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10-14-18 (Harsh)

From today’s reading...

I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her to scepter and throne,…"

For what do you ask "the universe" or Zeus or Mother Earth? (Note I did not say "pray" because that would be offensive to my open-minded, tolerant readers who are far too enlightened to believe in and actually humble themselves by getting on their knees and praying to an imaginary bearded old man in the sky.)

Based on the proliferation of vision boards and manifestation journals I see on social media it seems that flatter tummies, bigger arms, and even bigger watches seem to top the list.

Those are closely followed by fast cars, faster women, slower men, bubble butts, and men that aren't afraid to cry but are not also living in their parents's basement. (And they say my God is "imaginary," but I digress.)

More than a few are also hoping for their favorite candidate's opponent to die—or at least be accused of something horrible that causes them to drop out of the race, never to be heard from again—and for everyone who votes against their favorite candidate to be pepper-sprayed as soon as they leave the polling centers then step into oncoming traffic where they are not killed immediately but are thrown into a ditch where they either freeze to death or alligators eat them alive moments before rescuers get to them.

I wish I was kidding or even exaggerating just a little. It's a jungle out there. Protestors are wearing masks and bringing brass knuckles, pipes, and Molotov cocktails to rallies. Scepter and throne is all they seek. Wisdom is so far 


Stay the course.
Keep the faith.

Now go sell something.