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How To Make More Sales With Your iPhone Sitting at The Pool

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Post by "Wes Schaeffer"

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The media have predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions (Clone)

I barely remember sitting in the family sedan waiting for gas in the early 70's.

If You Think You're Desperate, You Are

One of the earliest pieces of advice I remember hearing from my dad is

If it bleeds, don't let it lead your day

The 2016 Rio Olympics are almost over and I haven't heard of any athletes droppind dead from the...

Did you hear about the Swede who believed in reincarnation?

There was a Swede who believed in reincarnation.

When did begging for business become acceptable?

Yesterday I got a message on Facebook from an acquaintance inviting me to check out his Indiegogo...

Give everyone the benefit of the doubt

Oliver Wendell Homes was right when he wrote...

Would You Like Fries With That?

What a simple question.

What a powerful question.What a profitable question.(Shhhh. It's also a...

You need to sell BETR™. Let's look at T.

The adage "People must know, like and trust you before they'll buy from you" has been beaten to...

You need to sell BETR™. Let's look at E.

Empathy essentially means you see things from the perspective of others...You know what it's like...

Reach For The Stars | Entrepreneurship 101

38 years 22 days ago, a 1,588 pound (721.9 kg) blinking gizmo was perched precisely 157 feet (47.8...

Gorillas of growth in the Inner circle

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Tough guys, self-proclaimed goo-roos, and carnival barkers start with a disclaimer as a "pattern interrupt,"