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Professional Sales Training: What's In Your Library?

In 1992 I graduated with a B.S. in Geography from USAFA.

In 1993 I graduated with a B.S. in Meteorology from Texas A&M.

In 2006 I became The Sales Whisperer®.


Your Input Determines Your Output

While still on active duty in the Air Force, I was preparing for a career in sales.

I began reading

  • Zig Ziglar's "Secrets of Closing the Sale",
  • Tom Hopkins "How to Master the Art of Selling" (I was thrilled to have him on The Sales Podcast),
  • Tony Robbins (Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!),
  • Brian Tracey (The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible),
  • Jim Rohn (7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher).

Reading Sets You Apart

According to a study conducted in 2013 by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million U.S. adults cannot read. That’s 14% of the population.

Another 21% of ADULTS read below a 5th-grade level. 

50% of adults can’t read a book written at an 8th-grade level. (That's why you need to keep your writing simple.)

And more are coming because 19% of high school graduates can’t read!

28% of adults didn’t read a book in the last year.

Whatever You Focus On Grows

I began listening to tapes and CDs in the early 90s, long before podcasts and blog posts existed.

I attended conferences where I could hear these people speak and meet them and meet other like-minded doers like myself, so I knew I wasn't alone.

Your Best Day Ever

I treated—and treat—selling as a profession.

I treat EFFECTIVE inbound marketing as a profession.

As a professional sales trainer, I seek continuous professional sales training and marketing training.

I commiserate with other professional salespeople, entrepreneurs, business owners, and doers.

I read daily.

I implement daily.

I mastermind daily.

I attend conferences and workshops monthly.

Your Attitude Impacts Your Altitude

All of that is done to stay sharp.

To find an edge, a nugget, a pearl, a tip that will help me get 1% better this week and every week.

Some weeks it doesn't happen.

On other weeks I get 5% or even 10% better, and it's life-changing.

I've been doing this since 1994, while I was still on active duty in the Air Force, and I haven't stopped.

This brings me to the key question of this post:

If you were arrested for being in the profession of sales and marketing, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.

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