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Entrepreneur Will Moore On The Core Things You Must Do To Succeed

From suicidal to super successful

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Entrepreneur Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • We're not robots but science is science
  • Hack the system
  • There are core things you must do in business and in life to succeed
  • Exited for $321 million and asked..."now what?"
  • You still have problems even with money
  • Took two months off and got back to work

Get Your Sales Training Flashcards

  • Is Work-Life Balance a real thing?
  • Are there seasons that you'll be out-of-balance?
  • Should there be seasons that you're out-of-balance?
  • You can be out-of-balance, but not completely
The equation of life = ..."
  • If you go too long too much out of balance you're going to hit the wall
  • He started when he was single and enjoyed the first few years
  • When the 12-15-hour days arrived he lost the joy
  • Grow up...but stay a kid at heart
  • Kids change everything
  • Founded Doorstep Delivery in 2008
  • The iPhone had just come out
  • Drivers wouldn't need a $200-$300 Garmin GPS, which they couldn't afford
  • Saw inefficiencies
  • Was not scalable
  • Was selling real estate during the big run-up so he was super-busy and wanted to order food easily
  • Quit his real estate business at the top
  • Didn't raise any money. It was him and his best friend from the real estate business.
  • Found two other guys with a similar business
  • But they had no real structure, which lead to the eventual "lack-of-fun"
  • Was suicidal in college and had "a typical victim" mentality
  • "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was recommended in passing by a college professor
  • He started working on himself while still in college, which laid the foundation for his post-exit life
  • We run off of habits
  • The equation of life = your belief system + your repeated actions + time
  • Connect to your human spirit and that child-like wonder
  • He was working on his new business 3+ years ago while he was still at his last company
  • The entrepreneurial competencies must be present and executed on if you are to succeed
  • Working on a book for business coaching
  • You can't just ignore making money
  • How to grow your money/investments is key
  • Don't get caught up keeping up with the Joneses
  • A billionaire on the Tim Ferriss show caught him self being jealous and depressed because he didn't have the latest jet like his friend just got
  • Do you just want more because you want more?
  • Why the co-founder of a $320 million leases a Toyota Rav4
  • How he made his rock-bottom bounce
  • He was looking when he was at rock bottom
  • His favorite professor mentioned the Dale Carnegie book and that clicked with him
  • The Yale "Happiness Course"
  • Habits don't care if they're good or bad
  • Set better habits early in life
  • You can undo them. It takes work.
  • Create a system and stick with it

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast


Wes Schaeffer: Will Moore,
Wes Schaeffer: Man, founder of more momentum referred by Mark Victor Hansen, there's no pressure. Okay. No pressure at all, but he does all the pressure in the world welcome the sales podcast, man. How the heck are you
William Moore: I'm great, man. Thanks for having me, unless it's a pleasure to be here, bro.
Wes Schaeffer: So can we really run our lives like a successful startup, are we automatons that we're saying we're just robots, man. You just give like a. Are you going to reprogram me and
Wes Schaeffer: We fire.
William Moore: Ah, so
William Moore: Yes. And now, though.
William Moore: You know, we're not robots, but science is science.
William Moore: And science has concluded certain things over time, the way the brain works and operates and to me to ignore that stuff is just straight tomfoolery
William Moore: And it ends up leading to a frustrating.
William Moore: Life and regrets at the end. And so to me, it's sort of like hacking the system like I was able to do with my startup doorstep delivery. We started it up from scratch. I kind of learned. Okay.
William Moore: There are certain components of the business. I need to master like the marketing.
William Moore: The advertising, the sales, the
William Moore: The, you know, customer experience all these things and you just constantly tweak and modify and improve until you have a business that's, you know, firing on all cylinders, which I was able to do and we were able to exit for 320 $1 million in the end.
William Moore: Last year, which was was was neat and exciting, you know, so that was a 1011 year journey for me.
William Moore: And so now I pivoted into this would have been work. This has been my real passion project for many years. And what I've been working on and kind of as I started growing my life.
William Moore: It within the entrepreneurial space, I realized, you know, when I had that big payday is great as it felt, and I'm not gonna lie to you. It felt good to get that paycheck at the end of the day after all that hard work.
William Moore: But then 10 minutes later was like okay now what right and I feel like that is
William Moore: Every human goes through that you can't just
William Moore: Sit, sit on a beach drinking a pina colada for the rest of your life. It sounds really good in theory and I think we've mistakenly fallen into this. Well, if I could just earn enough money and have enough power to
William Moore: Be successful enough, then all my problems will go away. And the reality is that's not how it works. There's different areas of your life that you continually need to focus on and nurture and balance and build momentum in. And that's kind of what I've dedicated my life to now.
Wes Schaeffer: So do they show up like Publishers Clearing House with this like four-foot long check or is it a little more subtle than that.
William Moore: Little more subtle than that we got, we got half stock. And so let me be clear. I didn't get all 321 million.
William Moore: copies sold for obviously there's at that point we'd raised money there were people involved, but you know my check was big enough to where I was excited
William Moore: And technically, probably don't have to work for the rest of my life. But again, what I've learned ironically is it's it is that those goals. It's that working taking step by step, day by day, working towards something
William Moore: That is what life is all about and having sort of, hey, I want to get to here, and then you get to there, it's like okay now I want to get to here and then the giving back side of things is also a big part of all this, and I just got to that point.
William Moore: And
William Moore: I did take a couple of months off where I was like okay you know I haven't played golf, and like 10 years I haven't because I was neglecting all my course for
William Moore: Many of my goals, I should say, for, for a lot of years, even though deep down, I knew I needed to be doing them. But I put so much effort into just my one core career in finance.
William Moore: And so, I realized I got this big paycheck. It was half stock have cash. So I'm actually still invested in the new company that bought us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that. Hopefully, they don't go bust.
William Moore: But, um, yeah. And then I just said, Okay, now that I have the comfort zone. Bill, what do I really want to do with my life. What is my purpose, my passion? I don't even
William Moore: Like that word purpose because I feel like it's a little bit got a negative connotation. But connecting with my wife like why am I here.
Wes Schaeffer: So,
Wes Schaeffer: You know, people always talk about work-life balance. But then I hear a lot of entrepreneurs, you know, say, look, there's going to be seasons in your life where you are out of balance.
Wes Schaeffer: Should we, should we seek that that balance or is it, like, all right, this is a season. I'm going to work like a madman, you know, make hay, while the sun shines.
Wes Schaeffer: Which
William Moore: Which are those for last. Yeah, you
Wes Schaeffer: Describe to
William Moore: It's a really good question because something that can be a little confusing is I talked about, you know, you need to maintain balance in all of these cores.
William Moore: But to your question, which is a good one. It's not like every single day. You need to be firing on all cylinders. You don't have to have your
William Moore: You know, working on your mindset, working on your career and finances working on your relationships, working on your physical health.
William Moore: And working on your emotional health and giving back every single day. There's definitely seasons and, especially, you know, if you're starting up a new business or something like that. It's okay to spend more time.
William Moore: On that career and finance core and to put more time and effort, but the key is not to neglect the others completely like not completely fall off, but
William Moore: You know, you need to make sure you're still doing some sort of exercise regimen. Maybe it's not playing basketball for two hours.
William Moore: Three days a week, like you used to, maybe it's now figuring out a way to replace that with something you can do in 30 minutes that you get just as much, you know, exercise, and you know maybe it's for relationships.
William Moore: Figuring out a way to still maintain with your friends and family and with your significant other, you know, that same type of connection feeling
William Moore: But doing it in a way that maybe isn't as time-consuming, just so you can focus on that business stuff. But again, you got to have these things in the peripheral and making sure that you are
William Moore: Taking action on them somewhat and moving the needle forward.
William Moore: Otherwise you're just gonna what's going to end up happening, what's a lot of us do is we forget all those other ones. And we just go full force on the career in finance and again money. Take it for me.
William Moore: Once you get all that you thought you, you know more and more that you'd ever have. It's not the the solution. The solution to happiness is is all of these areas and making sure that you're continually growing and each
Wes Schaeffer: Would you ever tell people to
Wes Schaeffer: downplay the
Wes Schaeffer: The, the journey towards money. I mean,
Wes Schaeffer: It's like
Wes Schaeffer: If you look at Facebook and Instagram right, its life is all about getting a new watch in a nicer car, you know, and tighter abs.
Wes Schaeffer: But when you look under the hood. I mean, it seems like the most materialistic people online seem to be the most the least happy.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, eventually you see some kind of breakdown on these people, they have their, their transparent, authentic moment like a. Are they just too far out of balance, you know, or
William Moore: So,
Wes Schaeffer: Just be happy where they are and just try to bloom where their planet.
William Moore: That's another good question. So I definitely don't have. I don't think it's mutually exclusive, that if you make a ton of money that you're going to have problems and issues. Again, it's
Wes Schaeffer: Not
Wes Schaeffer: Me not making the money, but
Wes Schaeffer: Pursuing the money. Right. And in the pursuit. They just are missing out that they're letting other things go to that zero percent, and they're just they're too far out of balance for too long, focusing on the wrong thing.
William Moore: Well, that's exactly. That's exactly right. That's the key. And that's kind of what we're talking about. It's like you've got to have
Wes Schaeffer: These other ones.
William Moore: You got to be working on these other ones too. Because if you can clean it. I can honestly say that 10 years that I built doorstep delivery.
William Moore: Businesses selling we sold earlier, the first two and two to three were
William Moore: Fantastic. I was super, super into the business. I woke up every day, and I was growing up, I didn't have a garage young, and I didn't have a girlfriend, and you know I've got my friends with the weekend party. So I was fulfilling my relationship.
William Moore: I was working out. I was doing all these things, not not really knowing at a time. If I were to put the big picture together. But when I look back, I'm like okay.
William Moore: And then it wasn't until I started getting into the
William Moore: The 12 to 15 hour days and these other things started falling off by the wayside that I realized I wasn't happy and by the end, I was so miserable straight up with with with the business. I'm the one that actually went. I had three other partners.
William Moore: And I went out, and they said, We're selling this thing. I was like; I cannot work. I can't keep doing this every day. I do not enjoy what I'm doing anymore; there's more to life than doing this.
William Moore: And so I went out, and I actually found the person that we ended up partnering, we actually partnered with a company. First we grew, we raised money and we saw
William Moore: And so I kind of initiate all that just because in my soul. I knew like this wasn't, but if I ignored that and I just kept chasing. I guarantee that the story.
Wes Schaeffer: So in the middle of all this.
Wes Schaeffer: You get married, and I guess, start a family and that and that kind of open your eyes a little bit or, you know, was it just the maturation process. It's like, man I
Wes Schaeffer: You know I'm grinding away and missing the family and like how did that evolve, like if you had stayed single. Do you think you just kept grinding away and all would be fine. And you just be that. Who's that dude with the beard.
Wes Schaeffer: runs around acting like a cool guy with, I don't know, bikini models that his house. He owns a bear.
William Moore: Right.
William Moore: Right. That guy right i mean i don't know that guy, and I'm not here to judge anybody, but I can guarantee you, if that's
William Moore: What he's putting out there, there is there's a hollow space that he's trying to fill
William Moore: Well, that's exactly what I'm talking. So yes, the answer when I had when I got married, you know, life as you mature as you get older. So it's a combination of there was a natural
William Moore: Hopefully, hopefully, right.
William Moore: It's always I still my friends still call me Peter Pan, because I'm still a kid at heart. But that's actually part of
William Moore: The process. You want to keep that. But in terms of like selfishness. Let's talk about that part like it all being about you.
William Moore: It's very easy to get caught up in that trap and when you're young, it's, it's just kind of natural
William Moore: As you start to get a little bit older they get married. Okay. Now, there's another person that I need to look out for, and take care of and then you have kids and then the whole thing changes and for sure, when I had my first son wife who's now four and a half.
William Moore: You know, this is before we sold the business. And when I was in that stage where I was not happy at the old company, and I said you know what
William Moore: Something's gotta give like I want to be a good role model for this guy. This is what life is about how am I incorporating this, how am I going to show him.
William Moore: How to Be happy when I, myself, I'm not even happy. And so that's when I kind of pivoted and was like, This is my mission. I need to sell this company and I need to focus on what I really want to do
Wes Schaeffer: So to make him happy. Did, did you realize that you need to become a Packers fan. Was that, was that part of the path.
William Moore: Packers fan.
William Moore: orders that come in.
William Moore: As funny. Did you know i don't know
William Moore: I was a Packers fan.
Wes Schaeffer: Oh, well I just see your you live in Chicago. So I'm just guessing because
William Moore: Oh, yeah, yeah. So I
Wes Schaeffer: Got a solid
Wes Schaeffer: college buddies wants some Chicago ones from near Green Bay and they talk so much smack on each
Wes Schaeffer: I just sit there. I just pour fire on both and just enjoy the oh yeah that's
William Moore: That's, that's a good call. That's probably fun to sit back and watch that.
William Moore: So right, I should. So I moved to Chicago, five years ago this our business doorstep delivering on that. That was actually in Florida, that's
Wes Schaeffer: Florida. Okay, that's where you with the school right
William Moore: Yeah.
William Moore: What score in Florida. We run for them.
William Moore: No originally from DC. But does the moment I went to college and I moved there. And then I ended up staying up until five years ago, we moved. That's what I solved with selling my business in the process. So my business. And then my wife got into
William Moore: Northwestern here to for medical school.
William Moore: Kid and everything just kind of shifted so
William Moore: I'm not a fall, all in Bears fan, but I'm
William Moore: You know, living here, I get
Wes Schaeffer: The rubs off on you wherever you go and rubs off on you. I guess around it. I'm surrounded by all kinds of, you know, because nobody like is from California anymore. Right. There's a handful, but
William Moore: Right.
Wes Schaeffer: I mean there's chargers and then there's charger haters. Right. Oh, they moved it moved to LA and then now there's Rams fans because they are moved back and there's raiders fam. I'm surrounded by everybody, man. Then in Vegas. I don't know, man.
Wes Schaeffer: I don't worry about the NFL, but
William Moore: That's like one or two. Nobody's from Florida, it's like all right migrants, since you're kind of like I am a DOLPHINS FAN
Wes Schaeffer: Really
Wes Schaeffer: Like from the 70s. I am but not anymore but
Wes Schaeffer: Right, I digress.
Wes Schaeffer: Alright, so there's a lot of people listening to this saying.
Wes Schaeffer: I want the chance to find out if money doesn't make me happy. How do I make some right so I mean going back?
Wes Schaeffer: Because you start at your doorstep delivery what 10 years ago or a little more
William Moore: it's probably about 12 now.
Wes Schaeffer: Alright, so, so we're doing this so
Wes Schaeffer: 2000 8008 right
Wes Schaeffer: So the other stuff didn't exist right grub hub and whatever. I mean, so were you a leader in this space.
William Moore: I mean, honestly, we kind of were in that yeah grub hub didn't exist. Uber.
William Moore: Uber was a Uber didn't even exist when we went alone UberEats what's that's only
William Moore: Four or five years old.
William Moore: Yeah. Um, and, you know, iPhones and just come out at
Wes Schaeffer: Seven. Yeah.
William Moore: There were other P. It's not like I invented this food delivery, but there was nobody doing it efficiently and the only way at the time was to literally get on your phone.
William Moore: Like sit like they would have these, you know, you'd have your number people would call in, and they would place their order over the phone so
William Moore: Totally inefficient, not scalable who take forever, then you'd have to call your driver. And you hope that they would have had a Garmin GPS. You remember those things back.
William Moore: Because, again, this is before I you know, right right on the cusp of when I phones are coming out. And then if they had one, you know, you give them the address, and they plug it in.
William Moore: Or you sometimes you had our dispatchers had to walk them through, like, Okay, take a left here, take a right. I mean, really, really.
William Moore: Not a scalable thing and it was just really good timing I was stuck. The way I came up with the ideas. I was stuck. So I was selling real estate at the time.
William Moore: We were stuck in this office for 12 to 15 hours a day and selling land and sometimes it was so busy. This is back when the frothy real estate market right and the grass around 2007 2008
William Moore: But back in 2006. It was like anybody in their mother could get alone. And it was just no holds barred our phones ringing off the hook so
William Moore: I was like, how do I get food that I want to eat and there just wasn't an opportunity, other than pizza and Chinese, which was has been the standard for years and years and years. And I said, I want sushi. I want a salad from Panera I want chicken sandwich.
William Moore: And so I had the idea, and we just kind of cultivated and then I quit my job at Florida land partners, everybody thought I was crazy, because the market hadn't quite crashed yet. But I saw it coming.
William Moore: And they're like, what, what you're making all this, why would you. I'm like, trust me this story is not going to end well. It
William Moore: Is coming to an end and I just happened to get right into food delivery at the right time, the iPhone came out. We quickly developed our own software.
William Moore: Which allowed us to integrate the iPhones, with the driver so that the order would come in, it would automatically shoot it to the driver. They had the address. They had all
William Moore: The food that they needed to pick up all that stuff. So that quickly made it scalable. And then, you know, that's when it was fun, right, when we were we were trailblazers and we were doing all this stuff and nobody else was doing it, really. And then it was wasn't until
William Moore: Uber eats grub hub Amazon Prime. And at one point had food like they all started coming in competing in our markets.
William Moore: And it was like okay games over like the there. These are billion dollar companies that are losing money hand over fist to gain market year
William Moore: Where we started this with our own blood, sweat and tears on our own money.
William Moore: Like there's no way long term we're going to compete and it just became harder and harder and more of a grind and at this point we had 19 branches throughout Florida.
William Moore: And the southeast. We had franchises. We had corporate locations. Our franchisees were never happy because they're never making enough money and our royalties are too high. And we're not giving them enough support.
William Moore: You off courses and other side all that. But it's just the nature of the business. So it just got to be like 90% of my time was playing defense. I was like, versus in the beginning, being that Trailblazer
William Moore: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: So how does a 2728 year old real estate guy jump into the fledgling App Market. I mean that's that's a big pivot. Yeah.
William Moore: I mean, again, it was I
William Moore: I feel fortunate that timing of the iPhone came out and I said there, you know, this is an opportunity here like people now.
William Moore: Now all of our drivers have these already. They don't have to go out and buy 200 $300 Garmin GPS is which most of them can't afford. Anyways, we can very easily and quickly get the orders to them. I was like,
William Moore: I know we can figure this out. And it was not a fun journey. Let me, let me just first say that. So anybody thinking about starting an app.
William Moore: Make sure that you do your research on who you partner with, make sure that you have the basics.
William Moore: Of what you want to do we kind of went into it, like, oh, we kind of want to do this, we kind of want to do that. And we didn't do our due diligence on who we partner with
William Moore: Two and a half years later $500,000 later you know we had a version of an app that wasn't awesome but we got a new company. We tweaked it. We made it better, you know,
William Moore: That's just, that's just the nature of the beast. So, you know,
William Moore: timing wise, I think it was good. Just like I got into real estate at the right time. Originally I think I saw the writing on the wall with
William Moore: People want food delivery. They want convenience, all of a sudden they have these devices in their hands and they can order from Amazon. They can order, you know, clothes, and all these things. It's like one outfit.
Wes Schaeffer: So did you put your own money into this
William Moore: Yeah, we didn't raise any money. It was 100% our own there was started started with me and my best friend who I actually pulled out of Florida land partners, the real estate company. I was with. I said, hey,
William Moore: I'm leaving. You want to come with me and he's like no way he's like, there's no way there's enough money in this
William Moore: And I just kept tugging at him. He was, you know, like I said he was my best friend to and we'd be going out and we'd be drinking and I'd be like, You sure I was like, I got you know the today. I wrote the business plan, you know tomorrow.
William Moore: And he just kind of came around and then it was he and I, and then we ended up finding two other guys kind of rock a similar path of Gainesville, Florida, trying to do the same thing and we partnered with them, then we're off to the races.
Wes Schaeffer: How do you
Wes Schaeffer: divvy up
Wes Schaeffer: Between four founders, was it was it luck. You know, like one guys technical one guys outgoing. I mean, you know,
William Moore: It was, who's the boss who's the CEO.
Wes Schaeffer: Who's the board who has the final say how do you figure that out.
William Moore: Well, you just hit on one of the main reasons they got really unfun
William Moore: There was none and we didn't establish, you know, we went in with the spirit of look for for hard working, guys. We want to make something of this and at first he was okay, everybody was kind of
William Moore: But then when somebody would try to step up and and just my mind, I'm an organizational I tried to, you know, say, Okay, this is what needs to be done. There was a lot of resistance.
William Moore: From certain members like don't tell me what to do. You know, and then it was like wall. Okay, but you can't just be off going rogue and doing stuff. And we don't know what it. So there's four different personalities and four different ways of doing things.
William Moore: Everybody had their own strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, the truth to that question is I don't feel like we ever
William Moore: Got into a groove where we were. We were really meshing to our was like okay this is your strength. This is your strength. This is your strength. This is my strength.
William Moore: You're doing this, you're doing this, I tried and my partners. And I'm not saying anything that they don't already know where now we're actually much better friends now.
William Moore: Right, that that we've gotten out of it. And we were able to know like, thank goodness. Exit before things really included but
William Moore: You know, they'll, they'll all tell you you know we had there was definitely a lot of conflict. And then when you add like I said all the franchisees coming at you and
William Moore: Nobody being happy in your vendors and then your customers aren't happy because their foods not coming on time and you just you're playing defense and you're constantly being pitched at
William Moore: Which you know that's that's not a fun time.
Wes Schaeffer: Did you give them your life evaluation quiz and they just rub it in your face, as I told you I was right from the beginning.
William Moore: But now, now they're off doing their own things now and I
William Moore: I support, like I said, we talked periodically and you know I they're doing their things I'm doing mine. There's part of what I'm doing. I'm supportive, but they're
Wes Schaeffer: They're cool
Wes Schaeffer: So all right, you get bought out. Got a got a chunk some some change. You got a little more than what's. You don't have to shake the cushions for for a tip right for the Uber eats guy.
Wes Schaeffer: You golf for two months.
Wes Schaeffer: How do you know where to go after that what what led you down this path of life skills and valuation and fulfillment. I mean, that's a
Wes Schaeffer: It's a big pivot. Right. I mean, Elon Musk didn't do that. Right. He just keep sleeping under his desk and and you know goes to goes to Mars and make solar and Baba, blah.
William Moore: Right, and then a lot of people would let and that's, you know, it's funny you look at
William Moore: What's the ideal. What do people want to be like, and how many people that you asked if he said, Would you want to switch with Elon Musk and say yes. Probably a lot right it's because of the way society setup in terms of what success means and he's obviously killing in
William Moore: Terms of financial at least. But I think from what I've heard, and whatever I he lives a pretty tortured life.
William Moore: Right, he, he, he'll tell you I'm not happy. Most of the time, you know, constantly stress. Like he said he sleeping understaffed. And he's constantly
William Moore: And you can see it. I mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see
William Moore: Or a Tesla scientists to see that he's not firing on all cylinders and he's neglecting some of these other areas, but
William Moore: For me, you know what I ended up coming to the realization. It's not like I just, you know, one day woke up was like, Oh, I'm going to get into the stuff I've already been doing since college, I was actually suicidal in college. I had a really rough background childhood.
William Moore: Long story short, my parents got divorced early. My mom was an alcoholic. She's abusive and by the time I got to college, I was your typical victim life sucks my brains broken
William Moore: And never going to become anything and all these other people are so great. And why can't I do like them type of deal like a lot of to teenagers get and I was serendipitously introduced to a book at the time called How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie through
William Moore: One of my professors just mentioned on the side and I went and read like just devoured the book that had to happen, happen and happen to have it in her school library, had they not
William Moore: Be today, but it just changed my whole perspective on like there is a different way to look at things. There's different there's certain principles out there.
William Moore: In the world, and if I hear to them if I use them to my advantage for making it all about me and I can become an owner of my life. I can grow and
William Moore: And these things, then you know there's hope. And I just kind of made a pact with myself to reinvent itself that day. So this, this happened over the years, right, and the business was part of that.
William Moore: And again, I didn't put the five courses together until after I'd actually sold my business, but I will. I was
William Moore: Living the five core life and that again you know for certain times the career in finance would definitely take over, and to get in the end I realized it was too much. And that's why I needed to get rid of.
William Moore: What the, the system that I was in, in terms of 90% of it was career in finance and I can only have time for this other stuff.
William Moore: But I realized that just like any business, like I was saying earlier, you've got human resources, you've got marketing, you've got sales.
William Moore: Your life is the same way. And that's why you go to my website and see how to how to treat your life become an entrepreneur of the most important business you'll ever run. It's your life right like
William Moore: And just like you run a business, you need to run your life the same way. But ironically so many people spend all this time trying to make the money, but they don't put the time in,
William Moore: To run their life and to be happy, like they do to run their business. And so to me it was like, it's all about understanding what these cores are balancing them. The them.
William Moore: realizing what the habits are within each of them because to me it's all we're all about habits. Right.
William Moore: We're not. We're running 95% of habits and it's like what habits do you have in each of these cores are they good are they bad
William Moore: They're going to compound over time, they're going to form, who you are.
William Moore: That's, that's what it's going to end up determining your happiness. So if you've got bad habits and each of these. You're just asking for trouble down the road, you may be able to get away in the short term period.
William Moore: But eventually I call it the equation of life. I came up with, which is your belief system.
William Moore: Plus your repeated actions plus time equals who you will become and so it's all about figuring out where am I in each of these areas. What are the habits of developed and how do I replace them with ones that are going to actually be happy.
Wes Schaeffer: Well, you're either still crazy or you found the answer, because you have a picture of yourself and ugly Christmas sweater on your homepage. I mean, dude. That's your either crazy or just very bold and confident
William Moore: Yeah. Well, to me, like I said earlier, there's probably a little both. Um, and, you know, I
William Moore: I connecting to your human spirit that childlike wonder, that's a big part of what I do.
William Moore: And I feel like we all go through this stage when we're kids and it's all butterflies and puppy dogs and ice cream and, you know, everything is
William Moore: Is is, you know, like, what's this day hold for me. And then we get into the reality of life. And a lot of times that gets crushed and killed. And then we're just kind of hovering between rock bottom, and our
William Moore: our full potential. Right. And so to me it's like, how do you raise that to where you're closer to your full potential.
William Moore: And part of that is you gotta have fun and you got to just like be able to laugh at yourself and again that book. I was just telling you about how to win friends and influence people. It's not about you.
William Moore: It's not about me, me, me. Look at me and being so worried about what other people think like that video I just put
William Moore: With me and my Christmas sweater dancing like an idiot. I would have never done that back in the day, because I would have been way too ashamed or self conscious to be like, Oh my God, what are people going to think
William Moore: But now I'm just like, this is me being wild and fun and this is who I am. In the end, if you're down and you're you know you like this type of stuff and you want to kind of experience some of that then let's do it together.
Wes Schaeffer: So you've got your quiz. You've got some various tools, you've got the I'm linking to your Instagram. I'm looking at. Now the number five right five chord life.
Wes Schaeffer: You've got some big followings. I mean, how, how have you grown this since you made that shift and dove in
William Moore: So yeah, I mean, just like I was saying there earlier, the equation life. Your, your belief system plus your repeated actions.
William Moore: Plus time equals who you become. I mean, it's actually been even though we only sold her company beginning last year, I've been working on this more like
William Moore: Three years because I was, I had a role in the company. But I had also had a lot of time. So it's been it's not and that's the other funny thing about success is people always look at the successful person they go
William Moore: Are so lucky just happen overnight. It's like, Nah, it's been one little I've
William Moore: Learned a lot of mistakes in this new business that I have
William Moore: hurdles and things that I've come in contact with that weren't in my old business and I've learned and learned a lot about social media.
William Moore: And now I'm building another app actually which is all about what I was telling you earlier stopping the bad habits.
William Moore: And replacing them with success habits, but I'm doing it in a game of five fun addictive way.
William Moore: And I want to like basically take these phones that we're all addicted to and I want to say okay, how can we use these to our advantage to when you're leveling up on screen addicted to like social media in these games.
William Moore: You're actually leveling up in real life, too. So that's been a real that's I've been working on that for for last three years as well. And I'm actually just getting into the development stages. I had said earlier.
William Moore: You know, I learned my lesson of just jumping in and then it takes way longer and you end up and then once you develop a certain amount of your app. It's hard to go back to so
William Moore: Yeah, so, and then the book that I'm writing as well. I'm excited about. So yeah, I mean, it's all just been a journey and it's it's one of those things where
William Moore: One day at a time and and you know I've been having some really great results. I've been having some shitty results, pardon my language but I focus on the good ones. And I get to, you know, learn from the bad ones and just keep moving forward every day.
Wes Schaeffer: How do you balance.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, creating something to to help people with making money right it's I think a lot of people are afraid of money. I think they have head trash around money.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, we're raised thinking you know it's not polite to talk about money. I just want to help people. I just want to make the world a better place. It's like
Wes Schaeffer: Well, you better stay in business, right. We can't help anybody you know you're going to be jumping from job to job living paycheck to paycheck. So how, how do you balance the, you know, wanting to give back and help versus now I gotta charge some money for this so I can grow it?
William Moore: Well, and that's exactly why career and finances is one of your cores, right so it's not like you can just ignore that and be like, I just like you said, I mean it's, that's not how the world works you money is important.
William Moore: And having a certain amount to feel comfortable is important. What I get into with people.
William Moore: is number one, when you start to make money, how to grow exponentially like just basic, simple things like using the law of compounding and passive income generation and these types of things to grow your wealth. A lot of people just aren't taking advantage of
William Moore: And, you know, but money itself is something where and a lot of people. The other thing I talked about with people is
William Moore: Like being sure not to get caught and chasing that the keeping up with the Joneses, so to speak, right, like, I'll never forget I listened to a Tim Ferriss podcast, who I love,
William Moore: And he had a billionaire on there who caught himself, who was literally talking about how he had this jet, and he said
William Moore: He had a jet right he owns a jet right that's like something that we're all like, holy cow. If I can ever get to that. That'd be like insane.
William Moore: And he said, another guy. Another billionaire that he knows got the newer version of his jet and he literally started to get depressed, he said. And he's like,
William Moore: I want that. And he said he caught himself and was like, what am I doing, and that's exactly the perfect example of like
William Moore: On a smaller level. We all do it like this guy has this and just like you said, social media. It's this new watch. It's this person's got this bag or, you know,
William Moore: And but that's not when you get caught up and like you just want more and more and more versus okay figuring out what it is that I need like what do I really want. What do I need? Okay. I want a house like to drive a nice car.
William Moore: I'd like to be able to take care of my, my family without worrying every day if I'm going to be able to cover the bills.
William Moore: Like, you get to that stage, and it's actually science has proven, there's an increment, there is a level where you don't get incrementally happy happier after you make a certain amount of money and a lot of people would probably argue that I again being in this
William Moore: Using myself as an example, who has for a while. Money was a huge focus for me, just as it is for many young people success entrepreneurs trying to start out and grow their business and you get that paycheck glittering in your eyes in the background. But then once you get it, it's like, oh wow okay so
William Moore: Well now, do I just want to go make 100 million because you know personally 100 million because why so that I can know. I'm like, No, I have the house that I want to live in.
William Moore: I have the yard that I want for my kids. My kids are being taken care of. I don't have to worry about paying my bills each month.
William Moore: I drive the car that I will actually I drive a wrap for right now and it's Elise and it's I did, that's a whole nother lesson. But basically, I don't drive a ton. And so right now I'm like okay I literally drive maybe 20 miles a week.
William Moore: And my car sits in my driveway. I'm not going to get an expensive car, but I have goals. And when I finished my book in the app and rewarding myself with my dream car. But the point is, I can afford these things.
William Moore: And just buying it all and getting like if I did have the best car. And then I want that new model that came out.
William Moore: It's like just more more more doesn't work, you gotta figure out what it is I want, and then you want to set goals and be able to work towards those things versus saying I want more.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
Wes Schaeffer: I want to go back to your college days, your victim mentality right, and there's
Wes Schaeffer: I mean, not everybody can just flip the switch. I mean, a professor mentions a book in passing, most people are not even listening. They do listen
Wes Schaeffer: If they hear it, it doesn't resonate. It doesn't stick. Maybe if it sticks, they still don't take the action to go get the book. They go get the book.
Wes Schaeffer: They probably won't read if they do read it. Yeah, they'll make excuses. Yeah. That doesn't apply to me. I'm different. My situations, different, you know, and they're full of crap but it exists it persists.
Wes Schaeffer: Why do you think it resonated with you. Why do you think you made that switch because a lot of people don't
William Moore: So yeah, I talked about this in my book and some of the material I get into basically, I think I was fortunate, and then I call it my rock bottom bounce like
William Moore: A lot of people, like I was saying earlier, hover between rock bottom, and their best self their whole life, not quite low enough
William Moore: To be like desperate enough to be like, I have got to do something major to change my life but not high enough to where they're you know they're they're living it you know really just experienced true happiness on a day to day basis. They may have glimpses of it here and there, but not not the type that we're all capable of
William Moore: And so I got to I was, I was on the the the rock bottom side, right. Like I said, I was suicidal, and I just happened to hear this. I was looking. I was like, I need something right
William Moore: And this guy mentioned this book. And I just, he was literally my favorite professor at the time and I had a lot of respect for him just about the way he taught and just personally just the way his vibe and everything and you tell he was happy to do it right. And I'm like, Okay, what is it, he's like, I read this book, years ago, and it changed my life. And I was like,
William Moore: That's what I need. And I went, and like I said they had it if they had they not had it. I wonder if I'd actually taken it to the next level and back then they didn't have Amazon and these types of things. So I would add to what Barnes and Noble go try to find it. Maybe I would have maybe I wouldn't have.
William Moore: But by reading it, it just, it did it something ignited in me, and I was like okay this is this world of being able to better myself and taking universal principles that have been around since the beginning of time, and I'll be around till the end like you read this book that was written in the 30s.
William Moore: By Dale Carnegie, and it holds up today like you really wouldn't if they put modern references in it, which I think they've done now.
William Moore: You wouldn't even knows written and that's that's the point. It's like you just gotta fuck you got to know what these things are. And you got to abide by them. You can't cheat the system. If you try to go off and do it your own way and
William Moore: Yeah, well, I know it says make other people feel special and make it about them and be empathetic and build your relationships that way. But I'm going to do it my way and just make it all about me that may work in the short term.
William Moore: But eventually, aT your funeral, you're not going to have a big audience. Number one. And number two, there's two people that are there. They're not going to have the best things to say, and that's where I was like, No, that's not what I want. This is how I'm good.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, that's cool. So
Wes Schaeffer: Interesting how
Wes Schaeffer: God puts
Wes Schaeffer: People in your path right it's like there's little miracles everywhere. We're just maybe we don't recognize them maybe we're not looking, you know, so that's cool. I mean, kudos to you for doing it. I actually, I give that book as a gift. Quite often to
Wes Schaeffer: Young people, you know, graduating high school graduating college. And what I'll do throughout the book, like in the margins.
Wes Schaeffer: Our right like when you get to this page. Call me, you know, and I'll give you another 20 bucks and later I get this pay. I'll send you 50 bucks. Nobody's ever cooked nobody's ever collected
William Moore: Wow. Right. You can lead a horse to water. And that's the thing you got to really want to. And so part of what I'm trying to do here, West is I'm trying to make it fun.
William Moore: There is a negative stigma to personal development, you know, self-help was what it was more called and our day. It's kind of but
William Moore: There's still a stigma of, like, what's wrong, your brain's broken while you need help. Like, were you trying so hard.
William Moore: You know this. I'm coaching a couple young guys right now actually at my alma mater Rollins college and one of them says these this term try hearts.
William Moore: And hearts. That's what all the cool kids basically like if you're out there trying harder or trying to better yourself or do something. It's not like
William Moore: You know, within the herd type thing. It's like, well, what do you. Why are you trying so hard, or what do you think you're better than everybody else. And that just
William Moore: There's always that and I think there's always going to be because it's those people that aren't rising to their level that are always going to try to pull everybody down right those ones that are
William Moore: And so yeah, I mean, to me, it's just, it's all about helping people understand that their full potentials in there and there's a way to find it. And I just want to kind of help them do it.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, the crabs in the bucket, right, reach up and
Wes Schaeffer: Pull them back down.
William Moore: That's exactly right. It's like, well, wait, this guy. No, no. We're good here.
William Moore: Now because, you know, you know, but if you try to go up there, then that makes me feel worse about myself and I don't really like that.
William Moore: Right, I'm going to pull you back down here, there's, there's always going to be that. So I'm trying to game a phi, the experience, like I said, with my app.
William Moore: I'm trying to make it fun. I'm trying to make it cool. I'm trying to cause, not even a cool word anymore. What is the word for cool? I don't even know.
Wes Schaeffer: I don't know what's cool anymore. So I don't know.
William Moore: Right.
You know, and
William Moore: That's the thing. Like, people just because I know that they want this right. It's not like this isn't like nobody wants to be happy and feel better.
William Moore: Yale had a course they came out with not terribly long ago that quickly became the number one course that they've ever offered and has since become this huge national phenomenon. You can get it online.
William Moore: For free look it up. It's their happiness course and it basically is just how to be happy and it just exploded when they did this. So it's not like there's not this one.
William Moore: But it's how you go about it and like you said you can give somebody a book, but it's like, oh, I want this, you know, this book written seven years ago. It's like
William Moore: How you combine that with what's going on today, like with social media gaming in this instance generation is instant gratification. It's tough, but that's that's what I've made my mission to be
Wes Schaeffer: Have you noticed any changes in friends and family.
Wes Schaeffer: Once you sold, you know, they all think you're this like super-rich guy that can end poverty and certainly donate to their kids fundraiser. I mean, that is there any downfall from that.
William Moore: So I've been fortunate enough to not have people come out and say those things to me.
William Moore: It's definitely a vibe, you get from certain people that that's just human nature, you're always going to get
William Moore: That you know there's a guy, a group of guys I go on a golf trip with and we have this running joke.
William Moore: Because we're still on a text chain with each other. One guy one time made a comment. He's like, so what do you now that you sold. This was right after I told he's like, what do you do, you just sit around in your bathrobe in front of the fire and drink.
William Moore: Drink want a wine and champagne all day. I was like, yeah, that's
William Moore: That's about it.
William Moore: So we have that as a joke. But, you know, right, it's
William Moore: Always gonna be haters, like you're saying harder. You know, there's always going to be people and there's always gonna be people that are jealous and
William Moore: That's part of human nature and the only thing you can do is, like I said, I'm now spending a lot of money. I have zero products I'm selling right now. So let me be clear about that. You go to my website, you have, you can take this
William Moore: This quarter quiz and find out where you stand in each of these five core areas and then it'll ask you for your email, and then you can be. I have a weekly email I send out as you said, we have the
William Moore: Web the Instagram page five core life spelled with a five not fit eat that has daily insights and videos and I'm making. I'm just trying to spread this stuff that I know that I've figured out
William Moore: And again, I got two small boys. If nothing else, I want to make sure they don't
William Moore: That they go down the right path and they don't make some of the same mistakes. I do. And they're starting on the right foot, because
William Moore: Habits don't care if they're good or bad helping or hurting us once they're form. They're really hard to undo and they do determine and they dictate kind of who we are and our happiness. And so it's like if you can set them early enough.
William Moore: You're, you're in a much better position again of basing them off of the universal principles of things that have been proven
William Moore: To lead to happiness versus, you know, you can undo them. They're like these tix that just grab on hard.
William Moore: It takes work. And you got to make a commitment to yourself and then once you undo them and you get your mind working in the right way. They actually goes on autopilot.
William Moore: And it says, Okay, I'm going to conserve energy. I got that one. I'm not going to worry about it. And so then you got your habits working for
William Moore: Instead of against you and that's my goal is to try to help people with that. And again, I'm not right now, eventually, I'm gonna have my app. I'm gonna have a book. But right now I'm just kind of trying to build the movement and get people into it.
Wes Schaeffer: Right, very cool.
Wes Schaeffer: Vest, the name, huh, the more momentum.
Wes Schaeffer: That's it. Very nice. So I'm linking to that. So it's more with anymore. It's m.com
William Moore: And RA. Yep.
Wes Schaeffer: They can learn about your book, but right at the top. It's what's your core score. Right. That's where the quizzes.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah, five core assessments.
Wes Schaeffer: They can see your ugly Christmas sweater.
Wes Schaeffer: Look at that day.
Wes Schaeffer: I'm gonna have to embed that on the right, I'm gonna go grab that before you take it down, man.
William Moore: That's all she you know that, like, maybe it's supposed to. There's me. It's literally been dancing to a queen song.
William Moore: There's one of my favorites
Wes Schaeffer: YouTube it's there.
William Moore: It is there. Okay.
William Moore: Just being a complete
William Moore: And to me, that's, that's the point. It's like, Look, we all have this in us, at what point did you stop dancing. At what point did you stop singing allowed because you're embarrassing yourself conscious like just like
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
William Moore: You only got one life to live.
Wes Schaeffer: Yeah.
Love it.
Wes Schaeffer: Very cool. Well, I am linking to that like into your five core life; that's it right for me see. Yeah. Yep.
William Moore: Yep, five core life with us.
Wes Schaeffer: You know, like in there. So a very cool man. Any. Any final parting words. Any questions I should have asked?
William Moore: Know you die, you actually I some really good ones you know, you hit on a lot of topics that allowed me to kind of talk about stuff. And what I'm doing and the different perspectives of how people might be saying it differently.
William Moore: Um, you know, at the end of the day, I'll just say if I have to leave people with one advice. One piece of advice is just whether you know you do it through what I'm doing, or
William Moore: You decide to do it on your own come up with a system.
William Moore: Because if you just try to just say, okay, well, like look at New Year's resolutions, how many of those fail like 99% of them because you okay, I'm going to do this, this year, but there's no system.
William Moore: There's nothing to undo that tick bad habit like I was saying it's grabbing on really hard. You got to have a system that allows you to sort of get through the hard part and replace that failure habit with a success habit.
William Moore: So you got to have some I have one. Something I share with people. But if you know, like I said, just come up with one where you're holding yourself accountable in some way, and you're making sure you're doing that thing every single day and taking that action.
William Moore: Until it goes the way you want it to, you know,
Wes Schaeffer: No easy button.
William Moore: No easy button. There's a lot of people that'll tell you they can sell you the
William Moore: The elixir to happiness for 999
Wes Schaeffer: And the right one run from
Wes Schaeffer: Amen, run from them, and run to you. All right, man. Well, more. Thanks for coming on the podcast, man. It's been great.
William Moore: Absolutely. Thank you very much less. This was awesome, man.
Wes Schaeffer: Thanks. Right. What do we say, Go Bears. Good. Go Bears.
William Moore: Sure. Go Bears.