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Pipeliner CRM: What You Love, You Use

Putting the Relationship Back Into CRM





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What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...

  • Nikolaus Kimla, founder of Pipeliner CRM
  • Past guest on The Sales Podcast episode 439
  • The first and only CRM today in the SMB space that has the key account management embedded
  • Three inner and three outer rings
    • API
    • Automatizer: sales and marketing automation is the key
    • Backend Functions
    • Activities
    • Outer
      • Project Engine
      • Key Account Management
      • Reporting Engine
      • Analytics Engine
      • Salesforce Automation
  • Reduce the repetitive tasks
  • No coding, just drag & drop
  •  Worked for Apple in Europe
  • Brought Apple to the universities in the 80s and had the first computer-to-computer networks
  • Has spent four years to make the drag-n-drop features easy
Take The Quiz—Find Your CRM
  • The typical salesperson needs to focus on leads and activities
  • Multiple pipelines available
    • View as a map overlay feature
    • View as a list
    • View in a compact form
    • Drill down and see the hierarchy/org chart
    • View as a bubble chart
    • View deal velocity
  • Great tool for both the hunter and farmer, i.e., account management salesperson
  • "Add to Comparison"
    • Products
    • Categories
    • Find accounts where you can upsell, cross-sell
  • The Navigator is where you start your day
    • Ready to qualify
    • Ready to move
    • Old Leads
    • Lazy Opportunities
    • Tasks
    • Missed Close Date
    • Velocity Issues
    • The Largest Open Opportunities
  • Everything starts with a Lead
    • Chop it up into targeted Lists
    • Send email broadcasts and see reports
      • Sent
      • Opened
      • Clicked
  • Call from browser is integrated and included
  • Sidebar for Outlook and Gmail
  • Create Reports on the fly
    • Customize with fields
    • Create charts from reports
    • Schedule reports to update and be sent to you regularly and automatically
What you love, you use."
  • The UI is engaging
  • Email history is saved inside the CRM

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

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