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Belief, Service, and Consistent Improvement With Joe Templin

"Kaizen is about embracing the better truth and making micro improvements over...


Posts about Sales Training (6)

What are you really selling?

"Selling" is a four-letter word for a lot of people, including so-called salespeople.

I say...

Open Your Ears to L(ear)n and (Ear)n More

How Not To Make a Sales Call

This image is not of an imaginary conversation I dreamed up.


Do This To Avoid Average Sales and Marketing Results

Are You Satisfied With Normal?

"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and...

Why Funny Salespeople Never Make The Sale

There's a difference between making your prospect laugh and being funny.

Being in control of your...

Professional Selling Skills #17: Ask Questions They Can't Answer

If you've heard me speak for more than five minutes you've heard me say...

Stand your ground on pricing to do your best work

Services Are Not Widgets

The quality of services you receive—and give—are not the same when you...

Self-Confidence: The #1 Enemy Facing Salespeople Today
(Do me a favor: look at the clock on your computer and write down
Rapport-Building Is Overrated In Selling

Old School Sales Training Says...

People buy from people they know, like, and trust.

All things...

Your Elevator Pitch Is Bass Ackwards


The moment you've been

How To Set Firm Appointments To Close Bigger Sales, Faster, & Easier

"The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it."

~ ...

Detach. Relax. Get Into Flow. Watch Your Success Grow.

My father hates me.

In 1993 he got me addicted.

April 3 of 1993 to be precise.

It's a day one tends...

Look Out the Window To Dream Big and Grow Sales

As A Business Owner You Need To Focus To Grow

How crazy is it that airline pilots for Northwest had...

Gorillas of growth in the Inner circle

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Tough guys, self-proclaimed goo-roos, and carnival barkers start with a disclaimer as a "pattern interrupt,"

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