Melonie Dodaro: Do LinkedIn Marketing Right To Grow Your Sales
May 09, 2014
Melonie is the owner and founder of Top Dog Social Media and is on the leading edge of what’s happening in social media—especially social media marketing.
Whether it’s the latest Facebook changes, the trends on X or connecting with the movers and shakers on LinkedIn, you know you’re in good hands with the experts at Top Dog Social Media.
Melonie's approach to social media marketing is both unique and refreshing. She puts relationships first.
Why? Business is all about people connecting with people. That’s the entire goal of social media – to connect on a level where trust is earned, deserved, and rewarded.
Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip
- LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook or Twitter. (HubSpot study)
- Have a lead generation plan for social media.
- LinkedIn is right for anybody in B2B, in sales, in marketing.
- It started as a job/recruiter site but only 16% of people on LinkedIn use it to find a job or for recruiting.
- You don’t need a Premium account or buying ads to win with LinkedIn.
- Narrow your search and use it wisely.
- Have a great profile.
- Most of us connect with new people and we don’t do anything with them. Create a welcome message. Add value to your connections to create a connection then move the connection offline.
“Build Your LinkedIn Influence & Build Your Brand, Your Business & Your Bank Account” Here
- Join Groups where your ideal clients are hanging out and keep your group types to @10% for your industry and @10% personal interest Groups.
- Quality trumps quantity.
- You only show up in search results if you’re in the same Group or if you’re within 3 levels of their connections.
- Personalization helps get your messages opened.
- Make sure your offer is of true value.
- No shortcuts. At least add their name to the greeting of the email.
- Tip: to connect with someone select “We’ve done business together….” and then say “I know we haven’t done business before but here’s why…”
- Only start a group if you are ready to stay involved and invite people to it, clean up SPAM, create good content, etc.
- Make sure your profile is more client-focused vs. an online resume. Write in the first person. Tell people what you want them to do.
- 3 Steps to LinkedIn success:
- Get found. Use keywords your prospects and clients would use.
- Attract and engage your ideal clients.
- Stand out. Complete your profile. Have a good headshot, multi-media, then start connecting.
Links Mentioned
- Find Melonie Dodaro on LinkedIn
- Top Dog Social Media
- Get Melonie Dodaro's new book, The LinkedIn Code
- Listen to fellow LinkedIn Marketing expert, Brenda Bernstein, on episode 58 of The Sales Podcast
- Lead Generation Done Right
Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.