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Belief, Service, and Consistent Improvement With Joe Templin

"Kaizen is about embracing the better truth and making micro improvements over...


Posts about Small Business Marketing (4)

The Weekly Whisper: The Profitability of One Time Offers
One Time Offers Enable You To Grow Your Profits

You're In Business To Make A Profit, Right?


How To Be Made Whole At Your Job

I have a confession to make.

Andy Gross is my kind of fun. I love playing practical jokes on...

Get Your Business Ready Early for the Seasonal Sales Jump

How ready is your business for the upcoming holiday season?

Retail analysts predict a 15.3%...

4 Trends for Small Business Marketing Success
The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." ~Winston Churchill

The Great...

The Best Tool To Grow Your Sales

Common sales myths:

...we have all of these patents, trademarks and intellectual property."

The Best Free Sales Training on the Planet

"Everything on the internet should be free!"

Free "growth hacks," free templates, free software,...

Your Solution To Business Problems
Business problems today are simple:
  • React to
As though I put a gun to your head

If I put a gun to your head and I asked you what you do and why I should buy from you, what do you...

Best CRM For Small Business Questions
Small Business CRM Questions...They're Tougher Than You Think.

CRM: Customer Relationship...

Categorize yourself or be mis-categorized
One of the key principles I cover with both my sales training clients and my marketing clients is...
Who Is John Galt?

Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" was released as a movie on April 15, 2011.

I first heard of Any Rand...

Gorillas of growth in the Inner circle

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Tough guys, self-proclaimed goo-roos, and carnival barkers start with a disclaimer as a "pattern interrupt,"

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