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The Introvert's Edge To Networking: Matthew Pollard

Introverts can and do make great salespeople 

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Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • How to sell as an introvert
  • Why introverts make great salespeople
  • Started and owned five multi-million dollar businesses before the age of 30
  • Had a 6th-grade reading comprehension in high school
  • Fell into sales out of high school to find himself before university
  • Did data entry but the business shut down in three weeks
  • Forced into sales during Christmas, which is also their summer
  • Selling business telecom services door-to-door
  • Faced a lot of rejection
  • On his 93rd door he made $73
  • Was excited until he realized he had to do it again the next day
  • The "hustle" mentality was not exciting
  • He looked for systems
  • Looked up "sales system" on YouTube
  • Sold during the day, self-taught at night
  • Made one sale every three doors
  • 18 out of 20 of his peers quit
  • Became #1 in six weeks
  • Promoted 7 times in 12 months

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  • Great marketing makes sales easy
  • Oh...your business is different?
  • People don't want to meet people who sell commodities, which lead right to a price discussion
  • "You want to help people? Can you narrow it down?"
  • Describe your passion and your why when networking to differentiate yourself
  • People make assumptions when you say "I sell" or "I offer" then insert commodity
  • Small hinges swing big doors
  • He initially was talking to the wrong people at first when he was selling door-to-door
I'm here to see if you qualify..." and that made a huge difference
  • Don't show up and start pitching
  • Ask better questions
  • Don't just flip through the catalog or brochure
  • The power of storytelling is strong
    • Creates artificial rapport
    • It short-circuits/bypassing the logical part of the brain
    • "I understand...however,..." and tell a story of a successful client in a similar situation.
  • Most salespeople get the sales process out of order
  • He follows a seven-step sequence
  • He was given a team of 20 and they all quit within 48 hours
  • He went back to YouTube to learn how to manage
  • He got promoted too fast
  • He was miserable in his first job eventually, despite winning awards and making great money
  • When you start your own business you need to realize how you inherit goals from others and they may not be what you want
  • He was trying to prove he was "worth something"
  • He has a podcast called "The Better Business Coach Podcast," check out episode #17
  • Most millionaires are actually living low-key
  • Many feel anxious all the time because they are out of alignment
  • Do what you care about
  • Where are you sipping bourbon?
  • What type of bourbon?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Revenue is great, but profit is what matters.
  • People don't take time to think anymore
  • We don't know what we want
  • Rapid Growth The Lazy Way
  • Use the bookmark button on audiobooks
  • You have to be the loudest if you can't be the clearest
  • Automation is key
  • Pinterest is a search engine, not a social following/conversation site

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast


Wes Schaeffer: Matthew Pollard, all the way from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, author of the introverts edge to networking work the room leverage social media to fill up powerful connections. Welcome to the sales podcast, man. How the heck are you

Matthew Pollard: Man, I'm excited to be here. Thanks for having me. I'm doing terrific.

Wes Schaeffer: Mate, mate. What is made. Are you are you like South Africa is that Russian. What is that, what's that accent.

Matthew Pollard: Well, you introduced me from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. So I guess I don't, I don't really sound like that, but I'm actually from Melbourne, Australia, originally, and I didn't think that

Matthew Pollard: Maybe would you know I couldn't say hello to someone without using the wet wood made at the end. It just would feel not me.

Wes Schaeffer: So are there other rednecks and hillbillies in in Australia.

Matthew Pollard: So we have slightly different names, but kind of yeah I mean we have, but it's interesting. So we use the word Bogan um you know as a district so

Matthew Pollard: But bogut is proud Australian but you know they're happy to walk down the street. No shoes on and you know they don't kill we how they dress and gosh, if you think I sound Australian you should listen to them.

Wes Schaeffer: Oh, so you mean they're they're basically California

Matthew Pollard: So,

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, not knowing enough about the demographic, but being having been here six or seven years now, I'd say definitely closer

Wes Schaeffer: All right. Very nice.

Wes Schaeffer: So I love your story and you know we were talking before we hit record.

Wes Schaeffer: There are a lot of introverts in the world, obviously, a lot of introverts, though in sales. I tell people I feel like I'm a, I'm an extroverted introvert.

Wes Schaeffer: It's like I I love a good party, but I love to leave the party and go recharge like with a movie nap, a book.

Wes Schaeffer: So you are, you would you call yourself like a classic introvert just

Matthew Pollard: Absolutely. So I think a lot of people. I mean, let's face it, the psychologists have over complicated because maybe you know to get your research grants, you have to come up with a new way of defining things all the time, but

Matthew Pollard: For me, I mean, I see introversion, a lot more simply than a lot of people. I mean, I don't get into the

Matthew Pollard: I mean sure there's people that are classified as highly sensitive people that are classified as shy. We can overcomplicate as much as we want. But if we want to simplify it.

Matthew Pollard: It's really where you draw your energy from, like, for me, you know, I will go and speak at a networking event or speak up from stage or go and speak to someone and sell to them.

Matthew Pollard: And at the end of that it doesn't mean I can't do it. Well, I mean, I think that's where people get it wrong. They think that because they're introverted. They can't sell network PUBLIC SPEAK lead. It's just not true.

Matthew Pollard: It just means like a kid at Disneyland. You can go and play on all the rides. But eventually, when you get home. Right. You want to hit the pillow and yeah and you're tired. For me, I want to put our hoodie in and watch Netflix for half an hour, you know, an extrovert on the on

Matthew Pollard: The opposite is they'll go, and they'll speak at a networking event or whatever they need to do with people. And at the end of that they're charged up and they're ready to go. And, you know, do it again, or go to the next event or the next party.

Matthew Pollard: So I think that to really simplify it, it, you know, if you

Matthew Pollard: Spend time with people, whether you're really good at it or not. When you're if you're tired at the end you're an introvert. If you're charged at the end, then you're an extrovert.


Wes Schaeffer: Very cool. So I want to get into a few points in the book, but I don't want to steal your thunder. We need people to go by the book, but I do want to get into some of your background, though, that led into this

Wes Schaeffer: Responsible for five multimillion dollar business success stories before the age of 30 so we're these businesses that you started and owned or you consulted or a little bit of both.

Matthew Pollard: Start an own so I mean just different variations. I mean, one of the things I learned really well is

Matthew Pollard: How to create a message that separates had a niche down and then how to create a sale system. And I think that, you know, for me, my life has been spin

Matthew Pollard: Understanding that methodology and now. Now I teach to others. But you know, I mean, I, I kind of fell into it. I mean, when when I

Matthew Pollard: When I first started, I mean, I mean a lot of people hear me on podcast interviews me speak from stage we go oh it's easy for him. It's clearly, you know. He's a natural.

Matthew Pollard: I mean, but I had a reading speed of a sixth grader in late high school I was horribly introverted. I had really bad acne.

Matthew Pollard: You know, in late later high school I you know I had colored lenses, because my, my parents actually got me diagnosed with this thing called Orland syndrome, which means

Matthew Pollard: I put on this pair of magic colored lenses and I can, I can learn to read. I can't read like everyone else. But I could learn to read.

Matthew Pollard: But what happened was I fell into sales really because of the fact that

Matthew Pollard: You know, I got a job after you know year 12 we all agreed with my family that you know unless I really knew what I wanted to do in university that I would take a year off just to find myself because I wouldn't make it through.

Matthew Pollard: So I took a year off. I took a job at a real estate agency. I wasn't the guy out selling by any means. I was the guy in the back office doing data entry with this look on my face.

Matthew Pollard: Really say you know don't speak to me. I'm here to find myself, but I lost my job, three weeks in, because they shut the business down

Matthew Pollard: And next thing I knew that I was applying for Commission only sales roles which you can imagine with terrifying for me as an introvert, but there were the only jobs. I could get and

Matthew Pollard: You know, this was at Christmas time in Australia. So as you can imagine. I mean, trying to get a job in Australia at Christmas and we have summer and Christmas. At the same time, we're just talking about this before the before the episode started

Matthew Pollard: Which basically means everyone goes on this summer Christmas holiday on the 20th of December and they don't come back to the fifth of 20th of January.

Matthew Pollard: So here I am, you know, no job applying for Commission only sales roles, because that's all that's there.

Matthew Pollard: I applied for three I got three interviews I got three jobs, I was kind of ecstatic with myself until I got told by my manager or yeah we just hire everyone we just throw it up against the wall, see what sticks, which sounds like a fun saying until you realize you're the mud.

Matthew Pollard: And there I am, you know, that's I got five days product training and then thrown on this road called Sydney road Melbourne, Australia, and you know, told to go go sell

Wes Schaeffer: So are you selling

Matthew Pollard: I was selling door to door telecommunications so business to business telco so phone plans internet

Matthew Pollard: So those sorts of those sorts of things. One 301 800 numbers and you know I didn't. I went to walk in the first door didn't even know what to say.

Matthew Pollard: And then, you know, took a deep breath, walked in any way was politely told to leave. Luckily enough then I was less politely told to leave.

Matthew Pollard: Then I was sworn at and, you know, my personal favorite, that was always getting told go get a real job.

Matthew Pollard: Where is the only job I could get the door after door this kept happening until I got to my 93rd door where I made my first sale and

Matthew Pollard: I made about $70 and I remember static for about 45 seconds.

Matthew Pollard: Until I had my second realization for the day. I've got to do this again tomorrow and the next day and the next and I'm like you know what

Matthew Pollard: This isn't okay and I think a lot of people listening will do one of two things. Right. I think the world of the hustle mentality is growing, you know, we're just going to hustle it out. We're going to grind it out, which is going to get through it.

Matthew Pollard: Well, if I hadn't done that, then I would have relied on Lady Luck. You know, sometimes, it'd be $105 then it'd be $87 it wouldn't get any better. I just have to hustle every day.

Matthew Pollard: Or I could have quit like 18 of my 20 training group did the following day. What I did is I decided sales had to be a system.

Matthew Pollard: And I went looking for that system and with my reading issues. And then, as I said I had readings, bit of a sixth grader. I couldn't exactly pick up a Brian Tracy is exact level. But what I did discover

Matthew Pollard: Was YouTube and I typed in sale system and all these videos came up and every day. I just been eight hours out in the field practicing and then eight hours at home.

Matthew Pollard: Learning the next part of the sales process and just every day I get better and better. I mean, you know, soon, I'd be

Matthew Pollard: $65 and 48 then 12 and then nine and then eventually I got it down to one sale every three doors.

Matthew Pollard: And if you will. Fast forward about 12 months because of that, you know, I got promoted nearly seven times, well, sorry, seven times in the space of 12 months but within six weeks I got pulled into the office.

Matthew Pollard: And I got told I was the number one salesperson in the company was the largest sales and marketing come in and southern hemisphere. So I'd gone from terrified to, you know,

Matthew Pollard: Really being the number one in the company in six weeks promoted seven times in 12 months and then fast forward just shy of a decade. I've been responsible for five multimillion dollar success stories.

Matthew Pollard: But it all came down to me learning sales as a methodology.

Matthew Pollard: And then teaching it to others. And then eventually realizing that sales. There's a lot of heavy lifting that can be done by great marketing.

Matthew Pollard: So learning how to differentiate and have a nation that's what I call you know my three steps to rapid growth, it led to the success. And you know, that's really kind of what got me into what I do today.

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, that's great for you. But you know what, I'm not in Australia and my business is different. So yeah, why am I listening to you.

Matthew Pollard: Well, every business is different and absolutely exactly the same. So it's really interesting to say, you know, it doesn't really matter. I mean I consult with clients all over the world. And it's funny how I mean they're all smiling Australia.

Matthew Pollard: Australia, New Zealand versus the US, there are certain different drivers for why people make purchasing decisions, but the things that don't change.

Matthew Pollard: The fact that people don't like to be they don't like to hear you, as a commodity. And I think that's one of the biggest issues that people have mean when we go to a networking room.

Matthew Pollard: And we say, Oh, I'm a business coach or a branding consultant right sell insurance.

Matthew Pollard: The, the problem that you have is people go, oh, I need that. How much do you charge which leads us straight into a price conversation.

Matthew Pollard: Or they say well I you know I had a really bad experience with an insurance salesperson. In the past, or I've got that I don't need you in the conversations done

Matthew Pollard: Right, you end up feeling like you've got to convince and control people. And actually, because I said insurance and, you know, let's face it, if you hear the word ice, the words I sell insurance at a networking event.

Matthew Pollard: Right, your eyes, want to scream because I, how do I get away from this conversation. I actually had a guy.

Matthew Pollard: Nick Jensen, who came to me who sold insurance for for an organization, he said whenever I speak to someone

Matthew Pollard: Is I got into insurance because I felt like I wanted to help people. But whenever I sell sell sell you insurance people scream and I like they want to get away from me.

Matthew Pollard: They like what do I do. And I said, Well, let's think about, you know, really coming back to a point of passion here. Why did you get into it. He said, Why is how do I want to help people. I said, Okay.

Matthew Pollard: Let's get a little bit less general here help people that make like 250,000 a year, or people that are in 50,000 a year. He said, Well, obviously the 250

Matthew Pollard: I said why he said, well, they make more so they can buy more stuff as well. It's not really talking about passionate. Now, Nick. Is it so let's go a little bit deeper here for a second.

Matthew Pollard: What about the person that hustlers every day to through school got into Harvard got a C level executive role working in a big organization makes 250,000 a year versus the guy that started his own business hires people and then makes 250

Matthew Pollard: He said, well, the business owner. I said why

Matthew Pollard: He said, well, my grandfather owned a farm. He started his own business. He hired all these people he made you know a bunch of money, but he never really prioritized himself, and then he got sick.

Matthew Pollard: And you have to sell the farm and he ended up moving into this really small apartment. He said, I just watched my grandfather wither away and die in front of the TV for like a decade.

Matthew Pollard: I just, I feel like those people need more help. I said, Okay.

Matthew Pollard: What if then instead of saying when you're at a networking event that you sell insurance. Why don't you call yourself the hustle life God

Matthew Pollard: And when somebody says, what exactly is that then talk about your passion and mission for supporting

Matthew Pollard: The small business owners, the people that create things out of nothing, not lead to unhappy retirements or later lives because they don't prioritize

Matthew Pollard: their health and their safety through through insurance. I said, then go into a story about how you helped your

Matthew Pollard: You know about your grandfather or how you help somebody else and how you protected them against this situation, would that feel a lot more comfortable for you.

Matthew Pollard: So what he ended up doing is doing that he worked for a large organization at work so well he now has his own business that you're very successful helping those types of people. And what's interesting, and by the way he isn't he's an American guy.

Matthew Pollard: But the same strategy won't matter if you're you're in China won't matter if you're in Europe.

Matthew Pollard: It wouldn't matter if you're in South Africa, the same strategy works when you go and meet someone and you say, I sell or I offer or I do into commodity word here.

Matthew Pollard: The problem is people automatically either disqualify you or say oh I need that. How much do you cost you need to trance fold that into something that inspires interest.

Matthew Pollard: Then if you speak to everybody like Nick was I sell insurance to everyone. You don't become the only logical choice to anyone.

Matthew Pollard: So because of that, knowing your marketplace, knowing your nation.

Matthew Pollard: Nick could then speak from point of passion about how he helped small business owners. But what was interesting is, even people that weren't small business owners.

Matthew Pollard: They felt his passion and they will. Oh my gosh. Well, you know, I know that you only help small business owners, but would you consider working with me because so infrequently.

Matthew Pollard: Does anyone get around some of this actually doing something they're truly passionate about and then when you've got a great sale system. It just becomes so so easy to drive them through that whole process.

Wes Schaeffer: Mm hmm. Nice.

Wes Schaeffer: So let's go back to your door to door sales.

Wes Schaeffer: What did you do differently from week one to week six. How would you open. How were you received better

Wes Schaeffer: Once you perfected. This was it's

Wes Schaeffer: Like, who did you ask for, you know, was it your demeanor, was it was it everything

Wes Schaeffer: I gotta assume your posture was probably better

Wes Schaeffer: How you made eye contact your tonality, but I mean, can you

Wes Schaeffer: I gotta assume you can describe you know exactly what the switch was

Matthew Pollard: Well, I mean, so it was it was a ton of things. The. It was all of the things that you mentioned, and more. But, you know, just simple things, right. So I would walk in and firstly

Matthew Pollard: I often get talking to the wrong person. Right. So I'd be having a dialogue with and I remember, I remember conversations where I spent

Matthew Pollard: 30 minutes trying to get someone to be interested in what I would talk about

Matthew Pollard: And then eventually, they'd say, okay, and then they walk into the boss and say, Hey boss. Do you want to change telecommunications providers. No. Okay. Sorry. He's not interested.

Matthew Pollard: About what a waste of time. So a lot of times I was burning interest. So what I learned. And I still remember. I think my my pitch was something like, you know,

Matthew Pollard: I get in. I thought talking, I'd say, You know, I'm here representing X company we're trying out a new save is packaging your area. My jobs really just to come out and see if you qualify for that. Are you the right person to speak to

Matthew Pollard: Something as simple as that, using the word qualify automatically got the person that wasn't the decision maker to go qualify. Oh, I don't know. Let me get the box. So it made such a substantial difference

Matthew Pollard: One of the, the next things that I learned is that if I went straight in and started pitching. Then it didn't pay me great results. So what I learned is that okay, I need to start asking better questions. And what I find is a lot of people

Matthew Pollard: A lot of people just go in and start telling they pull out the brochure and they start saying, you know, here's what I can do. Here's what I can do.

Matthew Pollard: I'd start asking questions. You know, in telecommunications, it's super easy. You just have to get their bills soon as you get their bill, you're going to get the sale right so it asked questions that would then lead to something

Matthew Pollard: Of them saying, you know, I don't know, and then go grab the bill. I'll do a free bill analysis and I do it right there. And then, so it was really simple.

Matthew Pollard: The next thing is, and I was selling something that no I sold a telecommunications company in America. It would have been equivalent to Verizon when Verizon was just getting started against at AMP T who'd been there for a long, long time.

Matthew Pollard: So they launched into the market and of course they look they launched into the market as the cheaper provider, but everybody else everybody that signed up. I signed up and then realize this service was terrible.

Matthew Pollard: And went back to the at AMP T provider. So when I go in there, blah. Oh yeah, yeah, we, we might consider for the landline phone but we're definitely not doing cell phones because

Matthew Pollard: We tried to in the past and it didn't work out so they'd spent a lot of money on improving the infrastructure.

Matthew Pollard: But the problem is I could tell people, all of this that people like. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard it all before. No, thank you.

Matthew Pollard: So what I realized is the power of story was one of the biggest things. I mean, firstly people remember 22 times more information with embedded into a story.

Matthew Pollard: So the thing that's really powerful with that is, I remember going up and selling against people that had like 10 brushes stacked up on the desk and I knew that remember more of what I told them the probably all of those jobs and sales people before me.

Matthew Pollard: The second thing, especially for introverts is what actually happens is it activates the particular activating system of the brain when you tell a story.

Matthew Pollard: Which means that we create this artificial report that we can lead into real rapport.

Matthew Pollard: And then thirdly it short circuits. The logical mind which is the part of the brain that's going that'll work for me. That will work for me. You know, I haven't got time to this. Get out.

Matthew Pollard: Versus the emotional part of the brain, which literally says story time and listen to the whole story assumes the detail is fact. And then listens for the model. So when people gave me that objection.

Matthew Pollard: I would say is what I call an objection handling cushion I perfectly understand the last thing I want to do is waste any of your time, however, I

Matthew Pollard: I've listened. I understand that you're busy.

Matthew Pollard: And then the word. However, the word however sales people love using the word, but what I learned is, when you say the word, but it's a disqualification term. So when you use the word but it says

Matthew Pollard: everything I just said before this, I didn't mean. Now let me tell you what I really think versus the word, however, that says

Matthew Pollard: Everything before this, I did mean, however, I've got this additional thing of value that I want to add for those that don't believe me that

Matthew Pollard: Husbands, that are married, go home and say D. You look beautiful in that dress but and see what happens. It's not going to work out too well for you.

Matthew Pollard: So then I would go into a story about somebody else that had had the same concern the same problem.

Matthew Pollard: And I help them remember why they decided to go with this telecommunications company in the first place to save money because

Matthew Pollard: $1 saved is like $10 made depending on what your markup was. And I said, now there's the service guarantee and they spent all this billions of dollars on

Matthew Pollard: Improving the infrastructure. So you get to have your cake and eat it too. At least that's what I tell them, and then I talk about the positive outcome that they now had

Matthew Pollard: Which means I can deliver this model of. So while I understand that you didn't get what you wanted before you can now have that end know the service is going to be okay.

Matthew Pollard: And by doing that, I get people to a better outcome. So one of the things that I learned the first and probably the most important

Matthew Pollard: Is that most people constantly say the things out of order. They get talking about price too soon. They don't ask enough questions. They don't tell stories they think they do. But it's always customer one of this so we gave it to them.

Matthew Pollard: They're not deep emotionally driven stories that have the depth of like how you met your husband or wife, where there's these emotional roller coaster elements to it.

Matthew Pollard: Once I realized that it was a series of seven steps and I put those steps in order

Matthew Pollard: And then I threw out some of the things that just didn't fit all of a sudden I noticed that my sales doubled. And that's why I tell people I mean my publisher hates me when I say this, but

Matthew Pollard: You know, I tell people all the time. They don't need to buy my book if they just download the first chapter of the introverts edge.com they'll get that seven step structure.

Matthew Pollard: And if they do if they just put everything in order and, you know, throw out what doesn't fit and fill in the gaps which is always going to be around great questioning and great storytelling, then they'll easily double this out in the next 60 days.

Wes Schaeffer: Very nice. So you're you're selling with them and you become number one, how long did you stay with that company.

Matthew Pollard: So I stayed with them, just under a year. So it was actually funny so

Matthew Pollard: What happened is, so that was that six week trajectory. And when I got called into their office to you know get told that I was the number one in the company. I thought it was in trouble because, I mean, I was the quiet guy that used to hand in my paperwork downstairs.

Matthew Pollard: And then go up and hear all these boisterous sales people talk about how tough the market is getting especially around Christmas time.

Matthew Pollard: So then all of a sudden they gave me. They said you're the number one of the company. So we're going to give you a team. So next thing on your I've got this team of

Matthew Pollard: 20 people. I don't know why they think that just because you can sell you can manage right and no idea what I was doing. I'll give them 20 people, they all quit within 48 hours.

Matthew Pollard: And so I went back to YouTube and I learned how to manage

Matthew Pollard: And then what happens, was I then actually got pretty good I got the nickname the young Anthony Robbins in my organization because I used to run

Matthew Pollard: These little seminars, which was easy, because I would just be taking people through the philosophies that I I was learning and taking people on each step throughout the week of how to handle the sale better

Matthew Pollard: But what would then happen is I got promoted to fast and what I learned about this, the organization that I worked within

Matthew Pollard: Is that every time you get promoted, you get a little bit, you get less time to go out and sell yourself, but you get more of a chunk of what everybody else was doing

Matthew Pollard: So, but what would happen is I would get promoted.

Matthew Pollard: And then that would happen. And then I get my team to do really well. And then I get promoted again and then I got promoted.

Matthew Pollard: from Melbourne to Adelaide, which means I got no commissions off any of the people that I'd set up and now I had to start the organization again.

Matthew Pollard: And then I got moved back to Melbourne and it just got to the point where I was like, You know what, I'm going to go and start up my own business. So my first business was actually a telecommunications company.

Matthew Pollard: Within the space of three years we became the number one broker ship for B2B cell phones in the country.

Wes Schaeffer: So you're kicking it then you. When did you start doing your own thing.

Wes Schaeffer: And it ended.

Matthew Pollard: I wouldn't

Matthew Pollard: So I started working in this business. Sorry, I started working in telecommunications in the end of 2002 I was 18 i was i turned 19 working in that business. It would was just before my 20th birthday. I started my own business.

Wes Schaeffer: And was it in the same space.

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, it was in telecommunications, as I said, we you know we built the largest brokers database cell phone.

Matthew Pollard: Yeah. So I mean, telecommunications, I think a lot of people do that, you know, they start a business and

Matthew Pollard: I have to say in one of the things I tell people all the time.

Matthew Pollard: Is, you know, building all these different successful businesses. Sounds great. But the reason for that is, I mean, the first business. I could have stayed in that my whole life. I was making great money.

Matthew Pollard: But it was, it was just miserable. Like I just didn't love you know I didn't love talking about cool rights, and I think this happens to a lot of people you know that

Matthew Pollard: They. So what happens is they they sell something for a career and then they go, Okay, I'm going to start my own business, so they end up starting a business.

Matthew Pollard: That they've done for the career. So for me, I was a logical choice aside of telecommunications company. But you know, I remember winning an award was the young achiever in 2007 I went back to my house. And I'm like,

Matthew Pollard: You know, I'm looking, I was in an apartment 270 degree views like I wasn't making amazing money and I was miserable. I was like, if

Matthew Pollard: If this is what success looks like. I mean, you can keep it. So one of the things that I tell people all the time now is you really can create a rapid growth business out of anything.

Matthew Pollard: But there's nothing worse than a rapid growth business with customers. You don't like in a business, you can't stand

Matthew Pollard: So for me, one of the biggest things that I try and get people to understand as well is if you're going to start your own business. The first thing you need to realize

Matthew Pollard: Is that most people tend to inherit their goals from their mother their father. Their drunk roommate, they had in college, they just hear these things that, like,

Matthew Pollard: That's what I want. I'm going to spend the rest of my life charging towards that. But they don't think it through. So, for a lot of business people that go into business for themselves.

Matthew Pollard: They struggle to must have the fire in the belly to go after and actually go and achieve it for themselves. And they wonder why. And the answer is they're not actually passionate about what they're doing.

Matthew Pollard: Or they actually dude right through that they hustle through and then they get to success. And they're like, what was this even for, like, I'm not happy. And that was me. So I mean I'd spend

Matthew Pollard: A large amount of my life really, you know, a couple of years really

Matthew Pollard: How would I put it, I was trying to prove to everyone else that I was worth something, because I had not achieved.

Matthew Pollard: Success. You know, I, everyone. My whole life and said you're the you know the slow kid, right, you can't read. You can't spell that while

Matthew Pollard: Right, you never going to amount to anything. So when I started to achieve and I started to make money. It was like, I'm going to prove everybody wrong.

Matthew Pollard: And then you, I think. And you know, when you talk about them as low hierarchy of needs, or whatever it is. I think when you get to a certain point, you look back and you're like,

Matthew Pollard: What did I do this fall. So one of the exercises I always suggest people check out is, I've got a podcast called the better business coach.

Matthew Pollard: And in one episode. It's called it's episode 17. It's called forget about goals. Why is the key to success.

Matthew Pollard: And in that episode. You know what I really get people to do is break down, you know, three business goals or three career goals and free personal goals one selfish to themselves, because that's the one that's going to drive them.

Matthew Pollard: And I get them to write down those goals. And then I say, that's really a means to an end. The most important part is summarizing each one of those goals in 250 words or less.

Matthew Pollard: Including what's important to you. And what I find

Matthew Pollard: Is that a lot of high achievers are really good at writing their goals. But when they write down why it's important to them.

Matthew Pollard: They struggle to come up with one or two lines of text. And the reason is it's really not important to them. So, it forces them to go back and rethink. I mean, I know now the business that I'm in

Matthew Pollard: Right, the level of passion. I have for you know this is my hobby. I love doing it you know I you know I do it for free. It's great that people, you know, pay me to do it.

Matthew Pollard: Right where, you know, the first business. It got to the stage where, you know, I really just didn't enjoy

Matthew Pollard: You know, getting up and doing it. So for everyone that's listening at home if you're in a, you know, I talked about this in the book, this, this, the strategies that I gave you

Matthew Pollard: actually give you an advantage over everyone else but don't sell a product, you know, believe in don't sell a product that you can't stand and don't work in a business that you own selling a

Matthew Pollard: Product that you don't really just love doing is so many products and so many opportunities out there, you really can

Matthew Pollard: You know, create a rapid growth business that you love or create an amazing income selling a product that you absolutely love. And when you have that you'll end up selling more and making more right because you're not dragging yourself out of bed every night.

Wes Schaeffer: Mm hmm.

Wes Schaeffer: Yes. Good timing. A friend of mine sent me

Wes Schaeffer: Her goal planning worksheet. You know, we're recording this December 20 seconds so

Wes Schaeffer: It was good time be doing. Go, go, planning goal setting and I've, I've written goals over the years and I stumble across some sometimes I keep them in front of me. Usually I don't, but this document. Is this a lot of blank space to write, but still it's 42 pages.

Wes Schaeffer: And I'm like, Holy smokes. Who's filling out a 42 page goal planning worksheet.

Wes Schaeffer: Because yeah, I think we do forget about the why.

Wes Schaeffer: There, especially with the internet social media today people. I feel like they they don't think they're any good unless they have

Wes Schaeffer: You know, a car that's six figures, maybe mid six figures, you know, unless they've

Wes Schaeffer: I don't know, do a fancy photo shoot every month. It's just so much material things, but I know because I talked to these people like they call me they messaged me behind the scenes and it's like they're just sad people

Matthew Pollard: I mean, that's the thing that I see all the time. So I mean people people create this Rolodex of things that they love. And by the way, I mean, there was a study around the millionaires out there. Most of them are actually driving pretty cheap cars.

Matthew Pollard: The people that make no money that feel like they need to have them Sadie's in the driveway, so that they, it was it. Will Smith's quote

Matthew Pollard: People you know spend money, they don't have to buy things that they need to impress people that they don't even really like and I think

Matthew Pollard: We've created this society like that. But I mean, if you ask people what it is that they want.

Matthew Pollard: So often people say, I want to create a million dollar business by the end of the year. And I'm like, well, hang on a second. Firstly, it's October.

Matthew Pollard: And you've made $27,000 But secondly, didn't you say you wanted to get into this business. So you could spend more time with your daughter.

Matthew Pollard: And your last job, the job that you left. Didn't that only pay you $50,000 a year. So okay, so why don't we focus on in the next four weeks, but she gave you the 50,000 the wording.

Matthew Pollard: Once we get to that point. Firstly, what you willing to trade off will change that desperation will go away because when you're desperate.

Matthew Pollard: You eat while it feels good to say I'm creating a million dollar business when you're desperate willing to do anything for money.

Matthew Pollard: Right when you get to a little bit. And actually, I have a great example. So you asked me originally, who was Derrick Lewis on the cover of my book.

Matthew Pollard: And you know, when Derek first came to me, he said to me that I want to make a million dollars and he literally did make he reached out to me was October. It was 20 he was made $27,000 in 2013 you only make 12,000

Matthew Pollard: By October of that year, and he's like, well, I want to make a million dollars. I said, Derek Do you even firstly you wouldn't know how to spend a million dollars if you got it. Secondly,

Matthew Pollard: Why do you actually made it. And then thirdly, you don't believe it's possible. So here's what I would suggest, firstly, tell me how you're going to earn this money.

Matthew Pollard: And he said, Well, I'm going to have 10 girls, right, is he was a ghost writer you have 10 ghost writers working for me all charging $20,000 a book, they're going to do 10 books each

Matthew Pollard: They'll make 100,000 a year, and I'll have 10 people make it where I'll make hundred thousand of each of them. I'll make a million dogs. I said, Okay.

Matthew Pollard: What's your what I call your independence goal, which is not enough to be living on champagne and caviar, but

Matthew Pollard: Enough that you're not living on bread and roll and he came back with this number 57,000. I said, great. Let's get you there first.

Matthew Pollard: Well, we work together and he hit that. I mean, he get 40,000 within two weeks he hits 80,000 within the space of eight weeks.

Matthew Pollard: As soon as he came back to me. I said, So do you still want to have 10 people working for him. He said, oh gosh, no. The last thing I want to do is have all these people

Matthew Pollard: That I've got to, you know, have reporting to me, that would be a nightmare. I mean, he's. I mean, if I'm an introvert, he's he's, you know, a definitely an introvert and

Matthew Pollard: So he said, I just don't want that. I said, great. So what's your next goal. He said, I want to make 120,000 because I want to then open up a retail store that sells books and has all these meetings centers. I said, Okay, let's get you to that.

Matthew Pollard: Well, he 120 by the end of the year. That's four months.

Matthew Pollard: When he got to that. I said, do you still want to have the retail store. He said, gosh, now I'm working with authors in Switzerland in London. My family's traveling with me. I don't want to have this thing that I've got to keep coming back to check up on

Matthew Pollard: What people are willing to do what people are willing to trade off and what people consider as opportunities. Shift as you earn more money. So what happens is when you set this million dollar goal.

Matthew Pollard: A lot of people don't even look up until they get that most people never get there. But if they do get there. They didn't look back and go, Why did I work so hard for that money.

Matthew Pollard: So one of the things that I like to do what I call them, you know, short term self efficacy goals. If you haven't hit a goal for the longest time

Matthew Pollard: Don't hit that million dollar don't set a million dollar goal to hit in the next three years said I want to achieve 50,000 in the next six months.

Matthew Pollard: Right, hit that goal knock it out of the park celebrate then put your head up and say, What am I willing to trade off for the next financial goal and what is the next financial goal.

Matthew Pollard: What generally happens is you end up moving much further much faster. And it's the only chance of getting there.

Matthew Pollard: But secondly, you start to think, what's actually important to you, like, for me, what I find is a lot of people in sales roles feel anxious, all the time. A lot of people running their own business.

Matthew Pollard: feel anxious, all the time. And that's because they've got these goals that they think are important to them.

Matthew Pollard: But they're not aligned with what they're truly passionate about that not aligned with a wide the not aligned with it. The driving mission in the world. And what's interesting, the story I gave you have Nick.

Matthew Pollard: You know, when he was selling insurance, you know, he was always feeling uncomfortable in the networking room.

Matthew Pollard: But if you were to ask what he was passionate about what mission he was on. Now he's got that alignment. He feels so much more comfortable in these goals.

Matthew Pollard: Or reflect that, so, so important because in neuro linguistic programming, we learned were presented with 2 million bits of information every single second. Our brains a supercomputer.

Matthew Pollard: But a process is about 126. So what happens is we delete the store and generalize. Everything we see, feel, hear touch based on our beliefs, values of past experiences.

Matthew Pollard: And a subset of that is a goal. So while I'd like to think I'm a great coach, in truth, just getting people laser focused on what they want, and more importantly, why they wanted what truly matters to them.

Matthew Pollard: Kimberly allows them to see opportunities that right there in front of them. And more importantly, it stops them hedging because that 47 page goal setting exercise document.

Matthew Pollard: Probably had Skype calls and if I can't do this. I want to do this. I'm going to try and do this same time as this.

Matthew Pollard: She probably you know river fills it out, it's probably going to be running a marathon and making that million dollar business in the next six months.

Matthew Pollard: There's just not enough time for all of that because marathons. Take a long period of time to

Matthew Pollard: Train for, you've got to be realistic. You've got to build your self efficacy and you've got to actually do what you care about, otherwise you'll end up writing a list of I'm going to have a Lamborghini.

Matthew Pollard: I'm going to make a million dollars. I'm going to run a marathon and I'm going to spend more time with my kids. Let's be realistic. No one's going to achieve all of that, if they achieve none of that in the last six months.

Wes Schaeffer: Before I care about a sipping bourbon and doing jujitsu

Matthew Pollard: Well, if all you care about is sipping verbal I'd hope that you'd like to sit bourbon with friends and

Matthew Pollard: Myself.

Wes Schaeffer: Will look I I realized that if I have my dog with me, then I'm not technically drinking alone.

Matthew Pollard: Okay. Well, as long as, as long as you're comfortable with that. Then I'll tell you how to achieve it. OK. So the thing is bourbon first. So, and this is exactly what I mean. So firstly, if you're sitting bourbon. Where are you sitting

Matthew Pollard: Right you sitting in a house that you own you sitting in an apartment that you pay for. Are you sitting on the beach in the Bahamas. Did you

Matthew Pollard: Fly your dog over there or you know is your dog with you is your dog healthy is your do you need to have money set aside for, you know, medical treatments for a dog that's quite not healthy because he's enjoying the Bourbon with you.

Matthew Pollard: Right, there's all these things. What type of bourbon. Do you want. Once you know all of that, you then need to say, well, how much does this cost.

Matthew Pollard: Well, this is how much it costs, then now you have your personal goal of I want to make. I need to pay myself this amount of money.

Matthew Pollard: Now in your business goals if you run your own business. You say, Well, I need to make this much profit.

Matthew Pollard: To be able to now everyone says, I want to make this much revenue. I will. I mean, there are there are organizations out there that will remain nameless that say you need to have a million dollar revenue.

Matthew Pollard: To become a member. I know people that make a million dollars revenue and make less money than their secretary, because it all goes

Matthew Pollard: Right. Some people will say to me all the time. I want to, you know, I want to sell 10 you know 10 $5,000 products in the next three months.

Matthew Pollard: I'm okay. But what if you spent five and a half thousand on Facebook ads to get them or what if you spent your 60,000 on the salesperson to get them. Now you making no money.

Matthew Pollard: So what I get people to do is think in terms of profit.

Matthew Pollard: For their business. But then, what is there are the goals. Well, okay, well then I need to have qualified leads coming in, well how am I getting those leads and then what do I do I need to have a sale system off the back end. So as soon as you say, okay,

Matthew Pollard: What I really want to do is sit Berber on the bat you know here with my dog. All of a sudden, you can then work out all your goals around that.

Matthew Pollard: But if you then go out with a bunch of buddies that convince you that you need a Lamborghini, well then you're gonna wind up working a lot harder than that.

Matthew Pollard: And then go, Why am I working now. I never get to spend any time sitting bourbon in my backyard with my dog, but at least you got it. You've got a Lamborghini that you don't really want sitting in the driveway. Right. This is how people get diluted.

Wes Schaeffer: Well, I need my neighbors to be jealous of me when I drive that Lamborghini.

Matthew Pollard: Well, that is the other thing that's really interesting. When people set goals quite frequently. Like, I'll give you an example.

Matthew Pollard: When I worked in Tokyo. I was earning extraordinary money and I bought stuff that I never even used just so when people showed up. I could impress them with those things.

Matthew Pollard: When I started to create a successful business. I bought you know a six figure you know vehicle. I did all of the I

Matthew Pollard: I'm going to call them dumb things that you do when you first start earning money. I think it was Jim Carrey. That said, I wish everybody got the opportunity

Matthew Pollard: To become successful and an extraordinary money to realize how irrelevant. It is towards your happiness.

Matthew Pollard: So what happens is people always live in this. I don't have. I don't have. And then it's like, Oh, I've got to impress that I've got friends that are going through the first time they're earning money that are going through that cycle.

Matthew Pollard: Right truly successful people don't care what other people think though by the $20 pair of jeans, because they feel more comfortable.

Matthew Pollard: Not the $300 pair of jeans, because they've got the right logo and insignia is on them so that everyone knows that they've got expensive, James. Meanwhile, they're less comfortable

Matthew Pollard: So you'll find that what happens is a lot of people set goals to impress others they set goals to prove their worthiness, and you the amount of times people fill out that exercise and when you talk about the why it's to prove to my dad that I'm not

Matthew Pollard: You know, I'm not as useless as he says, or, you know, to show my boss that you know he took a you know he was right to take a chance on me.

Matthew Pollard: Right. I mean, these are your goals they should be about you and what makes you happy. The problem is most people have never really asked that question. Here's why what happens

Matthew Pollard: Is we sit there and, uh, what is it that's really important to me, let me think about that. Is this deep question. It's really all my phones blowing. I wonder if you message me on social media. Let me check that. Oh, I, you know,

Matthew Pollard: And then an hour later, all you've done is play on social media. The problem is people don't take time to truly think anymore. Right. You really know what matters to you.

Matthew Pollard: And what frequently happens is you end up doing what matters to everyone else, because you spend no time really thinking about what it is that you want.

Matthew Pollard: Now there is a book that I'm going to say up front doesn't have the best book name book title and everything. Plus, chapter one, I wasn't a big fan of

Matthew Pollard: But the first chapter is brilliant. And it's called the way of the superior man.

Matthew Pollard: And as I said it excludes half the audience because females don't want to pick up the book, but I've challenged them to pick up the book as well.

Matthew Pollard: And I believe you can download the first chapter for free but it talks about the fact that most people just spend no time thinking anymore.

Matthew Pollard: We all live in this world of, you know, shiny objects shiny objects shiny object conversation busy lives.

Matthew Pollard: Let's check out social media. We never spend time truly thinking about what we want, and more importantly, why we want it.

Matthew Pollard: So if we really get back to that. I mean, I always suggest if you really can't think people go, oh, I sat down for an hour and I couldn't figure out what I wanted.

Matthew Pollard: What will then spend three hours right don't take a weekend for yourself. I mean, this is your life of activity, is it not worth a couple of hours a day just by yourself to think about what actually matters to you what's in and why you want things

Wes Schaeffer: Way of the superior man never heard of that is this david david Dita what is

Matthew Pollard: That's the one. David data.

Wes Schaeffer: Interesting.

Wes Schaeffer: So just chapter one.

Matthew Pollard: Well, I mean, yeah, if chapter one gives you value, maybe buy the book because I bought the book because I felt like chapter one.

Matthew Pollard: Paid, you know, like some people like I'd like to think people get a bunch from my books, but I think that you know what the chapter one will give you might make it worth the $10 Kindle book at least

Wes Schaeffer: That's funny.

Wes Schaeffer: Well, man. I, I think you duped me or are you really an introvert.

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, it's interesting. So people ask me this all the time. And it's always

Matthew Pollard: The right i mean this is what I try and highlight to people all the time, right.

Matthew Pollard: People think that introverts copy successful. It's like, wait a second class citizens and the truth is,

Matthew Pollard: That the introverts path to success is just different to that of an extrovert. It doesn't mean we can't network, it doesn't mean we can't sell

Matthew Pollard: Be. I mean, some of the best podcast hosts in the world are introverted Ivan Meisner, the founder of being either world largest networking group in the world was an introvert.

Matthew Pollard: Ziegler the guy that he couldn't get off the stage was an introvert, right, all of these amazing people Jeb blog, the guy that wrote the foreword to my second book.

Matthew Pollard: Right, the introverts edge networking. He's an introvert. He was happy about me kind of finally exposing that all a lot of these sales leaders out there you know they're they're introverted.

Matthew Pollard: And I think that that's what happens. We see someone that successful in a podcast interview from stage being energetic. I mean, what's coming out right now is my passion, but also

Matthew Pollard: While it seems like, and I hope that everyone else. This has been valuable and feels like an organic conversation.

Matthew Pollard: And we'll practice right everything that I do that everything that I brought up today. This isn't the first time that I've said it.

Matthew Pollard: These are all things that I've rehearsed I've planned and I've prepared for. And that way I can have an organic conversation. And this is around my topic matter. What I love most so it just becomes super easy.

Matthew Pollard: But the thing we have to stop doing is saying introverts.

Matthew Pollard: Anytime you see someone successful. We've got to stop going it's easy for them. They're an extrovert, because they likely will be an introvert. I mean,

Matthew Pollard: You know a lot of people go, oh, I don't want to practice things that's going to sound too scripted. I'm like, Well, firstly, Leonardo DiCaprio has been in some amazing

Matthew Pollard: Movies and when he delivers a lie. It sounds authentic, even though he's not even portraying himself and you get to enjoy.

Matthew Pollard: You know his part, and you're, you're, you're just trying to portray the best version of yourself. I mean, but he's an introvert Bill Murray is an introvert Tom Hanks is an introvert.

Matthew Pollard: Just everybody that you think, I mean, Oprah Winfrey was an introvert Ellen DeGeneres is an introvert, all these people that just don't seem introverted.

Matthew Pollard: absolutely are. And that's what we've got to stop doing. We've got to stop saying that, oh, you're really you know you're really chatty on a podcast, you really, you know, direct on podcast interviews, you're great at sales, you must be an extrovert often

Matthew Pollard: It's not true. We've got to start, you know, confronting that stigma every chance we get

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Very cool.

Wes Schaeffer: Man, so good. Very interesting. You are. You're the second guests in a week. So last Tuesday I had a bob mesquita on he's

Wes Schaeffer: He had three traumatic brain injuries before he was seven. And they didn't realize it, it caused them to be dyslexic, so he couldn't read, and he's gone on produce consult whatever launch 3500 products written multiple books should I, should I just stopped reading

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, I think it'd be helpful. It's a, you know, I have to, I have to tell you, so my, my first book. I mean, I didn't think I was going to be able to pull it off. I didn't want to write it. It was only because

Matthew Pollard: I literally had been what happened was I deliver a keynote presentation called rapid growth, the lazy way.

Matthew Pollard: And I talk about differentiation, which is, you know, having your version of the hustle lifeguard or in my case, the rapid growth guy picking your niche.

Matthew Pollard: Which and then, you know, developing a sale system before I went into sales system I talked about my personal story and I have so many introverts that come up afterwards going, Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I can sell as an introvert.

Matthew Pollard: Right, I thank you for letting me know that

Matthew Pollard: And I kept saying to people. Every sales influence or I knew somebody is going to write a book on introverted sales and everyone went that no one's going to buy a book on introverted selling

Matthew Pollard: I mean, if they now know that it went on to sell 40,000 copies and have been translated into 10 languages, maybe they would have reconsidered. But you know back then everyone thought no one would buy one.

Matthew Pollard: And so what happened is when I worked with Derek and I took him from, you know, 12,000 total 120 by the end of the age of shy of 300 the following year.

Matthew Pollard: He's like Matt. You've got to put this into a book and I mean he was a walking case study. He was a ghostwriter himself. So I went, Okay, let's do it.

Matthew Pollard: And we work hand in hand together. He actually shares his own personal story in the first book.

Matthew Pollard: And, you know, the second book that came out, you know, I was a lot more

Matthew Pollard: A lot more involved in that and actually now feel like, as I was saying before the third one that will come out, you know, will be mostly written by me.

Matthew Pollard: But I just for me, I feel that I don't want one word on the page that doesn't need to be there. So I'm very, you know, I like the writing style to be very concise. I like stories because, you know, so this book. And my first, my first book, both read like novels.

Matthew Pollard: Right. But that was that was always the focus, but you know both this book, the

Matthew Pollard: The introverts edge to networking and the first one, the introverts edge both focus on this narrative style of sharing real stories of real people that obtain success.

Matthew Pollard: Which that writing style was because I love listening to Audible books and I'm always you know I consume tons of books on Audible so

Matthew Pollard: And the thing that I will say is just because I haven't read a lot of books, doesn't mean I haven't listened to a lot of books and I listened to them on three

Matthew Pollard: You know, three times speed because an Australian talk fast we listened fast too.

Matthew Pollard: But for me, what you'll find is that because of that I've got you know i've i've consumed a wealth of information.

Matthew Pollard: And that's why I can now dilute that into book. So I think that when I first started, there was no audible YouTube was great but it left us disadvantage.

Matthew Pollard: But with the world of podcasts and audiobooks. Now, I mean, a lot of times, the people that like to read actually end up disadvantage because they can't read as fast as they can listen

Matthew Pollard: And they can't, you know, churn through content when they're walking dogs taking people out, you know, taking the kids to school, those sorts of things. So I don't see it as a disadvantage. And I think that the way my brain functions.

Matthew Pollard: Based is based on efficiency about synthesizing the information that I because I was, I had very little information. I had to synthesize when I was younger.

Matthew Pollard: Now I have a wealth of information that I synthesize but those skill sets.

Matthew Pollard: Allow me to still still apply. So I wouldn't suggest stop consuming information. But if you're a reader, you definitely might want to consider.

Matthew Pollard: You know the other mediums and you know my my audio book for the introverts edge to networking actually put a 25 minute extra audio bonus in there.

Matthew Pollard: Just for the people to buy the audio book because I'm a massive supporter of the audio book, you know, and the organizations that support the audiobook world.

Wes Schaeffer: Do we as humans do we process information as well or do you find like maybe you have to rewind a little more often to for the idea to sink in. Because I mean it, but it's true. And reading your mind can wander off but like if I'm at the gym or something, I find myself like I gotta rewind.

Wes Schaeffer: More often, sometimes just to make sure I heard it right and have it sink in. So

Wes Schaeffer: Is it just a skill. You just need to learn how to like listen and make sure you lock it in as as you consume it in that medium.

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, sure. So I mean, there are a few things there. So firstly, a lot of people by the audio book and then follow along with the Kindle, so that they can you know take notes and you know they offer discounts at Amazon for that. But for me.

Matthew Pollard: Falling long doesn't really work. So firstly, you know, a lot of people start with one and they get to 1.5 and then two times speed. Now, I started it, too.

Matthew Pollard: I I got myself two or three times speed, but what I, what I do is I'll tell I'll listen to audiobooks while I'm walking the dog while I'm you know you driving while I'm doing certain things.

Matthew Pollard: And if I hear something that resonates. I'll just click the bookmark button and then I'll go back and listen to him now when I'm sitting somewhere where I'm just listening to an audiobook

Matthew Pollard: It actually means that I'm going through it on listening and when something pops up. I click bookmark I go back and I listened to that section.

Matthew Pollard: But what it is. I mean, let's, let's face it, a lot of books. I mean, a lot of people say if you get two or three ideas from a book and it did justice for me.

Matthew Pollard: A book is such an ordeal a better give me a ton more value than that which is why I'm so conscious on putting just straight actionable strategies, my books, but

Matthew Pollard: The big thing for me is that I can go through an entire for our book in just over just over an hour, so I can go right through it. Now sure, I might get through an entire chapter and get one idea out of it. So when I hear that idea. I'll go oh

Matthew Pollard: Let's back up 30 seconds. Listen to that again and take a great note right but that to me is a lot more efficient.

Matthew Pollard: But what I always suggest in my way of kind of finding audiobooks is what I do is I binge listen to podcast interviews to listen to what authors that I'm really interested in

Matthew Pollard: Then, once I've got the pod. Once I found the authors that I'm interested in. I didn't download their books and listen to those

Matthew Pollard: And then I go from there to their programs or their content that they have online and then again speech to text to speech, which is terrible, listening to things in robot voice, but that's the way I go deep into certain ideas and concepts.


Wes Schaeffer: Yeah I listen to everything at least double speed but I found if they do have an accent. I mean, British or Australian sometimes I have to slow it down to like 1.751 and a half, because I

Wes Schaeffer: It's a little harder. You know, but I sometimes I will listen at double speed and then go back and listen at triple speed.

Wes Schaeffer: Because once I get the concept because people. So if you do have a blob. It's like I'm literally listening to it twice before you would listen to it once at a single speed.

Wes Schaeffer: Absolutely no. And the idea is do get in and we do or we can process information much faster so

Matthew Pollard: Well, I know if I've read a good book like sorry if I've listened to a good book. I'm listening it at 1.5 stake

Matthew Pollard: Right, because if I'm going through and I'm writing down the point every now and then I say it three times speed and I go back and backtrack occasionally

Matthew Pollard: But if I get to the point where I'm taking so many notes.

Matthew Pollard: I'll go down to 1.5 speak so and then if I get to the end of the book. I'm like, Well, clearly, that book was super valuable because I've listened to it at that Spain, so I love it when I have to slow down, it means that the book on rating is worth its weight in gold.

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Very cool.

Wes Schaeffer: Alright mate. Where do we send people where, where do they go to learn more about you and to get your book.

Matthew Pollard: Absolutely. So, I mean, you can go and just type my name into Google, I come up everywhere I posted a ton of free videos and content on social media. So feel free to connect, you know, and with me everywhere there.

Matthew Pollard: But to get access to the books. The, the first book on sales.

Matthew Pollard: You can access the first chapter for free at the introverts edge.com and the second book on networking, you can access that book the first chapter of that book at the introverts edge.com forward slash networking and I always suggest to people.

Matthew Pollard: To start with the first chapter, because those will help you overcome your fears around selling and networking, it will outline

Matthew Pollard: The strategy and then you know that will be enough to transform what you're doing the sale in sales and in the networking room.

Matthew Pollard: And then, you know, of course, it's my hope that you then, you know, double down into the rest of the book, whether it's audio book or whether it's

Matthew Pollard: The print book and learn and apply the strategies and there's a ton of bonus material that support them. And we've got video implementation trainings that I've provided free with both books to take you from taking the strategies from idea to implementation.

Wes Schaeffer: What social media. Do you like I know you're everywhere but uh are you finding one having better success, you know, in the business world, and then another

Matthew Pollard: Yeah, so I really liked LinkedIn as I'm assuming a lot of sellers that are listening to this, I feel like, you know, I really like LinkedIn, except for the people that don't know how to use LinkedIn yet, which are the ones that are sending us those spam messages.

Wes Schaeffer: Which is most people, it seems like

Matthew Pollard: It's a bit of a nightmare. At the moment, but you know for me in the last part of my my new book on networking, you know, my whole

Matthew Pollard: Thesis around this book is I want to teach you how to network. So you never have to go back into the networking room because my whole theory on networking is that you have to be the loudest if you can't be the clearest

Matthew Pollard: And, you know, most people can't articulate the value of what they provide in three minutes when someone's politely listening. So they've got no chance online, which is why they resort to those spam messages we all see only in

Matthew Pollard: The dance your question. I love LinkedIn. I think LinkedIn is an amazing platform.

Matthew Pollard: Instagrams, not bad. I still, you know, have a lot of, you know, involvement in Facebook as well. And then we're trying out the new platforms, things like Tick tock.

Matthew Pollard: Tick tock, and even Pinterest. We're finding you know we get hundreds of thousands of years every, every month on on Pinterest, which is which. Actually, I think we just hit 600,000

Matthew Pollard: So, you know, we get a ton of different views there and YouTube's great too. But LinkedIn. If I had to pick one, it would be linking to the stage.

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, I had a friend of mine on last week as well. Aaron Chase.

Wes Schaeffer: She returned guess she was on years ago, she started $5 dinners and she was chewing my butt. Because I'm not doing much on Pinterest. So

Wes Schaeffer: Twice in eight days. Now I'm told that. So I guess I got something on Pinterest.

Matthew Pollard: Gosh, you might want to it's you know it's funny, it's actually not that hard.

Matthew Pollard: To do Pinterest, like the amount of work people putting all their other social platforms and we put a whole bunch of stuff out.

Matthew Pollard: There. Great thing about Pinterest is you know it the way it's designed is to get great content out in front of people. So

Matthew Pollard: You know, we, we get a ton. I mean we we've only started using Pinterest. Since you know we started to get ready for the new book launch and literally we've grown it from 50,000 to 600,000 you know views in the space of about eight weeks.

Wes Schaeffer: on Pinterest.

Matthew Pollard: on Pinterest.

Wes Schaeffer: Man, how much

Wes Schaeffer: Are you doing yourself. Is it, is it the team that's executing your vision or you you have your hands on it.

Matthew Pollard: You know, it's funny Pinterest actually doesn't require a ton of work I, of course, I have a team that helps me with things but

Matthew Pollard: One of the things that I always tell people is that these days, you can use technology psychology and strategy to get your ideal clients to chase you. If you've got the right message and you know you're right niche.

Matthew Pollard: You don't actually need to work that hard. You know a lot of people are producing podcasts every day blog posts every week.

Matthew Pollard: The problem is, I mean, if you've got a bland message, then you have to be louder than everyone else, like I said, if you have a strong message that speaks to the right, demographic. You know, I was on the zig

Matthew Pollard: zig show the other day and he said, You know, I looked at your book. And I was like, oh my gosh. We've not done a topic like that we need to have met on

Matthew Pollard: And that was great nation strategy with a great message right that's what gets you through the noise.

Matthew Pollard: So if you have that a lot of times you can build an automated strategy that drives your ideal clients to you. So, what I call, you know, I look at social in two different ways. I call

Matthew Pollard: What I call brand preservation or nurturing, which is when I'm not, you know, wanting to be out in every way. And, you know, for instance, if I didn't automate everything that I did.

Matthew Pollard: My team and I would not have had time to produce this book and get all the bonus curriculum ready for the launch

Matthew Pollard: So when I do that, I put my business on, I call it life support that. Basically, what it means is it keeps serving up content from our you know repository of amazing content we put a lot of focus on

Matthew Pollard: Then when we get into launch. What we do is we launch, all that stuff organic and we put a lot of effort in for about two months.

Matthew Pollard: And then we put that into our grandfather life support system. So, it serves up all that new content in an evergreen way.

Matthew Pollard: Right. So what I mean by Evergreen is this as relevant today as it is in the future. So if you're asking me right now with Pinterest takes nowhere near as much effort as a bunch of the other platforms but

Matthew Pollard: If you're asking me right now we are doing some things manually. But, you know, it takes less than an hour a day for everything that we do.

Matthew Pollard: Actually, I would say it takes less than half an hour a day and you can batch it so that you get everything set up in a couple of hours.

Matthew Pollard: And one day, and then you, you get it. You know you post it organically and you get a team member to do that. But in truth. Once you get to a point where you have it all in a in a

Matthew Pollard: In a system. And that's one of the things that I always suggest people use things like Hootsuite to share content, but then they're always rescheduling things and it's a nightmare.

Matthew Pollard: There are systems like social Bay like co schedule that allow you to continually build content into it so it constantly shares forever.

Matthew Pollard: And the great thing about that is sure if you're going to post three times a day. It's better to do it natively. So the people that know SEO social media. Well, they all, don't do that. It doesn't get as much traction

Matthew Pollard: Well, in truth, I'm not the person that's going to take a photo photo of my donut every day. So I've got something to say on social media. So

Matthew Pollard: When I get out of launch mode I switch off and I put everything back into automation and sure, that means I don't get quite as much interaction, but I still get a ton.

Matthew Pollard: But the difference is I can then go back and build the next product and the next book and do the things that I need to do.

Matthew Pollard: And then my audience still remembers me, just to remind, it is to drawing customers to me. So it still works really, really well.

Matthew Pollard: So I really believe in automation and social media. I really believe that it's necessary, especially for those introverts that are going to want to be Public Citizen three times a day.

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, but I mean what I just heard right there is that you hate donuts. So I may have to just delete this entire

Matthew Pollard: Well, actually I love donuts. If and there's we've got a we're loving duck donuts. At the moment, I'm sure if you've tried those but impressive.

Wes Schaeffer: So yeah, pull up your pitches. So this is amazing, right, you have 138 followers

Wes Schaeffer: In any other social media platform that would be atrocious.

Matthew Pollard: absolutely horrible. Yeah.

Wes Schaeffer: But you have 598,600 monthly viewers.

Matthew Pollard: Yeah. And what's interesting is it drives a ton of people to a website. So what happens is, Instagram, people tend they they're less likely to to

Matthew Pollard: Follow you just like, you know, if you do a big fan of SEO, you can get yourself to be really well SEO for certain type your keywords.

Matthew Pollard: But they don't follow you, they're searching the thing that people don't understand about Pinterest is Pinterest is a search engine. It's not a social tool.

Matthew Pollard: Right. So what happens is people search Pinterest. Just like they search Google. So it's actually about search volume number of viewers ended the conversion from Pinterest to your website. It's not about followers now sure follows a great

Matthew Pollard: But, you know, for us, that's what we're really focused on we're focused on maximizing the search engine volume.

Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Very cool.

Wes Schaeffer: All right, well, I recommend everybody get the book. Matthew Pollard probably easiest son Matthew Pollard calm and then find everything from there.

Wes Schaeffer: Absolutely, yeah.

Wes Schaeffer: Well alright mate, it's lunchtime for you. So a past lunchtime and you haven't even been angry with me. So I appreciate yes that's professionalism and you have stuck it out, and I appreciate it.

Matthew Pollard: Well, I appreciate you giving me on Main. It was a pleasure. So thank you very much.

Wes Schaeffer: Alright, thanks for coming on, man. Have a great day.