allowed me to make good money but not have to work a whole lot. So it's kind of interesting how I stumbled upon that.
Wes Schaeffer: We when you
Wes Schaeffer: So you're outsourcing to the Midwest.
Wes Schaeffer: And
Wes Schaeffer: Obviously there's the margin or some margin there, but you're still having to spend the time to find the people right then you got to prove freedom and test them and you're going to worry about.
Wes Schaeffer: Do they deliver on time to deliver a quality product. You have to fix what they send you. Right, so how
Wes Schaeffer: How can you make that transition without all those headaches.
Kristin Molenaar: So my business went through a couple of different transitions. I started with somebody just doing blog writing for me. So I would find a
Kristin Molenaar: Like a niche within my business. I guess or a role within my business that I could easily give to somebody else that I could trust so
Kristin Molenaar: You know this girl was really great at copywriting so it got to a point where I didn't actually touch anything she was doing but the next step for me was
Kristin Molenaar: A major part of the beginning part of my business was content management.
Kristin Molenaar: So I would come up with a strategy and we did a lot of social media. So I would find all the like routine things that could be done.
Kristin Molenaar: And the next person. I brought into my business with somebody working out of the Philippines. So I started at $15 an hour, but I very, I would say within the first
Kristin Molenaar: Six months. I then increased up to $25 an hour. So I was paying people that work for me anywhere between like $4 an hour in the Philippines, all the way up to $8 an hour, you know, for the intern that worked internally.
Kristin Molenaar: Though with that model. I was finding that I was pretty much capping myself at like 70,000 like if I was going to make more than 70,000. It was just requiring more of me than I wanted to put into the business. And so I then
Kristin Molenaar: Fully owned the fact that, like, Okay, I have an agency, I need to run this like an agency and I started bringing on more people that you were US-based raised our hourly rate to $40 per hour.
Kristin Molenaar: And had us base people do account management for me. So I was able to identify like
Kristin Molenaar: What are the different roles that I need. And then also create some hierarchy and my agency. So we had, you know, the people that were doing account management talking to the clients doing customer support.
Kristin Molenaar: But then I still had people in the Philippines, doing a lot of the behind the scenes like back end labor. And so my margins were really healthy, but I was not
Kristin Molenaar: Kept by how many clients that I could keep track of. And how many projects that I could juggle.
Kristin Molenaar: Now, I was able to bring in additional people to bring in more clients and I then became just a sales and marketing person and everybody else, like the fulfillment just ran completely on its own.
Wes Schaeffer: Sales and Marketing
Wes Schaeffer: You grew a business by focusing on sales and marketing that is possible.
Kristin Molenaar: But not but like so little because I have never done anything really fancy with sales and marketing either like I don't have an Instagram. I don't have a Facebook. I don't do either of those things. I am on LinkedIn. But that's even kind of new.
Kristin Molenaar: I mean my sales and marketing is really been focused on connecting with people and being really strategic about the people that I meet and how I maintain relationships so
Kristin Molenaar: You know I say sales and marketing, but really it's just been being who I am like I like people. Anyways, and I like connecting anyways and I have been able to use that to my financial advantage, I suppose.
Wes Schaeffer: How do you not meet people, or how do you, how do you stay engaged. How do you find these people in today's modern world because somebody is listening to this right now and they're saying no Instagram or Facebook that you don't exist?
Kristin Molenaar: Well, you're hearing me right now.
Kristin Molenaar: I know less now and now everybody that West knows me
Kristin Molenaar: And so before podcasting. It was going to a lot of in-person events and that's when I really like stumbled upon
Kristin Molenaar: This man I'll call it this math equation. So I think what a lot of entrepreneurs are doing is they're meeting somebody and they're trying to sell that person. So they're trying to make you know to connect with their next one client, right.
Kristin Molenaar: What I discovered is I would rather meet somebody that knows like five or 10 potential clients and never work one on one with that person that I've met that person becomes more valuable to me.
Kristin Molenaar: If they know five or 10 people that I should work with. And so this is what happened when I went to a networking event and what really exploded my business past the six-figure Mark was I met a few key people
Kristin Molenaar: That is the moment I thought that they should hire me. They did it. They brought. They then just referred people to me.
Kristin Molenaar: And those relationships became way more valuable and now essentially the strategy because we, you know, all live in a virtual world and I started doing this before coven but
Kristin Molenaar: Getting on podcasts, like this is a way to meet people that are influencers in different spaces like you know people that need to hear about being a guest on podcasts and
Kristin Molenaar: That's what I do. So I feel like especially I would say in this in a service-based business. It's so easy to find and connect with influencers who know those that need what you offer
Wes Schaeffer: Nice.
Wes Schaeffer: So,
Wes Schaeffer: Let's say somebody they have been spinning their wheels and all these social media accounts. I'm telling you, but I do a Monday call. So just before this, I was on our weekly call
Wes Schaeffer: I'm telling my members, pick up the phone.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, right. It's like, especially in B2B right now pick up the phone and
Wes Schaeffer: email them a phone call another email, send them a letter phone call, if they're on social media, find them maybe engaged a little bit but
Wes Schaeffer: I mean, can they can that scale. I mean, do we need to be on social media to be validated or
Wes Schaeffer: Can we turn some things off and just mean that this seems like brass tacks. This is like a rubber meets the road. Old school traditional sales and marketing, you know, would you say that still works.
Kristin Molenaar: Absolutely, absolutely. And, and I think that focusing on the other stuff is what's causing so many people to be so stressed out.
Kristin Molenaar: Right, because in person. I could just be who I am. Like I'm sitting here in my office wearing a sweatshirt to having a conversation. This is business for me.
Kristin Molenaar: You know when we're in the game of Instagram. You have to be so perfectly polished and you have to like take the right picture and write the right caption and
Kristin Molenaar: Heck, I'm on LinkedIn and I probably will not stop being on LinkedIn, because I
Kristin Molenaar: Find that it's a good outlet for me, creating content, but do I really need LinkedIn like I don't know I think that I could build my business without LinkedIn also. So I think that
Kristin Molenaar: There's this push towards vanity metrics, you know if you have an Instagram account, but you don't have like 10,000 or 100,000 followers and it's something that people stress out about because it makes them look less successful
Kristin Molenaar: And we're so focused on vanity metrics, we're looking at other people who have the vanity metrics and trying to be just like them.
Kristin Molenaar: But what they're not showing is the teams behind them that are supporting them.
Kristin Molenaar: I think that it's just this big trap to do all the things and be all the places because the people we see are doing all the things that are all the places.
Kristin Molenaar: But how many of us are behind the scenes running very successful businesses, having tons of freedom and we're just not talking about it on social media.
Kristin Molenaar: I think that it's kind of a bummer that we're not talking about on social media. But then again, if we were talking about it on social media. We wouldn't be living this dream of all this freedom from social media. Right. So it's this weird
Kristin Molenaar: Thing to kind of wrestle with. But yeah, I think we need to focus on connection that's, that's where business used to be rooted was in connection and we've lost sight of that.
Wes Schaeffer: So let's say you hire a new salesperson today.
Wes Schaeffer: What do you tell them to do, you know, let's say you tell them. All right, no social media. We don't have any of those fake crazy accounts.
Wes Schaeffer: Here this Monday get to work, doing this week.
Wes Schaeffer: What is this
Kristin Molenaar: One of the approaches that I have tried with my team that we kind of like is what I position as market research.
Kristin Molenaar: I'm connecting with people that are connected with ideal clients or meet the ideal client persona themselves and being curious about
Kristin Molenaar: The support that they need in what we do. Understanding what people think. So I'll use our stuff as examples so
Kristin Molenaar: Getting curious about what people think about being a podcast guest and what their apprehensions are about being a podcast guest.
Kristin Molenaar: And I think that, especially for somebody that's starting out, this is a good place to start because you are able to
Kristin Molenaar: Learn who this person is before you feel like you're selling to them. But when you come from a place of having service and being curious.
Kristin Molenaar: This generates curiosity and what you're doing. And I have found that it also generates sales but not because you're intentionally trying to sell, but because you're just being curious and then figuring out where you can provide value.
Kristin Molenaar: So I think that that's probably not a traditional answer that somebody would give I'm not like a sales team expert, but this is something that I've found to be really valuable and what we do on like a smaller scale in training and then getting people out to actually so
Wes Schaeffer: So what tools are you using to find the people that meet the ideal buyer persona.
Kristin Molenaar: Right now, we focus on podcasts. We like I said, we do a little bit of LinkedIn, but mostly it is people that have podcasts, so
Kristin Molenaar: Our strategy is finding people who are on podcasts talking about a few different criteria like
Kristin Molenaar: Either talking about working less and making more is like a big umbrella for us because people that want to work less and make more are interested in hiring people for done for your services.
Kristin Molenaar: Another thing is people talking about outsourcing because those people are interested in doing for your services.
Kristin Molenaar: So we are looking for those people that talk about those things and have been on a lot of podcasts and then you look at
Kristin Molenaar: What podcasts. They have been on and that's where you send your pitch to be on their podcast. So that's our like podcast pitch strategy that we have found works really well for identifying people that meet the kind of audience that you want to be in front of
Wes Schaeffer: So the actual tool or database. I mean, are you just are you doing just a Google search, or you just literally searching iTunes.
Kristin Molenaar: It's a, it's like podcasts. Yeah, it's like an Apple podcast search. And then there's a little bit of search that also goes on in LinkedIn, a lot of podcast hosts put that they are a podcast host in their title. And so using that as a keyword search is also happening for us. Yep.
Wes Schaeffer: So, but doing the search on just on iTunes or just
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, okay.
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah.
Kristin Molenaar: Fun Fact is, they're not called iTunes anymore. They're called Apple podcasts, like iTunes. Everybody's still calling it that.
Kristin Molenaar: But, and I was too but technically they're running it as Apple podcast now.
Wes Schaeffer: I don't correct me.
Wes Schaeffer: making me look bad.
Wes Schaeffer: You know what
Kristin Molenaar: It's not weird.
Wes Schaeffer: At this little icon down here again.
Kristin Molenaar: I'll be honest like I learned this within the last month because I was talking about it and typed in iTunes to show somebody new on the team. I was like, wait, this is not yielding any results.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh, interesting. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, it's so are your people. So they're just calling and emailing
Kristin Molenaar: They are not calling there's I'd like two-prong approach. So there is doing the custom research for that client based on their niche.
Kristin Molenaar: And then, there also are podcasters that we're already connected to. And so when that's the case. It looks more like a traditional PR approach. We're just making an introduction.
Kristin Molenaar: But our philosophy is that we want our clients to own all communications. So if we're doing like cold pitching as I did with you.
Kristin Molenaar: We're doing it under the umbrella of our like client's company so that they can then follow up and know and have full transparency with all the connections that we're trying to make
Kristin Molenaar: Because this is a marketing or excuse me, this is a networking play for us. This isn't, this isn't just alike mass PR play this is
Kristin Molenaar: This strategy is for people who want to expand their network and get more key players in their personal network like they want to have
Kristin Molenaar: More relationships with people that are in places of influence, not just I want to be. I want my face on Forbes to know this is about, like, I want to be connected to more people that have influence smart.
Wes Schaeffer: Right now, with this work for other types of businesses like software as a service salesman is listening to this right now.
Wes Schaeffer: Could they follow some of these tips.
Kristin Molenaar: You know, I tend to be focused on service-based businesses, just because that's, you know, what I have done and I feel like it's underutilized.
Kristin Molenaar: This is an underutilized strategy in that industry is the questions that I would be asking are
Kristin Molenaar: Is your audience listening to podcasts. And if the answer to that is yes, then the answer is yes, that there is an audience.
Kristin Molenaar: But you have to evaluate that, because not everybody is listening to podcasts, like who are you selling to
Kristin Molenaar: And and if you don't know. Maybe it's time to ask your clients like existing clients do you listen to podcasts.
Kristin Molenaar: What podcast. Do you listen to and from there you can start to make a list of who you would be pitching to find more of those people, but I don't know. I don't know. You would have to evaluate that, based on your industry.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, and I'm talking about, you know, just in general, this
Wes Schaeffer: Because you're, you're almost in one way, it's kind of like right angle selling right you, you go, you go after the spheres of influence.
Wes Schaeffer: Maybe they buy from you. But at a minimum. They refer you out. It's less stressful.
Wes Schaeffer: Approach. Everybody's a little more relaxed about the encounter. So it. It's just more pleasurable right so
Wes Schaeffer: Absolutely, you know, pet. Have you seen others apply this? Have you taught this to others, you know, in just selling like could a
Wes Schaeffer: I don't know. Could, could a web design company, you know, if somebody. Maybe they have a VA service, right, or and they focus on web design or SEO.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, they follow your tactics.
Kristin Molenaar: To. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I would find if your, your offerings are that specific there might not be as much competition. I think that the biggest competition is
Kristin Molenaar: business coaches and consultants, and I think that it because it works for business coaches and consultants to go out and be on podcasts. I think it works really well. I think you could probably attest that west. Like, I know that you're doing guesting
Kristin Molenaar: But I think what is unexpected is when somebody is doing podcast guest things and they're talking about like building your website.
Kristin Molenaar: And I think the secret of being a good guest and having this be effective, is you've got to be willing to like put all the cards on the table like really just
Kristin Molenaar: Be a be willing to talk about all the things you do to make your clients successful because that's what proves to people that you know what you're talking about. So I hate the
Kristin Molenaar: People that leave with like cliffhangers I think that that's not very a very successful way.
Kristin Molenaar: To do a podcast episode. But if you're willing to talk about what makes your website services so good and explain it in such a way that somebody can go out and do it for themselves.
Kristin Molenaar: I think that this is a fantastic strategy and you're going to be able to prove your authority in that space by giving that knowledge.
Kristin Molenaar: And I think something we hadn't haven't even touched on is what other opportunities. This opens up like this isn't just a lead generation.
Kristin Molenaar: Positioning I've been invited to speak in different people's business masterminds about what I do. I've been invited to speak on stage.
Kristin Molenaar: There are other things and other opportunities that this opens up for you as well. Just like when you expand your network, you know, you meet more people in the space that you're in and other opportunities open up
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, for sure.
Kristin Molenaar: So even if you are your clients aren't necessarily listening to podcasts are there key players in your industry that could open up other doors for you. Can you get on a podcast episode with them and chat with them and have that connection there. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: So if people
Wes Schaeffer: Well, I mean, we will link to your side, you've got a bonus, a report forum. But how, how does somebody know if they're ready. Right. Do I
Wes Schaeffer: Do I need to have my own free report or my own free consultation. I mean, how does somebody, how do they know they're ready to leverage being a podcast guest.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, because it's great to be interviewed. It's great to get exposure, but we do it to get business right do you help them convert that PR into the business.
Kristin Molenaar: I like this question because I get this from people all the time. They. This is like the most common um
Kristin Molenaar: What do you call it apprehension that people have, well my website isn't polished. Well, I'm still working on my branding. Well, I don't have a freebie offer. I don't have all of these things. So I get this a lot.
Kristin Molenaar: This is what I discovered when I started doing podcasting. I did it because I wanted to help make entrepreneurship easier for people. I didn't actually intend for this to be a lead generation strategy.
Kristin Molenaar: My business runs by itself. So I thought that now I had time as a CEO to go out and just share a message. Talk about how people could be doing their business a lot easier.
Kristin Molenaar: But because we were thinking very traditional in our marketing. We put together like a freebie offer that led to a sales funnel and all of those things because we thought, you know, I, it just wouldn't make sense for me to do this without having those things.
Kristin Molenaar: This is what I discovered yes people got on my email list but way fewer than I ever imagined would
Kristin Molenaar: Most people, what happened is either the podcast host or someone the podcast host knew
Kristin Molenaar: Knew that they needed. What I offered and the sale was literally done by then, listening to me on a podcast. So people would come to me pre-sold
Kristin Molenaar: So this is what I have to say to the person that's saying Am I ready to be on a podcast.
Kristin Molenaar: Do you know what you sell because you shouldn't be talking about your business. If you don't know what you sell and there are too many people that don't know what they sell example a copywriter.
Kristin Molenaar: That just says they do Copywrite well what kind of copywriting like you've got to get really specific, otherwise, you're not going to be able to talk with specificity.
Kristin Molenaar: So, do you know what you sell. And do you have a method to how you do what you offer because that's what people are going to be curious about as well? How do you do that? So if you have those two things.
Kristin Molenaar: And you have a way for somebody to contact you, even if it's just a landing page which anyone can put together a landing page in like a half-hour or you can hire virtual assistants put together a landing page and a half hour.
Kristin Molenaar: Those things are prerequisites to getting on a podcast I would encourage people not to put so many back end strategies in place.
Kristin Molenaar: Because I think what comes out of the podcast conversations is all that content that then can feed your back end.
Kristin Molenaar: So the things you talk about on podcasts, the things that people are asking you those questions and that content can then formulate nurture sequences and freebie offers and all of that.
Kristin Molenaar: And what I like about that strategy is that those things are then created out of the organic nature of you just providing service or providing support to the person you're talking to. So it's coming out of that like a natural overflow of you giving value and talking about what you know.
Wes Schaeffer: Nice. So do
Wes Schaeffer: All right, so you just keep it simple. Right. Simple landing page. I mean, do you, be you do have a free report to give away, but I mean do you are you typically just sending them to your homepage. Hey, if you need me.
Wes Schaeffer: Go check it out.
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah, I'm not, I'm not super concerned about whether or not a podcast host wants to share my offer or not. I mean, there are two things I tell people if they
Kristin Molenaar: Know that they want to be on podcasts, they can go to our website. Our website is very, very clear and it talks about what we do. Yes Boss va.com
Kristin Molenaar: And then the other thing is if people just want to connect with me. I send them to LinkedIn and I share enough content on LinkedIn, that I talked about being
Kristin Molenaar: A podcast guest I eventually, you know, I think about once a week. Now we're talking about our master class that's that 10-minute freebie that you have the link to and so I feel
Kristin Molenaar: If people want that information. They'll get that information, but usually the clients for a done for you service, I feel that the clients who are like the most ideal are the ones that are just ready to hire you.
Kristin Molenaar: And I don't know if you've experienced, stuff like that, too. I'd be curious to hear if you're you feel like that's normal in the service-based industry. The ideal clients are like, I know I need you. Okay, let's go. I don't want to sit and consume your content for three weeks.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Oh, I always tell people my dirty little secret is, I hate sales.
Wes Schaeffer: I like I like people show up ready, just to give me their money yeah I hate shopping. I like buying. I hate selling, you know, but I hate sales right like selling like closing deals
Kristin Molenaar: There you go.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, but yeah I'm big into creating content. I want people to come in and we pre-sold
Kristin Molenaar: Yep.
Wes Schaeffer: You know answer a few questions there 80% sold right we got to talk about a few things answer some questions. Maybe they got a noodle on it. Okay, I'm not, I'm not hard closing anybody
Wes Schaeffer: You know I want them coming in, you know, full of knowledge, full of optimism.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, and
Wes Schaeffer: A lot of time just like just making sure. I'm the same person that they see it here online. All right. I remember this one size lady came to had a workshop and she had one of my books and
Wes Schaeffer: She came walking in the door.
Wes Schaeffer: Held the book out she's like your Rockstar
Wes Schaeffer: What
Wes Schaeffer: Oh no, I'm just sitting here eating a corn dog, you know,
Wes Schaeffer: You gotta sign the book. I'm like, Okay, you know, and then we, you know, she's there for two days this conference, you know, and I love when people go here, just like you sound on your podcast. Well, because that's me.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
Kristin Molenaar: It's not a facade.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh, like that, uh, that Supreme Court Lady Amy call me Barrett, I should just hold up a blank notepad. Like, I don't know, I just, I know what I'm talking about. I don't know. Just ask me questions, I didn't lie about anything so
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Mark Twain, right, Mark Twain. So you don't need a good memory if you tell the truth.
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah. I have people talk to me about, like, I'm so nervous about my podcast interview and I say, if you can't answer it without preparing for it, then you probably shouldn't be talking about it.
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah, like just talk about the things that, you know, and the experience that you have like
Kristin Molenaar: It's not that hard. I think it becomes hard when you're getting well I'll go I that would put me on another rant, but the people that are becoming business coaches are just to teach other business coaches that have never launched a business.
Kristin Molenaar: You know, like
Kristin Molenaar: Have a real business where you can offer real value and you really know what you're doing and the conversation will just flow naturally if you're willing to be like all answer whatever you ask me.
Kristin Molenaar: Based on what I know and if I don't know. I'm gonna say, I don't know. That's not my area. Yeah, we just got to show up.
Wes Schaeffer: Well, probably about the nervous. I've been the last 10 years is a couple of times, being interviewed in the news and working with fortunately they were friends of mine, they were PR coaches, but
Wes Schaeffer: They grilled me so hard, like, I mean we prepared for hours right for this five to seven-minute segment and
Wes Schaeffer: And and one of them. It was a good station in LA KTLA and a couple of years ago and a big event happened to reschedule me from December into the new year.
Wes Schaeffer: And they wanted me to talk about
Wes Schaeffer: buying a car.
Wes Schaeffer: Right, because I'm in sales. Right. So, like, well, because they wanted me on, but they were just they were trying to figure out how to get me in
Wes Schaeffer: Okay and so like it wasn't my normal thing. So basically wanted me to turn it around.
Wes Schaeffer: Instead of like basically use the tactics like being an offensive coordinator, but then teaching defense because I hey, here's how I take advantage of the defense. Right. So, like, here's how to defend yourself from a pushy cheesy hard closing salesman.
Wes Schaeffer: Right. So it's like, Okay, I can do that. But man, my friend. She's got to be tiger talking points and she made me come up with all the method right you're talking about. So
Wes Schaeffer: And
Wes Schaeffer: And then like what's the ending and all this stuff and I'm so glad, like they had a big counter, you know, a big desk and there were, there was four of us, you know, three of the interviewers and
Wes Schaeffer: But I was glad I could bring my iPhone right and I set it down because I literally couldn't remember everything all these she's like all he's gonna be quick and witty and these talking points and drive home name we command. Men have a whole acronym. And I'm like,
Wes Schaeffer: Isn't my normal stuff, you know, like I could go talk for two days you
Kristin Molenaar: Became like
Kristin Molenaar: You. It's like you became an actor to fulfill what they wanted you to
Kristin Molenaar: Do they wanted you to fit in.
Wes Schaeffer: Yes. And I'm like, she was critiquing me after I cuz I was just fortunate I was able to just kind of had a bunch of stuff on the desk. And so it wasn't that obvious, but I could kind of look down and scroll up a little bit just to make sure I hit the points and
Wes Schaeffer: But yeah, that kind of like, I don't want to do that.
Wes Schaeffer: I don't do that.
Kristin Molenaar: I think then we end up getting into the same position that like we end up in on social media feel like we have to put on this like persona and we have to have all this perfection and all this stuff. And that does not feel sustainable to me as if
Kristin Molenaar: I can just show up and be me. I can be me all day. I'm not going to get burned out of being me. Right.
Kristin Molenaar: But that that I don't know I don't like that. I don't like that. I don't want to build my business like that I want. I got into business so that I could feel like I could be who I am and not be told what to do and have freedom and so
Kristin Molenaar: That's why I like this method of selling show up and provide value and, you know, focus on connection.
Kristin Molenaar: Right, yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: So like when people reach out to you so so so my lessons of this and 10 people reach out to you, how many of them will become a client like or some of them are they unrealistic. Do they think it's like super cheap or whatever. Do they, you know, do a high percentage. Is it a natural fit?
Kristin Molenaar: You know, I feel like it's a high percentage because we're really trying to weed people out more and more with like our pre-sales process, you know, um,
Kristin Molenaar: I think that the people that don't move forward and we're dealing with somebody like this right now is somebody that's really excited, but then the moment that they are sold them, they start to like the second guess. Am I ready
Kristin Molenaar: Like, I don't know. And what I want to do as a business owner and it sounds like we're going to do this with this person is just say, look,
Kristin Molenaar: We're just going to give your money back like we don't want to convince you that this is a good strategy. We don't want to convince you that you're ready. You've got we be ready so
Kristin Molenaar: I would say that that doesn't happen very often. But it does happen, it does happen. I think that indecisiveness.
Kristin Molenaar: And the need to be perfect kind of gets in the way of at least 10% of people that try to come through the doors, but you've got to get out there to make forward momentum. Um, so yeah, I would say it happens sometimes.
Wes Schaeffer: Would do you have any clients using podcast and
Wes Schaeffer: Like driving to a book sale or ahead go by my training program. Right. No, no human interaction, don't, don't call the office and talk to one of my people just here's my deal, get my book to join my training, you know, and talk to me there is a group, not one on one.
Kristin Molenaar: So we have a client who is an author coach and she sends a lot of her authors to us for their book launches.
Kristin Molenaar: And so that really is the strategy is just getting the word out about the book. And so we have a very specific package for those people. We do like
Kristin Molenaar: I'm trying to figure out a better way to say this, but it's like a blitz package where we do 15 podcast features within less than 90 days to just get your name out there as much as possible.
Kristin Molenaar: To really launch that book, but I'll be honest, that's not my favorite strategy because I think that
Kristin Molenaar: How are you going to maintain relationships with all of those people that you met just like so quickly. It's not very likely it's just a, like, you know, light the fire. Let it Blaze and then don't tend to it.
Kristin Molenaar: I prefer somebody that wants to work with us and be featured on a podcast, like every one or two weeks.
Kristin Molenaar: And so that we can maintain that consistency and see that snowball that I see just more value in that. And it probably also has to do with
Kristin Molenaar: My perspective, coming from a service-based business instead of like wanting to get my book out there. Now if I read a book. Maybe I'll be
Kristin Molenaar: Doing a blitz myself, but I don't want to lose sight of the connection that I feel is so valuable that so many people are not
Kristin Molenaar: Utilizing like how many people have we met but we didn't maintain a relationship with them that had we maintained a relationship with them. We wouldn't be constantly searching for the next client.
Kristin Molenaar: Like how many people do we already know that we could tap into that network, right. It's just an opportunity last not to foster the relationships.
Wes Schaeffer: So will you send me chocolates to get on my good side or
Wes Schaeffer: Maybe bourbon.
Kristin Molenaar: Give me
Wes Schaeffer: Your brand you know bourbon.
Kristin Molenaar: Bourbon. I'm gonna take note of that one.
Wes Schaeffer: Hey, I'm just saying, I'm just
Wes Schaeffer: I'm trying to help you.
Wes Schaeffer: Get in good with me.
Kristin Molenaar: I like it. I like it. Well, I have to maintain this because, as you said in the very beginning, not very many people get through your, your pitches that first pitch. Not many people get through the gate.
Wes Schaeffer: That's right. And with seven kids I go through some bourbon.
Wes Schaeffer: Okay, so
You know,
Wes Schaeffer: I don't need bourbon of the month, and he bourbon of the week.
Wes Schaeffer: The big bottles, not the little airline samples. Okay.
Wes Schaeffer: All right, well, this is cool. So I've got your URL here. Yes, Boss. The a.com yeah but then you've made a report double your new client leads by being features of podcast guests, even if you don't have a large social media following or your own podcast, so
Wes Schaeffer: It's a, it's a 10-minute masterclass
Kristin Molenaar: Super quick yeah I gave it to a few people that I know and just ask for their feedback and
Kristin Molenaar: It was like 12 minutes at the time and I had one guy say to me, he started losing me around minutes six. So we chopped it to make it as
Kristin Molenaar: To the point and quick as possible. I just, I know people don't have time for this. Like you just need the strategy as fast as possible. And it's once you hear it. It's not like this complicated thing you've just got to hear it, to understand it to be able to put it into practice.
Wes Schaeffer: Right. Yep.
Wes Schaeffer: All right, just signed up and there's a video of you.
Kristin Molenaar: There it is.
Wes Schaeffer: I see it.
Wes Schaeffer: So that is Yes Boss va.com slash podcast well already opted in the
Kristin Molenaar: Past guests.
Wes Schaeffer: Podcast guest. So yes, boss via comm slash podcast guest all right so y'all go check that out if you want to be on more shows. I just signed up. So I'm going to go watch this.
Wes Schaeffer: After jujitsu, if I live, you know, all these people, they just want to try to they try to hurt me. You know, every day all these people. I'm a nice guy. Why would they try to hurt me? Can you tell me?
Kristin Molenaar: Can tell you that one.
Kristin Molenaar: That is not in my area of expertise. So I will decline to answer.
I like your focus
Wes Schaeffer: Very nice. All right, Christian moon or all the way from Scottsdale, thanks for coming to show it's been great.
Kristin Molenaar: Yeah. Thanks for having me. West
Wes Schaeffer: Have a great day.
You too.