About Rick Robins
Rick was the owner and founder of Trialogic, Inc - Innovative Research Coaching.
After being "so out of the loop on what it took to be an entrepreneur" Rick turned things around and was earning more every two weeks than he used to earn in a year.
Hear his story of personal growth and business success.
Update: On July 4, 2014, Rick tragically drowned while saving his sons during a family dream vacation to Costa Rica. He was loved and is missed.
Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip
- “Don’t work for money. Work for knowledge.”
- Business is business, regardless of the industry. Learn from everyone.
- Payroll is your greatest expense. Keep it under control.
- Clients are the focus.
- He got fired and it was the best thing that could have ever happened. It helped him get through the fear. Get through your own fears any way you can, as fast as you can.
- Rick recommends "The Greatest Salesman In The World” by Og Mandino.
- “What are you going to do now to solve your problem if not work with me?”
- Selling is always “enrollment.” Getting someone else to do what you want them to do for their own reasons.
- Be more aware of why the client would want to take action.
- These skills don’t come about naturally.
- “In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists.” ~Eric Hoffer
- Find solid principles and stick with them with your spouse.
- Because I said so I created the life direction I wanted.
Links Mentioned
Sales Tools To Thrive
Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.