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Turn Lurkers Into Leads With Leadferno on The CRM Sushi Podcast

  • Get your 2-week free trial of Leadferno
  • Took five days over email to try to buy a boat when it could've/should've been a 5-minute discussion
  • SMS helps you convert lurkers to leads quickly
  • High risk and high reward to build your own
  • Text blasts are great for e-commerce
  • Consumers like the two-way features of text, i.e., it's a utility
  • Broke code in early 2021
  • Sept 2021 went to market
  • "The Lead Box" is always visible for the consumer to engage
  • Customize the buttons and the movement
  • Channels
    • Put the top conversions in front of the customer
    • Go right to text
    • Link out to any URL like your scheduling tool
    • Click to call and track it
  • Primary button
    • Icon (he recommends including "Text" since it's a game changer!)
  • Reporting
    • Google Analytics
    • Funnel
    • Message with Facebook Messenger and Google Business Messages
  • No broadcast SMS, purely one-to-one
  • "Add to Contacts"
  • Free 800 number
  • Can port over landline
Take The Quiz—Find Your CRM
Turn lurkers into leads."


  • All, Unassigned, Me folders
  • First-come, first-served by sales reps
  • Transfer communications
  • Management can oversee conversations
  • Orange, Green, Blue, Grey
  • Integrates with CRMs, but the SMS is sent from inside Leadferno
  • Zapier integration and an API for custom integrations
  • Instant auto-reply to establish immediate contact
    • During business hours
    • After hours
  • Run multiple profiles
    • Segmentation of inboxes
    • Service departments or locations
    • Have one account but multiple profiles for each location
  • Everything is time-stamped and user-stamped
  • Shortcuts, i.e., snippets
    • Team
    • Personal
Use this iPhone hack to make more sales with your iPhone.

  • Conversations can be transferred/assigned
  • Schedule texts in the future for follow-up
  • Closeout conversations as Won or Lost
  • Start new conversations
  • I hate convincing prospects
  • Service requests
  • Google reviews
  • Two-week free trial

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast