Richard Fenton, Author of 'When They Say No'
Apr 03, 2023
Richard Fenton
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...
- People do not understand that yes and no are a package deal
- Yes is wonderful, but you must endure some "no's" to get the big "Yes's"
- A percentage of people hear this and apply it...but others still fear failure and rejection
- 41 different ways to think and act when you get a "no"
- Maybe they gave some bad advice in their first's hard to go to the next prospect when you have a competitive, limited industry
Related episodes and posts
- "You're just getting started."
- When average performers hear the word no, they think it's over.
- When top performers hear the word no, they think it's just starting.
- Project confidence.
- "Close the sale" is prevalent in sales books.
- But opening correctly is also important, if not the most critical part of the sales process.
- Are you good at listening and asking good questions?
- Closing should be easy if you open well.
- How to open well today...
- Avoid bragging.
- Avoid going into the features and benefits. ("F-words are killing you."
- You need to have a meeting of the mind.
- Put the focus on your prospect and their needs.
- How to connect with prospects in a COVID world...
- Expect a lot of "No's."
- Look for eight "No's" to get a yes.
- Not getting a call returned is not a no.
- It took Richard and Andrea 17 touches over four years to win a deal.
- Mix up your outreach.
- Personalize your outreach...make it about them.
- It's easy to fall into a rut when you apply old tactics for many years.
- Do the research and have the information to use when you need it in the presentation.
- But don't jump right into the presentation/pitch.
If you think you're desperate, you are."

- Launched in 1997 in training for the retail industry.
- They wrote a 64-page book that was really a pamphlet.
- So they had a book from Day One.
- People are more apt to read a short book.
- Consumption is a huge part of the sales process.
- How soon to bring up price?
- Make sure you're not wasting their time or your own.
- When to qualify vs. disqualify a prospect.
Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
- Hire The Best Speaker for your sales meeting or marketing conference
- Take The CRM Quiz: get a free consultation with me
- The Sales Agenda: take control of every sales opportunity like a pro.
- Leadferno: Turn lurkers into leads
- Founders Card: Get $20,000 in free processing from Stripe, save 15% on Bose, and save on hotels, travel, car rentals, you name it.
- Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
- Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
- Sendspark: Send video emails that make an impact so you can stand out from the noise. Use promo code SALESWHISPERER to get 33% off for three months
- Order Richard Fenton's Book, "When They Say No: The Definitive Guide for Handling Rejection in Sales"
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