So you can, you must first realize you can't...
- teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar.
- learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by watching YouTube videos. (I wish you body would be much more appreciative.)
- learn to golf by reading a bunch of books.
Likewise, to succeed in business, you must jump in and DO BUSINESS.
STOP learning (for a little while) and START doing.
(Thus, the saying, "You can't steer a parked car." Start pushing!)

I see too many wantrepreneurs taking a lot of notes...and attending a lot of conferences...and watching a lot of webinars while they also tweet and livestream and reel and perform nice sketches and lip syncs skits...but they are not doing business
They are getting ready to get ready so they can get ready to "launch something YUGE!"
The "secret" to success
People ask how I have built my business while working from home with no full-time employees, and I tell them I'm a DOER.
I make A LOT of mistakes, but I make them quickly.
I only know it's wrong because I launched!
And I know how to fix it once I see it in action.
Building a business is like learning how to hit a golf ball.
You don't know if you're hitting it to the right or left or too low or too high or too short UNTIL YOU SWING AND HIT THE BALL!
Once you see your ball flight, you can seek help to fix what is wrong.
So today, this weekend, and next week, hit the SEND/GO/PUBLISH/PRINT button and see what happens.
(Warning: Your best proofreading capability happens AFTER you publish. So get over your perfectionist self.")
Need some help?
Hit me up.
Market like you mean it.
Now go sell something.