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The Secret to Transformational Leadership & Business Growth, Tim Shurr

Business growth comes from personal growth, which you can change on a dime

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Transformational Leadership Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • All of his keynotes were instantly canceled
  • It'll stay that way for long time
  • It's not what
  • Don't watch the fads, watch the trends
  • Zoom's net worth is more than all the airlines combined


Don't watch the fads, watch the trends."
  • It's more about your mindset than the economy
  • Take a step back, breathe
  • Humans don't change
  • Clinical psychologist for 30 years
  • Sought faster tools to help his clients improve
  • Facilitated over 15,000 hypnosis sessions
  • You have the same MS/DOS mindset
  • It's time to update and adapt your mindset
  • Come across with certainty and conviction
  • Our limiting beliefs hurt us and cause us to sabotage our efforts
  • Personal development is the key to your longevity and success
  • Communicate with your customers in their language
  • Lead with your ethics
  • We project our fears and insecurities like money
  • We have negative beliefs about salespeople...but we are salespeople
  • "Buyers are liars!"
  • "No loyalty."
  • "Buyers only care about the money."
  • Get a prosperity mindset.
  • People are afraid of their efforts not working out.
  • People are worried that they'll never be happy.
  • Great salespeople don't want to take service and support calls, which creates a downward spiral by avoiding facing the challenges and winning lifelong clients.
  • "Zoom fatigue" is real
We need to 'physically distance' instead of 'socially distance.'"
  • We need to become socially closer
  • Develop yourself
  • We need mental Jiu Jitsu
  • There will always be challenges so learn how to adapt
  • We have more access to more people all over the world than ever before
  • You can change the belief on a dime
  • Ask different questions
  • Redirect your mind
  • Repetition helps you get good at it
Join The Private Sales Group
  • Five steps
    • Pause and breathe. It's not always about momentum and plowing ahead.
      • Power breathing
      • In through your nose, into your belly, and slowly exhale
      • Your biggest opportunities are where you don't want to go!
      • Wherever you're resistant is where you need to go
    • Focus on the desired outcome and the benefits of those outcomes
    • Take one step forward in any direction
      • This gives you clarity
    • Find the clues, i.e. "the miracles"
    • When those clues show up...ACT ON THEM!
    • Be productive, not just busy
  • You can't read the label from inside the bottle
  • Your phone is your handheld ATM machine!
  • You're calling to serve!
  • You have the lifeline they need!
  • View yourself as a trusted advisor.
  • Keep your mind filled with optimistic content to fuel your prospecting efforts
  • If you're not where you want to be there is a negative mindset or belief you need to overcome
  • Your biggest transformations will come from private mentoring
  • You don't notice your own blindspots
  • Three stages of breakthrough
    • Resistance
    • Confusion
    • The actual breakthrough
  • Stew and stress or focus on adding value to the lives of others
  • The fastest way to shift your stress and anxiety is to focus on serving others
  • Create bonds and loyalty by going above and beyond
  • Silos and internal competition crushes companies and countries
  • Rome fell from within

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast



Wes Schaeffer: Tim Shurr, creator of the mesmerizing us yeah mesmerizing. It sounds funny, we look at it and then all right yeah mesmerizing mindset checklist keynote speaker.
Wes Schaeffer: Coach referred to me by Mark Victor Hansen, all the way from Indianapolis. Welcome to the sales podcast, man. How the heck are you
Tim Shurr: I'm doing good. Wes honored to be with you on your show today.
Wes Schaeffer: So what is happening man your keynote speaker I  speak a little not as much as you
Wes Schaeffer: How are you handling coven let's just get that right out are
Wes Schaeffer: People doing talks. Are they doing virtually like what's going on there?
Tim Shurr: Well, my keynotes were instantly canceled.
Tim Shurr: Yep, along with everybody else's
Tim Shurr: Yeah. And so there were a couple of people or conferences where they were able to pivot and then do a virtual program. So I did a few virtual keynotes and
Tim Shurr: And it's going to stay that way, you know, for at least the next year or so, and then we're never going to go back to how it was.
Tim Shurr: Because the world is pivoting it's changing and we have to pivot with us with it. Right, so it's not what shows up. It's how you show up.
Tim Shurr: And so you got to figure out where the trend is Dennis Whately was telling me that he says don't watch the fads. Watch the trends.
Tim Shurr: And he said, The trend is that we're going more virtual we're going to have more virtual programs.
Tim Shurr: People are going to be working more from home and this is where we're headed. And we have to adapt. So a lot of my programs, you know, are now virtual and everybody's running to zoom zooms net worth is more than all the airlines combined
Tim Shurr: Well, which is a big deal. And that is one of the ways that you spot the trends, right. So, and, you know, so people like you and I who are positioned with podcasts.
Tim Shurr: It's really good because you've been cranking out high-quality shows and episodes for a long time. So that's really good. A lot of people are scrambling to try to figure that out now.
Tim Shurr: However, whenever there's a challenge. There's an opportunity, you cannot get the rainbow without the rain. It's raining a little bit right now, but the rainbows coming
Wes Schaeffer: Bring it on her.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, so what are you, what are you seeing like what's the feedback from these leaders at these companies that have you speak.
Wes Schaeffer: Are they like are they optimistic. Are they hopeful OR PEOPLE ARE THEY weathering the storm or is it?
Wes Schaeffer: Is it starting to chip away at people's you know optimism their productivity, or have they pivoted and and and people are adjusting
Tim Shurr: Yeah, great question. All of the above all the above, Wes. Again, it really has to do more with your mindset than the economy. You know, I've been in business 25 years you know I've been through.
Tim Shurr: Terrorist attacks. You know, I was supposed to go to work today. I watched the plane fly into the second tower in New York City. I watched it happen live and my business disappeared.
Tim Shurr: And then you know I came back again and you know did really good until you know like 2009 and then all sudden we had this financial crisis, with all the
Tim Shurr: mortgage companies giving loans to everybody, without checking on anything. And so it crashed our market. And then I've been through my accountant calling up and say, hey, you owe the IRS, you know, five figures and I'm like white
Tim Shurr: And now I'm going through a, you know, global pandemic, along with everybody else. And so your business. If you're going to be in the game and you're going to be successful. You've got to learn how to
Tim Shurr: Adjust take a step back, breath, focus on the outcome that you want because you get, you know, being brilliant in sales and being brilliant in the basics are always the same.
Tim Shurr: You know, even on your website, you know, you talk about how customers mindset hasn't changed, right, it has not changed a lot of the factors, how we deliver
Tim Shurr: Amazon changed our world. You know, they own the distribution market in the world. And so people's expectations have modified a little bit
Tim Shurr: But the same rules apply if you're going to create a thriving business or you're going to be a successful sales professional
Tim Shurr: The first thing you've got to do is get a hold of your mindset, get a hold of your beliefs.
Tim Shurr: So before I was a speaker, you know, I was all my degrees are in clinical psychology and I was a coach.
Tim Shurr: For a hypnotist for 30 years. So I was going to school for psychology. But I realized that
Tim Shurr: They weren't the talk therapy wasn't getting the results that I wanted. And I was working with a lot of people who had post-traumatic stress.
Tim Shurr: And so I needed faster tools. So I got into hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming and any kind of peak performance.
Tim Shurr: You know strategies tools that were available and I've been using those for three decades now I facilitated or 15,001 on one hypnosis sessions so
Tim Shurr: That's a lot of time walking around and people's unconscious minds and I discovered the beliefs and what drives us at that unconscious level.
Tim Shurr: So that you can upgrade your performance and optimize your mind you know we are constantly updating our smartphones.
Tim Shurr: But most people are walking around with the same MS-DOS program that they started with, you know, we're not upgrading our brains. Our mindsets and so
Tim Shurr: That's where I learned how to get the biggest results and so leaders of companies, you know, some the ones that are going to do the best are the ones who are adapting
Tim Shurr: You know, and, and saying, Where, where can we take this and how can we solve pain and create more pleasure for our customers and add more value and care about them and serve them more than our competition and when you show up in that way. You're always going to be more successful.
Wes Schaeffer: Can we connect and services remotely or
Wes Schaeffer: We don't have a choice. I just
Wes Schaeffer: Have to now be done.
Tim Shurr: Sure, sure, we can you know we've constantly. You know, I have clients over the world. So I've been, you know, doing zoom sessions or telephone coaching or Skype coaching for you know 10 years
Tim Shurr: And when I'm talking to somebody and they're like, oh, I would really rather see you in person. And like we get the same results.
Tim Shurr: You know, whether we're in person or we're over the phone or over zoom. We're going to get the same outcomes. And as long as you come across with certainty. If you have a conviction.
Tim Shurr: I was having one of my employees, one of the time. A few years ago, we were having a conversation about a client and I knew what needed to be done, and he was resisting and so
Tim Shurr: I was really leaning in telling them, we need to do this, this is the direction we need to go in
Tim Shurr: And and so finally said, Okay, I believe you. I'm gonna let's just do it that way.
Tim Shurr: And I said, What turns you around. And he said, well, you seem to believe in it so much. And I know you. So I figured if you have that much conviction, you know, you must be right.
Tim Shurr: And so he went along with me and I find that customers will do that too. If you believe so much that what you have to offer is going to help them or protect them from getting ripped off from somebody else, you will lean on.
Tim Shurr: Whereas most salespeople will pull back because they have limiting beliefs. Like, I don't want to be pushy. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, I had a new Monday group call and
Wes Schaeffer: That exact conversation with a guy. It's on and he's kind of new in sales.
Wes Schaeffer: It's going to get into this whole internet marketing thing and it's totally different from his normal career path, but he's excited about it. And so, you know, I'm helping them and
Wes Schaeffer: He was like, well, the software is kind of new and you know it is. So it's got bugs and blah, blah, blah. And what do you say, and you know, because it's new, they're offering it at a great price lifetime access, you know, one price. I mean, super discounted. And I'm like, dude, you
Wes Schaeffer: You're not hiding anything right. You tell them it's new. It's still in beta. That's why we're given this lifetime access
Wes Schaeffer: You know, let them make their own decision. Right. I'm like, what if they buy and hold on to it for a year before they use it and let it work some kinks out. I mean, they're paying one time what it's going to eventually cost per month. Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: That's right.
I'm like,
Wes Schaeffer: Just be happy. Be confident you know because they're buying you and if you're not into it, dude. You're not gonna sell a damn thing.
Tim Shurr: That's right, you're absolutely right on that. Plus, you know, you let your clients you allow your clients, the opportunity to help you to customize the app, based on what they like.
Wes Schaeffer: Sure, so
Tim Shurr: Kinds of opportunities.
Wes Schaeffer: A lot of input. So, you know, at the total I want to sort sift and separate. I don't want to sell. I don't like cajoling and, you know, using NLP and hypnosis to trick them into buying or I just, let's just talk
Wes Schaeffer: What do you want no
Wes Schaeffer: I have that
Tim Shurr: Yes, yes.
Wes Schaeffer: Or I don't have that. So, you know, if you want a, b, c, and d I can do A, B and C. So is that good enough, or do you need deep. Because if not, if so, I'll refer you somewhere else. I mean, it's like it really is that easy. But why don't we make it so hard? Why do we sabotage ourselves?
Tim Shurr: limiting beliefs. So, just real quick. You wouldn't use hypnosis or NLP to manipulate or trick anybody you use the tools to understand how people create their reality.
Tim Shurr: So you would use the tools to understand
Tim Shurr: How to communicate more effectively with the person you're talking to, how to create faster rapport and trust.
Tim Shurr: By knowing you know if you watch somebody is eyeballs. If they're looking up and then they're looking down, you can tell
Tim Shurr: If they're creating pictures in their mind and then saying something to themselves about it than causing them to have a feeling
Tim Shurr: So it gives you a greater understanding of how to read the customer that you're working with and how to communicate with them in their language.
Tim Shurr: And so it creates faster rapport and trust, like you said, most people if they think about sales, they think that you're trying to manipulate or talk somebody into doing something that's not good for them.
Tim Shurr: Or sales leaders like you and like I am saying, No, no, no. You lead with your ethics. Right. One thing about being in the Air Force is they crank out a lot of excellent leaders like you
Tim Shurr: And you learn to come through with x with ethics and with values and you're straight up, you know if I can help you on the gun. And if I can't, I'm going to try to refer you to someone who can help you, even if they're my competition.
Tim Shurr: That builds trust faster than you trying to use some kind of slick tactics that you know people are selling on the Internet.
Tim Shurr: So, very good. Now to answer your second question, why do people sabotage. It's because we all are.
Tim Shurr: Subjected to limiting beliefs of those around us when we're little
Tim Shurr: You know, we pick up these negative beliefs. These insecure beliefs from our parents from the town. We live in the city. We live in from the government from
Tim Shurr: Our religion, you know, all these ideas that I'm not enough. I'm not good enough. And so we have these worries and fears that we're not going to be able to measure up
Tim Shurr: And then when we go into sales, you know, we often a lot of people start off, you know, not having a lot of money. And so they project those fears that
Tim Shurr: That, well I can't afford this. Why would they, you know, and we limit people with because of our own limitations.
Tim Shurr: You know, I would have a group of a few hundred salespeople in a room and I would ask them this question when I would say describe salespeople.
Tim Shurr: Just yell it out. And they would say pushy sleazy manipulative right and then I and I'd remind them you're all salespeople. And then they all start laughing right and and
Tim Shurr: Because that's not how all salespeople are. But if you have a belief that people are pushy, then you won't push for the sale because you don't want to be sleazy
Tim Shurr: Or I'll say something like, you know, describe customers and they'll say things like buyers are liars, you know, only care about the money. You know, and
Tim Shurr: stab you in the back, no loyalty. And I remind them. You are also all customers.
Tim Shurr: And so when we have these limiting beliefs. If you have a belief that buyers are liars and all they care about is the money and they don't care about you, you're not going to want to hang around more customers are. Yeah.
Tim Shurr: And so our mind is filled with these limiting beliefs, because more people have a scarcity mindset than a prosperity mindset and it comes out, especially in the sales profession.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, I've asked this before and I've gotten different answers.
Wes Schaeffer: From different folks, but I do you think people are more afraid of success than they are a failure.
Tim Shurr: I don't know if their unconscious mind really makes a difference between the two. I think people are just afraid.
Tim Shurr: Right. People are afraid that no matter what they do. It's not going to work out. So fear of failure means you try something and it doesn't work out, and then what does that mean about you.
Tim Shurr: Oh, it means that I'm a fraud or I'm not good enough or, you know, all those negative things that people have said, or right and so that scares people
Tim Shurr: So instead of taking the chance of that may be happening. They just sabotage themselves from even trying.
Tim Shurr: A fear of success. On the other hand, is what if I am successful and I lose that connection with others.
Tim Shurr: What if people leave me now because I'm you know I'm more successful and they're not. And it makes them feel small.
Tim Shurr: Right. Or, you know, it changes me in some way, because people have this idea that if you become wealthy makes you
Tim Shurr: snobbish and rude and evil, and you know all those limiting beliefs based on all the movies that we've watched on TV, the bad guys are always rich corporations.
Tim Shurr: Okay, so it's been indoctrinated into us. So the real fear West is that you know, no matter what happens. I'm not going to end up being happy and people even when they have an opportunity to create prosperity will find a way to get rid of it and not even know they're doing it.
Wes Schaeffer: So they'll get rid of their prosperity.
Tim Shurr: Make a bunch of money and then they'll blow it. They'll spend it, they'll make risky investments that cost them their fortune or they'll have great sales, but there's
Tim Shurr: customer complaints salespeople don't also want to be customer service people they want someone else to handle that.
Tim Shurr: And a lot of times it's because, well, I don't want, I feel bad that it didn't go the way that I wanted it to. And you know, I feel bad that I feel like I let them down. So instead of having the conversation and handling it and creating a raving fan, they blow them off.
Tim Shurr: This then creates this negative self-fulfilling prophecy and trashes them. So that's why it's always so important if you're in sales. You got to understand what beliefs are driving you and then the tools that you use are going to work with you almost regardless of what the tools are
Wes Schaeffer: So,
Wes Schaeffer: How can salespeople really anybody
Wes Schaeffer: stay motivated in this climate.
Wes Schaeffer: The guy does jujitsu with and he's not a salesperson. He's one of the technical guys and he said like early on, he because you know we cancel jujitsu for a couple of months.
Wes Schaeffer: And we started coming back and he said, Man, how do you do this or I'm at work mode for 20 years. He's like, how you do that. I gotta go to the office. He said I ate a box of Twinkies yesterday.
Wes Schaeffer: He's a big guy like he's, he's a brown belt in jujitsu so he's like a trained killer.
Wes Schaeffer: Right. Yes. Yeah, the discipline to train hard for many, many years to reach this level.
Wes Schaeffer: But as soon as this hits right he's in something new.
Wes Schaeffer: Mm-hmm. I think he's gotten better because it's been several months now, but it
Wes Schaeffer: It was a shock to the system. Right. And I think there's still a shock to the system. I mean, we got the elections tomorrow. So this is an episode of go-live maybe three or four weeks after the election and either way, half the country is going to be upset.
Wes Schaeffer: Yes. So there's always an excuse for not doing your best, I mean, how
Wes Schaeffer: How do people find that because there are, I mean, people are isolated and they're sad. I think ultimately we're social beings, right. We are not supposed to be alone in a cave.
Wes Schaeffer: What are you telling people like to help them make these pivots and pick on you know, how do you get them to dance in the Rain Man.
Tim Shurr: It's an excellent question. And you're right. People have been feeling stir crazy, we have this
Tim Shurr: They're calling it, you know, zoom, fatigue, you know, we're so watching the computer all the time and on our screens all the time.
Tim Shurr: And so the goal is to physically distance not socially distance the terminology was wrong from the start.
Tim Shurr: We're supposed to socially become closer together in any way that we can and it always comes back to personal development. So over the last weekend.
Tim Shurr: I ran what's called the legend summit and I grabbed the icons of personal development to mentor us. So I had Brian Tracy and Les Brown and Bob Proctor and Dennis Whately and
Tim Shurr: And 16 other extraordinary human beings, all in one place at the same time.
Tim Shurr: And it was amazing. And they were all saying very similar things like you have to develop yourself. You've got to educate yourself. Now, the gentleman that you talked about. That's a brown belt in jujitsu
Tim Shurr: Excellent at being able to be tactical and strategize and and and move physically
Tim Shurr: And he also is learned that you take your opponent's energy and use it against them. So the more angry or violent that they come and attack you, the more they're going to hurt for it.
Tim Shurr: Right. And in jujitsu, you are to staying calm. Well, we've got to have mental jujitsu right. We've got to take the mental approach and say, all right,
Tim Shurr: Covert is the next thing that's coming and 10 years from now, it'll be the next thing that's coming because there's always something that's common right. And so how do you prepare for it.
Tim Shurr: You're developing yourself, you are learning. You are training. You know, you put hours and hours, days, weeks and months into you personally Wes into
Tim Shurr: Being great with jujitsu we do the same thing with our mind right learning reading hanging around other people who have a similar mindset for personal growth or for service or to grow and be the best that they can be
Tim Shurr: So you're hanging around with people we have more access than we have ever had before. So yes, we're staying at home or
Tim Shurr: However, we have the ability to talk to people all over the world.
Tim Shurr: And we're plugged in 24 hours a day. So use this as an opportunity. I haven't been to my physical office since March.
Tim Shurr: Right, and I miss it sometimes, but other times I don't miss it at all. And I think I'm going to get rid of it.
Tim Shurr: Because I like working from home. I've had more quality time with my wife. I've been able to spend so much more time with my children, and it's been great. That way, so it's not what shows up. It's how you show up matters more than anything else.
Wes Schaeffer: Can they change them a dime. I just make up my mind. All right, I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of being a wimp. Let's get after it. I mean, is it you talk about, you know, finding tools to bring about faster results. I mean,
Wes Schaeffer: This doesn't have to be a 10-year process right
Tim Shurr: Whoa, no, no, no.
Tim Shurr: freak out. No, I want stuff happening now, like everybody else. Right. So let me give you a five-step approach that I use that helps me in this will help you to
Tim Shurr: So your answer is yes, you can change on a dime. You got to change the belief now turning that belief and you know once you adjust your belief, maybe you go from, I can't do this too. I can
Tim Shurr: Or you start asking a different question. Like what's the opportunity here when you start redirecting your mind, then it takes repetition.
Tim Shurr: For it to feel comfortable for it to feel like it's actually going to happen, which is why they say you got to fake it till you become it
Tim Shurr: You know with anything else. You got to practice for you to get good at it.
Tim Shurr: And and so, you know, I've had people say, oh, I tried that positive thinking crap you know and it didn't work. I'm like, well, how long do you try it for
Tim Shurr: And they would say, Well, I, I was having a bad day and I told myself all it's going to be okay and then now it's a bunch of crap, I'm just fooling myself. So he actually tried it for 30 seconds.
Tim Shurr: Now he had been trying the other way for about 45 years
Tim Shurr: Yeah okay so you know you don't put a seed in the ground and then come back the next day and be mad because it hasn't grown
Tim Shurr: Right, you got to plant those seeds and let him grow a little bit. So step one, my five-step process for turning things around. Step one is you pause and brief kind of pause
Tim Shurr: Salespeople, entrepreneurs business owners leaders. We like to go fast. It's not about happy or sad. It's about momentum, are we making progress. And if we're not making progress. If we even slightly feel stuck. We freak out.
Tim Shurr: Which is why the TV show is called Shark Tank because of sharks. If they stopped swimming. They drowned right and so many people are drowning and stress right now because they don't know where to go.
Tim Shurr: So instead of trying to move faster, you actually. Pause
Tim Shurr: If I'm here in Indianapolis. We're going to have snow. Pretty soon if my car is on a patch of ice and I'm jamming on the gas and the accelerator.
Tim Shurr: My tires are going like crazy round and round, but I'm not moving. I'm just burning fuel. Okay, I got to take my foot off the gas. Let the tires catch
Tim Shurr: And then proceed. So step one is breathe and when you breathe in through your nose called Power breathing. So you breathe in through your nose.
Tim Shurr: Down to your belly slowly exhale now west. One of the things that I've learned after 30 years of helping people. Is that your biggest opportunities are hidden in the places you don't want to go.
Tim Shurr: Your biggest opportunities are in the places where you're resisting. Okay, so if I tell you to sit still for 30 seconds and breathe, and that makes you uncomfortable.
Tim Shurr: Oh, that's your place to go. That's your breakthrough wherever you're resistant and that's where you need to go. If I can't, I must. Right. So the first step is brief second step is to focus on the desired outcome.
Tim Shurr: What I've learned about your brain is that it works like a GPS, whatever you focus on it moves you towards and whatever you think about most of the time. That's what your life is going to become
Tim Shurr: Well, most of us are focused on what we don't want. What we don't like and what we don't have, which is why we end up with more of it.
Tim Shurr: So you've got to focus on the outcome that you want and the benefits of those outcomes. So imagine that you end up having a new set of customers that are your favorite customers.
Tim Shurr: Right, and you have people that you are attracting into your life based on referrals and you don't have to really pitch them on anything because they're already coming in as a warm lead
Tim Shurr: And then you're already having more money in the bank now so that you feel relaxed and a sense of ease instead of feeling pressure to close the sale. So you come across prosperous instead of needy.
Tim Shurr: Okay, so you would focus on the outcome that you want and why you would want it. The third step is you want to take one step forward.
Tim Shurr: In any direction. Just take a step forward if you're driving and fog and you can only see 10 feet in front of you drive the 10 feet. The next 10 feet will appear. Okay so drive the first 10 feet. Take that first step.
Tim Shurr: As you start moving towards what you want. You've clarified what you want because most people don't have clarity. Once you've clarified what you want and you took a step towards it.
Tim Shurr: Then you start watching for the clues. I call miracles. I've just finished a book called one belief away with Joe Vitale and Joe says money loves speed.
Tim Shurr: Right money loves speed and there are miracles all over the place. You're just not tuning into it, you're not paying attention to it because you're not looking for miracles.
Tim Shurr: You're looking for, how am I going to survive. How am I going to pay this bill right so we're coming from scarcity instead of abundance?
Tim Shurr: So when you start watching for clues to show up someone calls you all of a sudden you see an article that pops up, you know, on how to handle stress in our all of a sudden a new podcast from
Tim Shurr: The sales whisper pops up, and you're like, oh, I need to listen to this podcast right and we're talking about, you know, being a giver.
Tim Shurr: Right givers gain. So be a giver. So you go to West is podcast site you give it five stars. You give it low and grow.
Tim Shurr: A glowing review and then you share with your friends. Now you just made a deposit into your karma account, you're doing something kind for somebody else without expecting anything back, and as you do that.
Tim Shurr: That prosperity flows into your life. Right. So you're watching for those clues. And then the final step is when those clues show up act on them.
Tim Shurr: Money loves speed to act on those clues. Because when you see an opportunity. Maybe it's a new friend. You're going to call or maybe it's an opportunity to work with a different company or maybe it's you're going to change your
Tim Shurr: If you have the ability to change your pricing structure or you go learn how to be a better communicator. You know, most salespeople are not the best communicators.
Tim Shurr: They're good at talking but they're not very good at listening and the best influencers in the world are the best listeners, not the best speakers.
Tim Shurr: So go up to your skills when it comes to how you are communicating and then go practice on the people that you love the most, to be a better listener for your spouse for your kids for your friends, your neighbors.
Tim Shurr: And as you put those into place. So step one is power, breath, and pause step to focus on the desired outcome and the benefits of that. Step three.
Tim Shurr: Just take one action in one direction. Step four. And and. Step three. If you're not sure what that one step is to go for a walk, go take a shower.
Tim Shurr: Right, go watch a YouTube video because I'm sure, Wes. You've had this happen where you had the best idea in the shower and you're trying to dry off a hand to see you can leave a message on your phone. So you remember
Tim Shurr: You know, our best ideas come when we're in the shower when we're not thinking about things.
Tim Shurr: So, and then, of course, watch for the miracles and when they show up act on them. When you do that you will be just joyful and relieved at the same time at the magic that starts to happen in your life.
Wes Schaeffer: Like those, I was combining them. So I'm glad you went over them again because so the clues are acting on them.
Wes Schaeffer: All right, so three was taking one step.
Wes Schaeffer: Mm-hmm. For was finding find the clues. Find miracles.
Tim Shurr: Yeah, take one step and then start watching for what's the next move. I need to make and prioritize that. Yep. Yeah.
Tim Shurr: Are you want to be productive, not busy.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: And it's so
Wes Schaeffer: It's so easy to say I gave that same advice today again on the call. I was telling my guys like
Wes Schaeffer: Figure out all the busywork.
Wes Schaeffer: And
Wes Schaeffer: You got to set it aside so it doesn't creep into your vital work, you know, and then sales your vital work is prospecting right, I got a couple of guys that are employees or salespeople. I'm like, You gotta be reaching out
Wes Schaeffer: You know, do the other stuff for sure when it comes up, but you gotta set time. But again, it goes back, I guess, to the scarcity, the
Wes Schaeffer: Limiting mindset. We don't want to be rejected. So we don't make those outbound calls will help somebody in the office, make the excuse. Oh, was important. They needed some help on this and like
Wes Schaeffer: Sure. Oh, dude.
Wes Schaeffer: Are we just, we just week frail creatures. Is that, is that why we just keep doing the things we shouldn't
Tim Shurr: It's the beliefs last I'm telling you, you know, it is the beliefs and that people have that they don't even know are there.
Tim Shurr: There's an old phrase, it says you can't see the label when you're in the bottle right it's hard to be objective with ourselves and I mean I've
Tim Shurr: I've been in the heads of thousands and thousands of sales professionals and I know the beliefs you know and you do too. You know that I'm not enough or that I'm going to be rejected or that I want people to like me or
Tim Shurr: You know, I don't want to interrupt people. I don't want to get yelled at. Right. And so instead of thinking that I'm going to call some new friends.
Tim Shurr: You know, I'm going to pick up my ATM machine today, you know, and make some new friends and see what happens. You know, because that's what you do when you're prospecting
Tim Shurr: You call up you and you call up offering value instead of trying to get something you're trying to give something right and you show up with a different mindset.
Tim Shurr: And then, you know, when you have beliefs that you're here to serve and that you believe in what you're doing and that you're adding value to people's lives. And if you don't reach out to them.
Tim Shurr: Then it's like, you have the life preserver and they're in the water over their head and you're afraid to throw them the buoy right you throw it.
Tim Shurr: All right. Yeah. But what if they don't like it. They're drowning. Okay, so, or they don't know they're drowning and you're going to take care of them. So if you start to view yourself as a trusted advisor.
Tim Shurr: And someone who has something that people need that's going to improve the quality of their life, then it changes your relationship to your phone into reaching out
Tim Shurr: So however you position it though prospecting is a challenging profession right by nature. People don't like to get on the phone and call strangers all day long. So you'll have to keep yourself filled up
Tim Shurr: Whether listening to podcasts like yours, whether hanging around with other people who are go-getters, not the people who are slacking
Tim Shurr: Right, but other people who are crushing it because then that energy is contagious.
Tim Shurr: Right. It'll rub off on you if you don't know these people, in particular, the people who are usually crushing it are writing programs, having podcasts, you know, interviewing awesome people who are crushing it. So you have access that way. And most of that information is free.
Tim Shurr: Right. Your 400 episodes, you know, are free. That's incredible training. So we have the resources we just have to plugin and I will ask salespeople all the time.
Tim Shurr: You know, I have 500 people in the room. And I'll say, raise your hand. The last time you listen to a sales training program.
Tim Shurr: Or a personal development program and I will usually get 10 people that raised their hands and every single time. Those are the top 10 people in the company. So there is your recipe.
Wes Schaeffer: So is it safe to say if we're not where we want to be. There's some type of limiting belief, we need to find and overcome.
Tim Shurr: Yes. Now, I would not have believed that five years ago, even
Tim Shurr: But I've been pushing this really hard and challenging people and talking to you know the most successful people that I've
Tim Shurr: You know that is alive and asking and digging into their mind and understanding their strategies and what makes them successful or what made them fall apart.
Tim Shurr: Because many of the people that I know had millions of dollars in lost millions of dollars and then made them all back, which is
Tim Shurr: An extraordinary gut punch, you know, and then the fact that they were able to make it back is even more extraordinary. And so I just kept digging and digging and digging and it always comes back to a belief.
Tim Shurr: Whatever that belief that that belief maybe you know believe that I'm not enough or I'll be rejected, or I'm a fraud or people are going to leave me or I'm going to disappoint people
Tim Shurr: People abandon me you know these deep down fears that we have that we don't even know are there and, you know, and
Tim Shurr: It can be upgraded so easily. But most people don't really know how to do that.
Tim Shurr: This is why I wrote the one belief away book and then even it from my point. I'm like, all right, well, I know how to do it all the way up to here, but I haven't got this far yet there's a gap that I'm missing.
Tim Shurr: And instead of just faking my way through it. I found a mentor, you know, Dr. Joe Vitale who has
Tim Shurr: gotten that far, and took it to a whole other level that I wasn't at yet. So instead of just writing the book.
Tim Shurr: You know, with what I knew I wrote the book and then tried to model what I'm teaching by getting one of my mentors to help me go to that next level. And so we put the book together in that way.
Tim Shurr: And and it's going to be, you know, it's going to sell gazillion copies, because it's exactly what everybody needs. Now, of course. People don't buy what they need. So we'll have to deliver it in a way where it's going to make them more money or get them out of their panic attacks.
Tim Shurr: But, um, but that's what we do and so yeah so 100% it comes back to the beliefs that we have if there's something that is a block for you with your marriage or with your relationships or with your health or with your finances.
Tim Shurr: Your spirituality, how much fun you allow yourself to have, there's always a belief driving it.
Wes Schaeffer: And when you mentioned mentors, right, can, can I fix myself, can I heal myself. Can I make these changes from a book from a podcast? Do I go need to hire a mentor grew, you know, for faster change or deeper change?
Tim Shurr: Excellent question. So you can learn a lot and grow from self-study, but the biggest transformations are going to come from having an outside pair of eyes watching you.
Tim Shurr: And feeding back the beliefs that are coming out of your mouth that you don't even realize they're coming out of your mouth.
Tim Shurr: Because you're so used to you. You're having a conversation with yourself since you were born. So you won't notice your own blind spots.
Tim Shurr: You won't notice that you're saying things and people are feeding it back and you're like, Oh, wow. I didn't realize I was telling myself that
Tim Shurr: You know, like, oh my god, it's such a stressful day. I feel like I'm just going to shoot myself in the head. You know I all the only luck. I have is bad luck, you know, and your brains in there. It's like a genie saying, okay, as you wish.
Tim Shurr: Right. And so, so you need someone to feed it back to you. And because otherwise, it's very difficult to be objective with yourself and then even when someone does start to feed it back to you. A lot of times, instead of going, oh, okay, I'm going to take that and run with it. Oh, no, no, we resist.
Tim Shurr: And there are three phases to a breakthrough.
Tim Shurr: I've seen a consistently Phase one is resistance we push back. Not quite sure. Phase two is confusion.
Tim Shurr: Maybe you starting to let go of the old way because it's sabotaging you and you know based on your results, but you haven't grabbed on to the new way yet so you're kind of in limbo.
Tim Shurr: And then if you keep moving forward. It's kind of like you're out of hell, but you're not in heaven, you're in this purgatory. And what most people do in Purgatory is they go back to hell because at least it's warm there.
Tim Shurr: They know the hell they have certainty in hell right if you'd hang on a little more you get to heaven. You know you get to what you want.
Tim Shurr: And so, so the third phase is the breakthrough and that's when you have a new belief that creates a new set of feelings that causes you to focus on new information and then you take new action and then that action provides new you know
Tim Shurr: Outcomes and feedback. And that's how a breakthrough happens
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, the Israelites, they only wanted for a little while and they're like Moses we're going back, man. At least we had food. Yeah, we were slaves. But we had food.
Tim Shurr: That's right, that's right 40 years man 40 years right
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, we do. Right. They yearn for slavery because at least they had they knew where their next meal is coming from.
Tim Shurr: It's hard to give up that that need for comfort that needs for certainty, you know the devil, you know, is better than the one you don't. And so people hang on to that.
Tim Shurr: Even when they know
Tim Shurr: I mean, when you look at you know what we do with alcohol or sugar or cigarettes, you know, gambling porn.
Tim Shurr: People are scared to let go of that because it's what they know if you had another tool. People would upgrade. But most people don't have another tool. And so they even if they get away from stuff that's hurting their life they end up going back and relaxing because it's what they know.
Tim Shurr: Right so personal development is necessary mandatory it's a must. Especially, especially in the sales profession because the sales profession is the greatest profession on Earth, but it will chew you up if you are not continually developing yourself.
Wes Schaeffer: Amen.
Wes Schaeffer: I've been chewed up. I've seen a lot of people
Wes Schaeffer: Not quite as stubborn as I chewed up and leave.
Tim Shurr: Yeah yeah it chewed up all my hair. That's why I have this giant forehead. Now,
That stress.
Wes Schaeffer: Man Very nice. So you've got a checklist for listeners mesmerizing mindset checklist. And it's that your website right, Tim. Sure. And it's S. H. You are our Tim short com
Wes Schaeffer: Yes, right. I'm linking as well to one of your books get out of your way. How to eliminate self-sabotage and when your life and you wrote another one as well right that the yellow one behind you there.
Tim Shurr: It is, yeah. Oh, no. It's another one. I don't even have a
Tim Shurr: Cover for it yet. It's hot.
Wes Schaeffer: Off the press, we have, we're gonna launch it in January, I wanted to launch it now but Joe was like, No, we're going to have the one belief away for the whole year.
Tim Shurr: To make a whole year out of it. I'm like, awesome.
Tim Shurr: Yeah, yeah. So, but to get out of your way book is awesome because I wrote that book, like a seminar, like a $5,000 seminar and it takes you through step one, step two. So if you have no idea how your mind works.
Tim Shurr: Or how to do any of this stuff. I literally take you by the hand or like this is step one. This is step two. And if you and it's only 20 bucks. So I mean, and the
Tim Shurr: And the checklist that we're giving away for free if you go to Tim shirt calm and just scroll down the page.
Tim Shurr: Two things will happen. The wine I'll email you that checklist and then it literally is a step by step. Here's what you do to create a prosperity mindset. Okay.
Tim Shurr: And then from there, you'll be on my newsletter and I have so many extraordinary tools and access to so many incredible people that you know we can help you with whatever it is that you're looking for. And so it'll be fun.
Wes Schaeffer: Very nice.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah side right now I see it.
Wes Schaeffer: Very cool. Well, I hope you don't get too much snow, and we'll see how the selection goes but uh I'm signing up for the newsletter, because, you know, I think. Regardless, the world will continue on Wednesday, the day after the election.
Tim Shurr: You know, Wes. I believe you. I think you're right, you know, Abraham Lincoln once said that the best way to create the future or yeah the best, the best way to predict the future is to go ahead and create it.
Tim Shurr: Yeah, and so regardless of what happens in the White House. What's more important is what's happening in your house.
Tim Shurr: Right, regardless of what's happening it with our economy. What happens is
Tim Shurr: The choices that you make today. And are you going to do in stress? Are you going to focus on adding value to somebody's life?
Tim Shurr: Because I got into psychology 30 something years ago because I had so much anxiety. So Much Insecurity so much fear and self-loathing. I did not feel good about myself.
Tim Shurr: And the thing that I've learned is that whenever I start to get nervous. If even with all the experience I have every once in a while.
Tim Shurr: I just start getting nervous right starting to have that anxiety creep in and the fastest way to shift it is by focusing on how can I help someone else feel good today.
Tim Shurr: How can I add some value can I send an email. Can I send a handwritten card to someone who's not expecting it, whom someone that I haven't talked to in a while and I value our relationship?
Tim Shurr: Right. Or what can I do to make my immediate family feel loved and cared for today and give them my full attention or what can I do to
Tim Shurr: Call up one of my customers just to check-in and see how they're doing. There are no problems. I'm not selling them anything. I'm just giving them a call to see how you doing with all these things going on because in those moments.
Tim Shurr: You create a bond and customer loyalty occurs in those moments with those bonds because you're going a step above what anybody else would bother to do
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, that's great advice. I always tell people you don't feel sorry for yourself when you're serving at the food kitchen.
Wes Schaeffer: You know,
Wes Schaeffer: That's a really good food pantry. Right.
Tim Shurr: That's right.
Tim Shurr: That's true.
Tim Shurr: Yeah, because I've done that. Right, I'm scooping out the food and the spaghetti and meatballs and the green beans and I'm handing them to them and making sure I'm shaking everybody's hands that would make eye contact with me because
Tim Shurr: Many people in homeless shelters won't make eye contact, you know, and just helping them to know that someone loves them and cares about them.
Tim Shurr: Right, that they're not cast aside and you're right. So when you show up in that way when you can't help it live. But go up when you lift someone else up
Tim Shurr: Right. So, and the other is true as well. You can't go. You can't help it. Go down when you push someone else down, and I hope that we learned this. I don't care if you're Republican or a Democrat.
Tim Shurr: We as soon as we go in. If I go into a company and divide the company in half and I silo people and I start creating competition against each side that the company is going to get crushed financially.
Tim Shurr: That's what's happening in our country.
Tim Shurr: As long as we keep calling ourselves this or that and labeling ourselves and dividing ourselves. We are not going to be able to be a united front. So we have to go back to being Americans again.
Tim Shurr: Instead of getting caught up in these political parties and then tearing ourselves out from the inside, Rome fell from within, not from an outside attack America is the new Rome. We got to make sure that we learned from our history.
Wes Schaeffer: Amen. All right, Tim.
Tim Shurr: I'm going to pass that played around. Now if you feel like making a donation.
Wes Schaeffer: Dig deep.
Tim Shurr: Dig deep.
Tim Shurr: Do it for Jesus.
Wes Schaeffer: And I get an amen
Wes Schaeffer: Amen. All right. Well, good stuff. Thank you, sir. All the way from Indiana. Thanks for calling the show, man. It's been great.
Tim Shurr: thank us. It's been a pleasure.
Wes Schaeffer: All right. Have a great day. You too.