Seize The Opportunity In Front of You and Grow It, Duane Spires
Feb 28, 2023
Simple equals scalable
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...
- Simple equals scalable!
- Summer camp and after-school programs.
- Elevate, Evolve, Enroll.
- Came from little money, and despite a 75% scholarship, he had to make more money
- Saw an ad for "hiring blackbelts."
- He was hired by a "sketchy" dude to teach martial arts to kids in rec centers.
- He saw how the company was dropping the ball in the areas of customer service.
- Started doing his own thing.
- Rec centers took 30% of gross but no rent, and the rec center did the promotions.
Related episodes and posts
- Jason Redman, Navy SEAL, Shot 7 Times But Bounced Back
- Learn How To Make Irrational People Buy, With Todd Caponi.
- He followed Dan Kennedy and marketed the way he taught.
- Knocked on the doors of daycare centers, and the first one hired him.
- His first client asked, "how much is it to register" and he asked, "Well, what's fair?"
- His girlfriend was a cheerleader, so they added cheerleading, and his business doubled.
- His next girlfriend was a dance teacher.
- He met a guy who was a tennis teacher.
- Now he's at 2,000 students and doing 7-figures in his early 20s.
- Then the 2008 recession hit, and in early 2009 he started to feel it.
- His classes were low-cost, and kids just started canceling.
- He created a campaign in Keap so parents could automatically cancel!
- Got down to maybe 400 students.
- He didn't fire anyone.
- Suddenly he was strapped and didn't know how to budget.
- 2010 he's in a weird mood on the beach, alone. It's dark, and he walks out into the ocean and prays.
- "Summercamp" comes to him.
- He asked his wife her thoughts on the idea.
- He blasts an email about a summer camp to his list, and within two days, he had 50 kids who signed up for summer camp.
- He had no idea what to do, and kids were just hanging out, and he was figuring it out.
- The kids loved it, and so did the parents.
- Parents asked what they'd do for an after-school event.
- So he started it.
- Found an old van at a church for sale and buys it.
- Suddenly he has 200 kids and keeps growing.
- He joined a coaching program, and it was terrible, so he launched his own course.
- Now he has 500 programs around the world.
Simple equals scalable."
- He did a speaking engagement in LA at the end of 2019 and saw a lot of international travelers with masks on, and he thought it was weird.
- He spoke in Oakland and got super sick and thinks it was COVID.
- The first week of February, he addressed this with his members.
- He and Lauren prayed for guidance.
- "Let everyone go for free."
- So they made a video and offered everything for free, so we'd all stay in this together.
- Lost $100k/mo in revenue almost immediately.
- Created an e-learning program.
- This helped all of his members stay open as "essential businesses."
- They made more money than ever (his clients).
- He then doubled the size of his business.
- His next big move is scaling and doing more paid traffic vs. organic.
- This is a great daytime revenue source.
- Even churches with facilities.
- Grow revenue and change kids' lives.
- He speaks a lot to entrepreneurs, and he and his wife do marriage coaching.
- When your personal life improves, your business grows.
Don't mistake a little bit of movement with momentum."
- Hasn't had a drink in over two years.
- He started questioning everything in his life.
- Booze had no benefit.
- "I am a non-drinker."
- You start to change your environment.
- You join masterminds, business centers, etc., and you grow.
- Who's in your top five?
- Friends
- Family
- Business
- Hobby
- Write down everyone in those key circles.
- Out of those people, who wins when you win?
- Who in your circle feels as though they lose when you win?
- Who in my circles wins when I lose?
- If we had the ability to solve our own problems, we'd be levels ahead.
Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
- Take The CRM Quiz: get a free consultation with me
- The Sales Agenda: take control of every sales opportunity like a pro.
- Leadferno: Turn lurkers into leads
- Founders Card: Get $20,000 in free processing from Stripe, save 15% on Bose, and save on hotels, travel, car rentals, you name it.
- Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
- Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
- Sendspark: Send video emails that make an impact so you can stand out from the noise. Use promo code SALESWHISPERER to get 33% off for three months
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