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Follow Up and Close the Sale With Jeff Shore

Extend the emotional altitude with better follow-up

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Follow-Up Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • We can't delete fast enough
  • Emails are horrible
  • Differentiate yourself
  • Have the desire to be just a little bit better




  • Your CRM spitting out form emails won't save you
  • Authenticity goes a long way

Jeff Shore on The Sales Podcast

You have to extend the emotional altitude with better follow up."
  • You don't have to hire a marching band
  • Emotions are key
  • Extend the "emotional altitude"
  • "I'm just following up...(to see if I'm going to get paid on this deal!)"
  • Preparing better follow-up will help you on the front end
  • Chapter 6: "Speed: Your Secret Superpower"
    • Time kills deals
    • The emotional altitude is lost over time
  • You, as the salesperson, must own the next step
  • Don't leave it up to the CRM to do all the generic follow-up
  • Ask how you can add value and serve your customer
  • Give value ahead of time
  • Identify the "most-sold" buyer
  • How do you add value to each of the stakeholders?
  • 50% of our brains are wired for sight, i.e., video
  • Zoom went from 10 million accounts in February 2020 to 300 million in June 2020
  • Video email is powerful. He uses BombBomb, too.
  • Personalize your content
  • Your customers can smell generic content
  • It's not just about the numbers now
  • Have some fun
  • Do what doesn't scale
  • Follow-up should be fun
  • Take some chances
  • Add value upfront. Tell the prospect you'll do some homework to prepare for the meeting.
  • Have a key swipe file to add value with efficiency
  • Make the decision to stand out and stand apart

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast


Wes Schaeffer: Jeff Shore fellow California now know what the heck we're thinking, author of the new book, follow up and close make easy and effective follow up.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh, you know, I said that wrong, but I'm on edit it follow up and close the sale.
Jeff Shore: Where you go yes you're
Jeff Shore: Correct.
Wes Schaeffer: You're so call me this professional yeah that's good to know is doing. But I want to save them oppose bacon out of the fire.
Wes Schaeffer: Follow up and close the sale make easy and effective follow up your winning habit.
Wes Schaeffer: Welcome to show man. Welcome back. How the heck are you
Jeff Shore: Hey yeah yeah thanks was a dude doing fine. Doing fine. You know, it's sort of just did the book launch here. And yeah, you know what it's like, you know, you put all that work into it and then you go
Jeff Shore: All right. Well, anybody think my babies pretty authors are sometimes they'll self conscious. So, but, but it's the books doing well. Let's get good reviews. It's sold well and and so, so far so good. Yeah.
Jeff Shore: Pretty excited. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Man Do we even have to follow up. Come on. It's all retargeting pixels and you know just just buy my stuff. Right. And here's yeah well thousand $497 in bonuses if you order right now. Operators are standing by.
Jeff Shore: You know, it's funny when when I look at follow up and I might get you. We haven't talked about this West, but
Jeff Shore: My guess is that like me every single day. You're getting just bombarded with emails that are just horribly written and just
Jeff Shore: Our finger just hovers over the Delete key. We can't delete fast enough and answer when I think about the lack of creativity that goes into a follow up.
Jeff Shore: It's something where I looked at it go. We got to do something about this because the follow up efforts when they happen at all, don't happen. Well, it's just a real quality gap that I wanted to address in the book.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, I mean, it really is. And I tell people all the time. I learned on accident on LinkedIn. I put a little red phone icon on my name.
Jeff Shore: And yeah, some
Wes Schaeffer: Some sales trainer in the UK was doing that. I saw like years ago. That's kind of cool.
Wes Schaeffer: Just to stand out. But what I've learned. The benefit is all these people that are screen scraping are using automated tools, it grabs your name and
Wes Schaeffer: In LinkedIn. It says hi West red phone or they'll email me and it puts all these crazy characters in the email.
Wes Schaeffer: So I know it's totally a screen scrape. It's just a blast. And I'm like, I'm like, delete, I'll delete before I even read it you know sometimes I have a moment like yeah, it's really bad. Delete. So yeah, or
Wes Schaeffer: Was it a with Seth Godin I wrote the you know the book, like all marketers are liars.
Wes Schaeffer: Right.
Wes Schaeffer: The sales and marketing, do we just ruin everything. Man is, is there any hope for us.
Jeff Shore: Yeah, you know, look, here's the good news is, if you can separate from the pack. You look so different from everybody else immediately.
Jeff Shore: That it doesn't take that much time, effort, or creek or creativity. You just got to want to do it and
Jeff Shore: I think the concern here is whether it comes to the prospecting side and the follow up side. What do you do after the customer says I want to think about it or not yet. It doesn't take that much. But unfortunately, I think we rely on our CRM to be able to punch out a bunch of form emails.
Jeff Shore: That look like form emails I just said most customers today are wise to the fact that that they look
Jeff Shore: We're human beings. Right, so we can spot in authenticity for a long way away. We know when that's a form email. We know when it's a phone call and somebody reading off a script. It's just not that hard. If we can get just a little bit creative. I think we can stand out in a huge way.
Wes Schaeffer: So give me an example, man. Do I have to tell a joke.
Wes Schaeffer: Do I equate this to Ilan Musk and launching a car to Mars. I mean, like,
Wes Schaeffer: How Korean. Do I have to be because you know what, like I'm hung over, right, I mean, it's Monday and, you know, I'm a salesman a party a weekend and then there's ladies nine on Thursday. So Fridays. I'm hung over. So I mean I got like three days a week, maybe to really get some work done.
Jeff Shore: Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Jeff Shore: Well, I would look at it and say it. You don't have to do anything enough to hire a marching band. I think what you need to do here is is understand a fundamental principle.
Jeff Shore: That customers buy based on emotion, more than anything else. So our job and follow up right after the customers has not yet. I want to think about it, whatever it is.
Jeff Shore: Our job is to try to figure out how to extend what what I've always referred to as emotional altitude.
Jeff Shore: So if I'm in a conversation a sales conversation I'm thinking about it. That's interesting. Hmm. Now I want to think about it for a while.
Jeff Shore: Well, immediately that emotional altitude is going to start to wane start to start to go away. The purpose of follow up is to try to
Jeff Shore: Recharge that emotional altitude, you're not going to do it by saying, Just following up just seeing if you'd made a decision just seeing if I can get paid on this deal
Jeff Shore: That emotional altitude is about reconnecting the customer to how great their, their life is going to is going to look like. But that's the idea of behind follow up is how does, how to support that emotional altitude over a long period of time.
Wes Schaeffer: So,
Wes Schaeffer: Obviously, the book is on follow up.
Wes Schaeffer: But in an ideal situation.
Wes Schaeffer: I'd rather not follow up. I'd rather make that sale. The
Wes Schaeffer: First time around, can this type of preparation, help me on the front end.
Jeff Shore: Sure.
Jeff Shore: It absolutely can. The
Jeff Shore: It's, it's interesting. I wrote the book and around the subject of follow up because there's a big gap. There's, like, if you do an Amazon search on sales follow up books. There's, you're not going to find a lot of results there so
Jeff Shore: I knew that there was a gap. It's something that was you and I, we hear this from sales people all the time. And, you know, how do I do this effectively. I hate follow up right and, consequently, it doesn't get done.
Jeff Shore: But it would be very easy to apply the principles to everything that happens before you're going to sit down in a sales presentation and talk to the client. How do you get creative. How do you raised that emotional altitude.
Jeff Shore: So, for example, my wife and I bought a quarantine dog right so we're like, we're going to get stuck here. We're going on walks a lot, let's let's let's get a dog.
Jeff Shore: The process was entirely virtual the seller the dog was five and a half hours away everything was done by phone call and by video she said a ton of videos.
Jeff Shore: You know, this is Brody doing what he does. Here's our look somebody coming in the yard. Let's see how Brody does over here.
Jeff Shore: And everything was about sustaining that emotional altitude, even before we had met Brody
Jeff Shore: And the amazing thing. There was, by the time we met the dog. The only question was, with the dog love us. We already loved the dog with the dog loves us and we ended up
Jeff Shore: We ended. And again, that's a dog. Is there anything more emotional purchase than a dog, but the emotional through was very, very high because that seller had used the power of video to get that done.
Wes Schaeffer: I've got seven kids out of giving you one or all of them. I mean,
Wes Schaeffer: Come on, you gotta call me next time we're in quarantine. All right.
Jeff Shore: Yeah. Yeah, I know. My kids are all grown. My kids are grown and God. I have a different quarantine experience that you have. I can promise you that.
Wes Schaeffer: Only have one gone. You gotta give me the secret. I mean, I gotta get these kids out of the house.
Jeff Shore: But it was fireside have somebody on my team about that. And I said, You know, I'm like, all we go, go, go, go, go. And then it hit the weekend. It's like now I'm bored. What do I do
Jeff Shore: And she looked at me. Sure, like, what in the hell are you talking about, because she's got two little kids at home. It's like my weekends are just as hectic as my week. So yeah, there you go.
Jeff Shore: Different experience for everybody.
Wes Schaeffer: It's crazy.
Wes Schaeffer: Yes, we talk in here.
Wes Schaeffer: Chapter six speed.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah grit super power.
Jeff Shore: So I
Jeff Shore: Don't have a car right away what
Jeff Shore: Well, here's what happens. Remember with the principle is that we're trying to sustain emotional altitude and time kills emotional altitude. So if you like on your website, you talk about dating and the similarity between dating and sales right
Jeff Shore: So what happens
Jeff Shore: If you go out on a date with somebody and it's like, I'll call you. I'll call it and then they don't call you.
Jeff Shore: And the next day you're like, you're going to call me. You're going to call me and every day that goes by the emotional altitude Wayne's he become disconnected from
Jeff Shore: What you experienced in that initial, initial date everything sort of goes away. It's the same thing here. The longer you go
Jeff Shore: From that initial conversation. The more that emotional altitude is going to wane. So yes, I think, speed is critical in order to boost that up but
Jeff Shore: How fast can you do it well listen, you have a sales presentation, you can take somebody from the parking lot.
Jeff Shore: You can look at and say that was a great conversation. Thank you very much. As I said, I'm going to give this to you.
Jeff Shore: I'll have it to you by five o'clock today look forward to our phone call. Now what have you done
Jeff Shore: You made an immediate impression you let them know that you appreciated the call you put your phone number into their phone. You were respectful and you confirmed an appointment.
Jeff Shore: For 30 seconds worth of effort at no cost. Is there a downside here that I missing. So yeah, I want to look at it and say, how do I get back to that customer very, very quickly.
Jeff Shore: And then how do I continually add value. But make no mistake, the longer you go without follow up, the more the emotional altitude falls off a cliff. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Does, does the schedule the timing.
Wes Schaeffer: The, the mode.
Wes Schaeffer: Does that have to be pre determined. So like when we wrap up the meeting. Because I know a lot of salespeople, they just they wrap up the meaning they leave bosses, like how to go. Good. What are the next steps.
Wes Schaeffer: Well, I mean, they're gonna think about it, asked me to send some more information.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, should I be like
Wes Schaeffer: Confirming everything right there in the meeting. Okay, it's Monday you need until Wednesday, you know, you want me to call him to come back in person at
Wes Schaeffer: 10am i mean
Wes Schaeffer: Should I be that specific
Wes Schaeffer: To know our follow up.
Jeff Shore: Yeah, listen. There are a couple of thoughts that come on there's a really good question. Why so there are a couple of thoughts that come up here, you know, one is the idea that you should always own the next step. If you're the salesperson this next step should always be yours.
Jeff Shore: It shouldn't be, they're going to think about it and they're going to get back to me and they're going to have the conversation.
Jeff Shore: You got on the next step. So I think we put too much pressure on a customer when we force them to own that that next step.
Jeff Shore: That's a classic mistake it's made the second mistake is made is that, you know, we put the information into the CRM and then we let the CRM do the follow up. It's just something completely generic
Jeff Shore: And I would argue that if we really got to know that customer. Well, then there's only one question we have to ask is, and that's how do I add value.
Jeff Shore: How do I add value to this customer. How do I serve and serve and serve. How do I add value even in a daily basis if it makes sense to be able to
Jeff Shore: Stay connected and let them know. Because ultimately, if they're going to hire you as a salesperson if they're going to hire your company if they're going to hire your services.
Jeff Shore: They want value. Once they hire you. The best way to prove that they're going to get value. Once they hire you is to give them value before they hire you.
Jeff Shore: So I don't think this takes a lot of creativity to look at it and say, how do I add value. How do I
Jeff Shore: How do I promote something. How do I, how do I make sure that there's that that customer understands that I get you. I know you. I know how to improve your life in some way so it's it's it's really a matter of
Jeff Shore: You know, too often we abdicate to the CRM and let the CRM do the follow up. I completely disagree with this. I think if
Jeff Shore: If we can creatively figure out how to make their life better. Before we get the sale, then we're proving to them that we're the people that they want to work with.
Wes Schaeffer: Now because we're talking follow up. I'm going to go with the assumption that this is a complex sale right it's something maybe there's two or more decision makers.
Jeff Shore: Maybe it's a little higher.
Wes Schaeffer: Dollar right i mean we're not following up on you know a new toaster oven right i mean we're following up and even if it's B to C, maybe following up on a solar cell 20 $30,000 purchase.
Jeff Shore: Right, right.
Wes Schaeffer: Maybe it's even furniture right 234 thousand dollar your living room set, maybe, maybe you do have to think that over so
Wes Schaeffer: How do we know who to follow up with
Wes Schaeffer: You know we got the husband and the wife, we got the CEO, the CFO and the
Wes Schaeffer: Director of it, do we follow up with all three of them or, you know, how do we juggle that
Jeff Shore: Yeah, I think that's a great question. I think the most important thing is we have to identify the most sold buyer. If there are multiple decision makers who is the most sold buyer.
Jeff Shore: Because if you look at, say, you know, you could have this person in the purchasing department and that person in the it purchasing may be into it but it not so much so.
Jeff Shore: Who's going to have more power over the IT person me or the purchasing guy or gal. So I want to look and say, same thing, you know, husband and wife.
Jeff Shore: She's all in him, not so much. So I got to figure out who's the most sold buyer and figure out how to turn them into a salesperson. How do I help them to be able to be the influencer that I'm going to need them to be. So I think it starts by by looking at that.
Jeff Shore: Trying to figure out who the most whole buyer is
Jeff Shore: But then it's to look at and say okay well for everybody else for all of the different stakeholders in this decision.
Jeff Shore: How do I add value to each of those people. So, you know, look, I'll give you an example because here's a B2C example.
Jeff Shore: husband, wife, two kids is their follow up that I could do for the kids if if I've got a an 11 year old girl who's going to be living in this home. Can I send a
Jeff Shore: You know, a K Pop poster. Is there something that I can do there. Even to connect with the kids, for crying out loud. This is a little bit of creativity can go a long way to say I'm not like everybody else who's just letting the CRM send out a form letter.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah. Interesting. So I love that concept of the most sold
Wes Schaeffer: What if they're not the most influential right. What if it's, you know, I was in technology sales for a long time and you know
Wes Schaeffer: Yep, CFO and CIO were my main contacts, but then you know the CIO would have like one person in charge of the server room right and another was in charge of everything that was that was client side so desktops, so
Wes Schaeffer: See IO makes all the decisions, but maybe you know the the desktop, laptop person was like totally on board wanting this, you know, how do you balance that so most souls versus most influential or is that most. So a person can they become the most influential
Jeff Shore: Well, you hope so, but I also think that it's on you as the sales professional to try and figure out who are the stakeholders and what are they want so I'll just give you a simple example.
Jeff Shore: Yeah, I'm a salesperson. One of the things that I sell is a keynote speech.
Jeff Shore: Well, if I'm going to give a keynote speech you know I'm going to have the Vice President of Marketing, who is reaching out looking for speakers.
Jeff Shore: But it might be the CFO who's got to approve the fee. Right. And so the CFO is looking at and saying, Well, a good keynote speaker shouldn't cost more than $1,000. Well, guess what.
Jeff Shore: You, it does. So now I've got to be able to look at it and say to the that head of marketing. This is what I'm going to do for your team by way of inspiration and motivated and pumped up we're gonna have a good time. It's gonna be entertaining.
Jeff Shore: I'm going to make your meeting better, but I've also got to go to the CFO and say let's talk about your ROI.
Jeff Shore: Because if you're going to spend a million dollars for this conference, my speaking fee as a rounding error. The question is, what do you get for it.
Jeff Shore: What, what do we have to to what will you show by the time we're done. This is what I want to promise you, by the time we're done, so that the CFO knows it's a good financial decision. So you got to consider the stakeholder
Jeff Shore: And ask, what do they have in mind, what do they want to see for that chief you know information officer.
Jeff Shore: That might be something as simple as if you make me look bad. This is not good. So it might be assuming how I'm gonna make you look good, the more that we can figure out who the stakeholders are, the more that we can custom tailor a follow up specifically to them.
Wes Schaeffer: Amen. So
Wes Schaeffer: We're in coven we're going to be in covert for a while.
Jeff Shore: Then we have a leg so
Wes Schaeffer: Then we have more shutdowns, we have protests and riots and mean we're not getting on planes. He's not as often and very few people want to meet that person so
Jeff Shore: Right.
Wes Schaeffer: There's all this, just as effective virtually remotely.
Jeff Shore: Yeah. Well, fortunately, you know, the I was able to, you know, normally you write a book.
Jeff Shore: Quite a ways before the time that it actually hits the shelves and fortunately I was able to
Jeff Shore: Get
Jeff Shore: The, the quarantine and the shutdown happened while I was still on the tail end of the writing process. So I was able to go in and adjust that accordingly. Now having said that,
Jeff Shore: The book was already going to be video heavy. I am a huge fan of video. I do not understand why more sales people aren't using video as part of their presentation.
Jeff Shore: And especially as a part of their follow up. It is so powerful it is so impactful. May they say that if a picture's worth 1000 words than a video is worth 1000 pictures. There's when we think about just the way that people process information.
Jeff Shore: Our brains. When we think about all five of our senses 50% of our brain is dedicated to the visual sense compared to all of the others. We are visual people
Jeff Shore: And so when we watch that video and makes just all the difference in the world. So we're trying to figure out how do I find video online. How do I create video. How do I send video. How do I use video
Jeff Shore: And I think that that what we're finding now is the good news is that buyers, regardless of who they are B2B B2C doesn't matter.
Jeff Shore: buyers are suddenly incredibly savvy on video. So when you look at the numbers on zoom. For example, there were a 10 million zoom subscribers 10 million zoom accounts in February, you know, many zoom accounts. There are at the time of this recording 300 million
Jeff Shore: Whoa tire world has figured out
Jeff Shore: Zoom. So now, not only do we have video as a way to be able to communicate with people, but people are far more savvy on how to receive their it's it's not a big deal anymore video should not be cutting edge but until it gets used more it is going to be. That's the idea.
Wes Schaeffer: If I have a face made for radio, man. I mean, I don't know.
Jeff Shore: The good news about this is the good news about about follow up and close the sale. Is it the the premise of the book is you're getting in touch with somebody
Jeff Shore: After you've already met them after they've already seen you. And so, you know, look, I want to be able to use video as part of my prospecting I want to use it if I can't meet face to face. I want to do that over a
Jeff Shore: Zoom call or whatever it is. And then I want to continue by that point they already know what you look like. And I hear that, you know, I don't like the way I look on camera. I
Jeff Shore: hate to break it to you, dude. That's what you look like. And it's, you know, you can't. You're not going to fool the public anymore. That's what you look like you have a LinkedIn profile, they already know what you look like. So yeah, I just think
Jeff Shore: But, but the point that you make West is that people are so hung up on it.
Jeff Shore: But how I look. And what people will think
Jeff Shore: That they don't do it, just get over yourself. This isn't about you. This is about your customer.
Wes Schaeffer: And they really won't notice and he if you're five weeks and you got a quarantine head. You just grab one of your swag hats. I got my keep
Wes Schaeffer: Yet on today so
Jeff Shore: Yeah yeah
Wes Schaeffer: I'll get to work.
Jeff Shore: There you go. And, and if you're like me, you just embrace it and you go, okay. I remember hair, but that was a different day. Let's move on.
Wes Schaeffer: So, so I'm glad you brought up video. I mean, what do you think of like a video email. Yeah, I've had, bomb, bomb on the show. I use my use up on Zorro
Wes Schaeffer: To demonstrate that I've gotten great results from video emails. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: You use it much recommend it.
Jeff Shore: Totally love it. My me and my team. We all use bom bom. But here's the key.
Jeff Shore: If you, if you're attaching something in an email The email itself has to look personalize the customer needs to know.
Jeff Shore: That this is not generic. So for example, you know, I had somebody send me an email. Recently, and there's a screenshot right that goes in the in a bomb bomb.
Jeff Shore: Email and so the customer wrote hi Jeff on a little piece of paper and held it up in front of the camera to know this is for you. This isn't just a generic video that I'm sending I did this for you.
Jeff Shore: So somehow, you have to be able to separate and let the customer know
Jeff Shore: I'm not a blasting out a video. This is a video that I recorded just for you. You got to get people's attention. So when I talked about this, the follow up superpowers. We talked about one speed. The other is personalization.
Jeff Shore: So, so if the follow up is generic your customer can smell it a mile away when it's personalized they know it you combine those two things together, speed and personalization. You are way out in front of the pack right from the very beginning.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, I hear it all the time. And I've been in the space, a long time. And so I can. I know all the indicators, but people, they still can. They sneak them in some times that I had somebody
Wes Schaeffer: She left a voicemail. And it was, it was just high right not high West, which kind of rolled into it and and almost didn't catch it. I'm like, ah, this is a broadcast
Wes Schaeffer: Right. Right. I mean, it's like, take the time
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, but their name it like a bomb bomb email.
Wes Schaeffer: Or Bonjour. Oh, I got mobile apps are on my phone.
Wes Schaeffer: I mean, open the app, the email comes in. I click on their name, click the button.
Wes Schaeffer: I mean it's 30 seconds 15 seconds.
Wes Schaeffer: Ya know, and I
Wes Schaeffer: I do. It's so simple. Hey, Jeff, thanks for visiting my site, you know, appreciate you download my report, let me know I can help send
Jeff Shore: Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: You know it's personalized because it comes relatively quickly after you do some
Wes Schaeffer: Reading and I say your name and
Wes Schaeffer: Then if I can write all reference you know you
Wes Schaeffer: opted in, for the podcast or you got my Seven Deadly Sins of selling so mixed gender like oh hell he really did send it now. Have people reply is this really you
Jeff Shore: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: I cannot fake that
Jeff Shore: It's a really good point. If it's on video. You know, it's you.
Jeff Shore: Write it wherever they just got kicked out of your CRM. It could have been promoted but but I think this this breaks brings up a really important point. West, and that is that
Jeff Shore: You know, for a lot of sales people, they think, whether it's the prospecting side of the follow up side, it's just about the numbers crank out calls crank out calls more, you know,
Jeff Shore: Look, I get it. There is a numbers game aspect to it but just a little bit of research, a little bit of creativity, a little bit of, how do I make this fun
Jeff Shore: will completely change both your prospecting and your follow up efforts. But if it's just a matter of inundating them with
Jeff Shore: You know, here's another email. Here's another email. Here's another email. It just doesn't go anywhere.
Jeff Shore: It doesn't take that long to make this personalized it just takes a little bit of creativity. But I would argue that if you as a salesperson are not having fun in your follow up efforts, your customers, having less fun. This should be the enjoyable part of the process.
Wes Schaeffer: What
Jeff Shore: It should, it should be fun. It should be something you're like, Okay, come on. Time to unleash the creative brain. What do I got here, take some chances. Why not, what's the worst that's gonna happen. I mean, you're gonna get
Jeff Shore: You're gonna get forgotten. Anyway, take some chances do something a little different. Let me give you. Here's a great example is a salesperson.
Jeff Shore: That works for a client of ours, and she sells homes. So she's, she's got shows a home to this lady ladies got two kids right eight and 10 comes up that the kids play soccer.
Jeff Shore: So that next Saturday. She's driving by the soccer field and it's Saturday morning soccer all it's all going on. She's in her car all she does is rolled down her car window.
Jeff Shore: Picks up her phone.
Jeff Shore: And videotapes a little bit of a soccer tournament going on just, hey, we're at the field. She says, write down you can walk there from the home right here, this is what's going to happen. These are your kids. This is what this park looks like when it's alive. Can't wait to get you in here.
Jeff Shore: 30 seconds zero cost, high impact. That's what we're talking about. It's not that difficult. It just takes a little bit of creativity. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: how persistent are you at along the stages, right, obviously if you've met, you've got a proposal in front of them. They want two or three days to think it over.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, what's a high dollar deal, you're going to be
Wes Schaeffer: Pretty persistent. But what if it's just I reach out to that CIO to have that initial meeting.
Wes Schaeffer: You know and like Kim may be you know I'm going on vacation, you know, give me a call in, you know, a couple of weeks when I get back. So like, Yeah, are you just as dogwood to set that appointment as you are to get the final answer. Yeah.
Jeff Shore: So yes you are. But here's the key. The quest. The first question is not how do I set an appointment. The first question is, how do I add value.
Jeff Shore: So I don't want my customer to feel like they're doing me a favor by setting up a follow up appointment.
Jeff Shore: What I want to be able to do with that CIO is to be able to say, okay, you're going on a vacation. Let me just tell you what I'm going to do while while you're on vacation.
Jeff Shore: This is what I'm going to do for you while you're on vacation.
Jeff Shore: I'm going to look at this, this, I'm going to research this I'm going to put that together.
Jeff Shore: So let's set a meeting here for when you get back and we'll give you a couple of days because I know what it's like. After vacation. So let's look at the Wednesday after you get back
Jeff Shore: That way we can you'll all have done all of this work for you and we can. I can show you what we did and and then you can decide whether that's a good decision. So what am I doing there. I'm just trying to figure out how do I add value. How do I add value.
Jeff Shore: So I wouldn't look at this first and foremost by with a question of how often should I call back raw grass. Why should be. The question is how do I add value. And if I can add value everything
Jeff Shore: Changes. That's the idea.
Wes Schaeffer: How much work is that going to take, though. I mean, cuz obviously I can't be
Jeff Shore: With a whole bunch of work.
Wes Schaeffer: On on a potential
Jeff Shore: Uh, well, let's see. And you gotta weigh it out right there's
Jeff Shore: There's certainly an ROI consideration here for your time.
Jeff Shore: Versus what the past is going to be so huge, you know, multi million dollar account. I get it. It's going to take a little bit more time let's let's go ahead and roll the dice, let's invest some time and energy into it.
Jeff Shore: But on the other hand, it might look at it and say, Okay, I'm selling boats and so
Jeff Shore: I could have at the ready, you know, several articles.
Jeff Shore: That I've pulled off of the web that will help different people at different times that I could insert into my follow up pattern and say I was just thinking about you.
Jeff Shore: And you said this, I found an article
Jeff Shore: About that. Here you go. So it doesn't mean you have to have a separate research project for every single customer, you're going to have to meet
Jeff Shore: But what you do want to do is make sure that your follow up is customized to that person that it doesn't just look like a generic I send this out to everybody. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Very cool. I like that because the reality is, you know, I use the CIO example because that's who I was calling on CIOs at at hospitals and the reality was, I knew my niche and I had a ton of good testimonials case studies and didn't take a whole lot of homework.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, because I knew my industry every CIO had the exact same, you know, four or five six problems.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, and so kind of having some things bookmark you know Mark and I call a swipe file right so I can kind of drip it out on them and make it seem like I'm doing all this work rally. I've got it all saved sure everybody has the same problems.
Jeff Shore: So absolutely say
Jeff Shore: Well,
Jeff Shore: Listen, if you don't have answers to the problems you should not be in that position in the first place.
Jeff Shore: If you can't anticipate what your customers issues are in advance and what the commonalities are you're not doing your job, but you you can you create sales. That's why they're there. That's why they're in that position.
Jeff Shore: If you can't add value you're not a salesperson.
Wes Schaeffer: Period. Yeah. Amen. So we can add value to our listeners lives by getting your book is that right
Jeff Shore: Of course you can.
Jeff Shore: So how do they get your book.
Jeff Shore: Yeah, yeah, you can you can go to Jeff store.com and which is the right place to start because we have a whole we have got an eight part video series that's included
Jeff Shore: If you, if you buy the book and, you know, we'll do all we can to try and make you effective and successful but just go to Jeff shore.com you can you can pick up the book there. And we've got a number of
Jeff Shore: Conversations on the buyers mind podcast as well about about follow up so it. Look, it's just one of those things where
Jeff Shore: It just begins by making a decision that I want to stand out from everybody else if you don't want to stand out. Nobody else please don't buy the book. This is a book.
Jeff Shore: About making it easy and approachable to do something that other sales people find disturbing or or unattractive. How do we make it easy if we can make it easy and fun. The battle is already one. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Amen easy and fun too. I like Man, that's why you're back on the sales podcast after
Wes Schaeffer: Five and a half years. So you know what it needs to be less than five and a half years. So let's do it.
Jeff Shore: Right. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it.
Wes Schaeffer: For sure. Right.
Wes Schaeffer: All right, man. Well, if you get down to Marietta to see your peeps, let me know. We'll go wine tasting.
Jeff Shore: Will do will do. Let's do a West thanks bye all
Wes Schaeffer: Right. Jeff, thanks for coming on the show, man. Have a great day.
Yeah, you bet.