Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, Pouyan Salehi Aug 10, 2021 Wes Schaeffer The Sales Podcast Professional Development Marketing Automation Digital Marketing Entrepreneur Share this blog post on Twitter Share this blog post on Facebook Share this blog post on LinkedIn Launch, Grow, and Scale Your Business [ LISTEN NOW ON ITUNES ] Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast... Lots of ups and downs, with more downs than ups Apple was filled with driven people They worked hard Lots of trips to supply chain Jeff Williams was a great leader who asked great questions to make you think You can fill up the space with key questions, not just flapping your gums Attention to detail is key If I'm comfortable, I'm uncomfortable." He left Apple and hit a brick wall but he wanted to do his own thing He wanted to make a bigger impact by doing his own business Joined a team as an advisor It wasn't the "right time." There is always a reason not to launch He had business school debt His wife was one year into law school Left Apple on a Friday, was starting on Monday, and on Sunday he learned his wife was pregnant with their first child while they had a reduction in income and no benefits It was not easy Finding a team that works well together is hard to do Most companies die from the inside How do you know what problem is worth solving? Look for the signal Work backward Get some signal in the market first Try to sell your solution before you build it, which is easier to do in the SaaS space Can you articulate your problem and solution ahead of time? It was a tedious process launching Scratchpad CRMs like Salesforce are tools for management Sales reps create their own workspaces It was an exercise in storytelling That informed what part of the product to build and it let us know the talent and skillset we needed to build it He's a fan of direct outbound Have a thesis of who has this problem and reach out to them Experiment on your messaging You don't go for the close on a cold call It's baby steps Don't jump to conclusions Don't make assumptions (Follow the New ABCs of Selling) Speed to market and profitability comes from simplicity Product design is key Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast ScratchPad is hiring
The Sales Podcast Marketing Automation The Sales Whisperer® Way' Chapter 1 How can Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu help you make every sale? Click here to download the episode. Read More
The Sales Podcast Professional Development Marketing Automation Digital Marketing Entrepreneur Fix Your Follow Up Failure To Grow Sales, Chris Wills Better Sales Systems Creates Sales [ LISTEN NOW ON ITUNES ] Read More