Welcome to the Personal Relationship Manager
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What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...
- From job boards to LinkedIn to HelloPhello
- Most have thousands of contacts but only stay in touch personally with 20 in a year
- Execution is key
- Owns Global Network Recruiting. Built this platform for himself.
- How can you help more people?
- Stay in touch at least every six months
- Only 25% of LinkedIn users log in more than once per month
- Can't organize contacts on LinkedIn
- Can't send multiple emails
- Send emails to your LinkedIn contacts
- Few have leveraged/applied CRMs/SaaS into their personal lives
- Thus "PRM—Personal Relationship Manager"
- We're going to start paying to narrow our tribes
- LinkedIn made it too big
- People who invest in their networks are going to get the better jobs
- Cultivate what you have
- Your digital stamp/digital presence
- Beyond faxes and paper resumes
- Now we all look the same
- We need personal/professional websites
- Humanize yourself
- Functional and Chemistry is 50/50 of your interview
- And they help you build it properly
- Gather all of your contacts into one platform
- The platform will pre-organize your contacts
- Communicate based on the level of the individual
- Tag to segment
- This is the PRM concept
- Automate to reach bigger audiences
- Lists
- Phello Insights gives you templates to accelerate and improve your communications with your contacts
- Batch your communications to a level you can handle
- You can't validate a Gmail address
- Outlook is the worst
- Getting advice via Phello Insights
- No contact limit
- Can only send 2,000 emails per day
- Validate and clean your list regularly
Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast
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